Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
channelpartner.de berichtet:
Karrierefalle "unklare Projektaufträge"
Viele Projekte nehmen nicht den (vom Auftraggeber) gewünschten Verlauf, weil die Beteiligten zu Beginn nicht sauber klären: Was ist der konkrete ...
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businessmanagementdaily.com berichtet:
Bring Lean methodology into work
Kanban: Staff establishes minimum and maximum quantities for a specific form. The forms are stacked in the filing cabinet with a visual signal when ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How project managers can succeed with procurement management
Procurement management is critical to successful project management—and yet, some project managers are unfamiliar with the practice, or perhaps ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
How to cope and bounce back from a failing IT project
The writing is typically on the wall well before trouble is officially declared. As soon as project management solutions found the Web, transparency into ...
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itnews.com.au berichtet:
How to deliver a successful IT project
We've corralled the winners of this year's iTnews Benchmark Awards to present their successful projects at the inaugural Benchmark Winners ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Teams and the Way They Work
Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional. Self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Gross Definitions: 144 Agile Terms You Simply Have To Know
Agile Coach: A suitably skilled person, such as a Scrum Master, who can teach, train, mentor, or otherwise communicate agile change and its ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Software testing automation: A guide for project managers
It's the eternal nightmare of software project managers: the system you've been working on for months goes live and blows up. A common culprit: a ...
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itbusinessnet.com berichtet:
7 Mistakes to Avoid as a Project Manager
Good project management means good planning and time management, as well as good organization, but it also entails so many other details that ...
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news.ycombinator.com berichtet:
Ask HN: What tools do you use for project management?
I'm looking into various tools for software development project management (Trello, Jira, Asana, etc.) and I'd like to get feedback on tools that you use ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Get Into Flow
We always hear about athletes being 'in the zone' during a particularly stunning performance. Learn how Scrum can get a dev team into this same ...
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blogs.ca.com berichtet:
Scrum or Kanban: Which framework is best?
So, when I'm asked “What's the best framework between Scrum and Kanban?” I reframe the question to “Which framework is more suitable for our ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
The case for a customer-focused project management office
Does the growing focus on customer experience management (CX) have any place in an effective and efficient project management office (PMO)?.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
10 skills you need to become a great project manager
Project managers must exhibit a broad range of talents to bring teams together and help organizations reach goals. This often comes down to great ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
5 Ways IT Projects Can Fail
The primary reason that IT projects fail is poor project management. However, there are a variety of mistakes that can be made in project management.
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guardian.ng berichtet:
The 5Ps of effective procurement management
Project Management – The fifth 'P' is project management. Managing procurement project ensures that purchased items which are selected and ...
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automobil-produktion.de berichtet:
Wie Sie Anforderungen an eine PM-Software richtig definieren
Das Management sollte erst ganz zum Schluss an der Reihe sein. ... Darüber hinaus ist es sehr nützlich, das Projekt und den Roll-Out an die ...
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k-zeitung.de berichtet:
Das Beste aus zwei Welten
Um das Thema "agiles versus klassisches Projektmanagement" entbrennen regelrechte Grabenkämpfe in der Projektmanagement-Community.
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karrierebibel.de berichtet:
Scrum-Methode: Agiles Projektmanagement im Sprint
Die Scrum-Methode ist ein Vorgehensmodell aus dem Projektmanagement. Es dient der schnellen und kostengünstigen Entwicklung hochwertiger ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
The Scrum Contract (Part 1)
The following is an extract from our book, Scrum: Novice to Ninja, written by M. David Green. Copies are sold in stores worldwide, or you can buy it in ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
A Simple Framework for Complex Product Delivery
On the 3rd anniversary, and the 5th reprint, of my book “Scrum - A Pocket Guide,” I created a short introduction to Scrum, which was recorded by my ...
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generalassemb.ly berichtet:
Improve Your Level of Production with Kanban
Ideal for product owners, business analysts, developers, testers, and any users of Agile/Scrum, this presentation explains the basics of Kanban.
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Choose the Right Technology for Your Project
In every software project — at least at the beginning — there is the big ... The Agile Zone is brought to you in partnership with Sauce Labs. .... Anyway, here's the low-down on what a "Project Management Office" actually does.
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reliableplant.com berichtet:
A Leader's Guide to Project Management Success
"Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly." — Edward Albee, American playwright.
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Earned Value – einheitliches Controlling für klassische und agile Projekte
Zu diesem Zweck definiert das Project Management Office (PMO) ein ... für ein der Aufgabenstellung adäquates Management des jeweiligen Projekts.
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lisacrispin.com berichtet:
Becoming a great product owner - book review
The product owner role in agile delivery teams has been one of the least understood and even most criticized. How can one person represent all the ...
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business-on.de berichtet:
Effektives Projektmanagement: Zeiterfassung und Controlling als Basis der Projektsteuerung
Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement basiert neben Erfahrung und Struktur auf gutem Projektcontrolling. Das Controlling kann allerdings nur so gut sein, ...
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konversionskraft.de berichtet:
5 Projektmanagement-Tipps für Testing wie am Fließband
Wie du als Projektmanager Conversion Optimierung als Wachstumshebel nutzt und Testing-Stillstand durch Projektmanagement vermeidest, zeigen ...
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inside-it.ch berichtet:
In the Code: DevOps - Clash of Cultures oder alles in Minne?
Agile oder Lean Software-Development wird als Antwort auf fast alle Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation gesehen, bei der das Business, ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Scrum Myth: The Sprint Backlog is a Commitment
While Project Management Offices came about before Agile, and thus don't always implement it's strategies, there is nonetheless a place for an Agile ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
10 best practices for R&D project management beginners
Most managers first begin their management careers by being placed in charge of small groups doing small projects because they have demonstrated ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Are Your Useless Tools to Blame for Bad Project Management?
Is bad project management causing you to abandon important projects? Should you blame the tools you use, or does the issue go deeper?
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ptext.net berichtet:
Passgenaue Weiterbildung für Event-Projektmanager
Die ebam Akademie bietet ein zweitägiges Seminar „Projektmanagement für Events“ an. Dort lernen die Teilnehmer von Experten aus der Praxis, wie ...
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projektmanagement-definitionen.de berichtet:
Anordnungsbeziehungen, Randbedingungen und Annahmen (Teil 2)
Der Projektmanager und das Projektteam können Randbedingungen nicht beeinflussen, können sie aber antizipieren und mit in die Planung ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
The Triangle of Self Organization
Managing self-organizing teams is done indirectly, mostly by managing the elements of .... Scrum by the book in practice for two sprints working on a side-project. ... This experience is not unique - most agile practitioners recommend ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
(14 or more) Agile teams?
My team is currently 14 members, the largest suggested/allowed for a Scrum Team. We have 5 more people starting in the next couple of months.
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cio.com berichtet:
Prioritizing IT projects has never mattered more
The project managers who are best at prioritizing their projects are usually, in my experience, major contributors to the organisation's strategic ...
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automationworld.com berichtet:
Configuration Management and Version Control
This article will focus on configuration management; version control is only ... The goal in this phase is to provide a standard way of storing all project ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Triangulation as a Function of Project Structure
Since all project structures have strengths & weaknesses it is up to the project management team, and executive sponsors, to identify and reinforce the ...
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techcrunch.com berichtet:
Sortd for Slack launches with an organizational overlay for the popular messaging tool
“We think of it as the ultimate ToDo list and and Project Management tool for Slack users,” writes Silberman. The tool involves launching a new Slack ...
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