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entwickler.de berichtet:

Der Scrum Master: Ist Agile tot?

Dieser Frage stellt sich unser Scrum Master in neusten Teil dieser ... Ein echter Scrum Master gibt seine agile Denkweise nicht auf, wenn er aus der ...
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basicthinking.de berichtet:

Vom Chef zum Coach: Darum braucht Scrum starke Manager

Wo sind eigentlich die Manager bei Scrum? Während die beliebte Methode für agiles Arbeiten die Rolle des Teams in einem Projekt klar definiert, ...
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nextgov.com berichtet:

Why 2019 is the Year to Try Project Management as a Service

Before we talk project management, think about goals. Let's say your goal is to buy a second car for your family. The outcome is clear: a car in the ...
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nulltx.com berichtet:

4 Reasons You Should Implement a Kanban Project Management System

Meeting deadlines and managing resources is a challenge all project managers have to face. And this is especially the case for large organizations or ...
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wrike.com berichtet:

How to Find the Best Project Management Tool for Your Agency

With so many options out there, how do you know which software to choose? Here's your checklist of what to look for when evaluating agency project ...
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10 Common Mistakes That Young or Inexperienced Project Managers Make

It is imperative that, as part of stakeholder management, project managers interview the stakeholders to learn what information they deem as important ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

Agile - It's Not Business, It's Personal

As the concept of Agile experiences a revival and becomes part of more ... As the concept evolves past project management into leadership and any ...
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How to Make the Transition to Agile Teams

Project management software that breaks large projects down into smaller tasks and helps employees to manage workflow easily is very important for ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:

The Practice of Letting Go

There are a number of times when our mind clings to something tightly, and it is rarely helpful: ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:

Die To-do-Liste – der heilige Gral im Zeitmanagement

Arten, To-do-Listen zu führen, gibt es viele. Es gibt sehr detaillierte und ausgeklügelte Methoden (wie z.B. Getting Things Done) und kreative Varianten (z.B. The One Minute To-do-List). ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:

Was heißt hier überfordert?

Sagt Ihnen der Ausdruck „4-Felder-Matrix“ etwas? ...
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Gantt Diagramme mit Excel: die einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung

Kaum eine Grafik wird so häufig mit Projektmanagement assoziiert wie Gantt-Diagramme. Du weißt schon … horizontale Balken, dazwischen ein paar Rauten für die Meilensteine. Das alles auf einer Zeitachse dargestellt – und schon hat jeder einen ersten Projektüberblickt. ...
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Das Scrum Canvas

Das Scrum Canvas ist das Ergebnis aus unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen und Feedback-Runden. Es entstand im Rahmen einer fortwährenden agilen Transformation bei einem Kunden. ...
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agileadvice.com berichtet:

What leaders need to know about agile

To understand why so many people around the world have adopted Agile as their first and foremost guide to improvement, we must first look at why leadership has been failing us in the first place. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:

Warum ist Ihr Chef ein Mikromanager?

Wenn wir uns auf etwas einigen können, dann bestimmt darauf, dass jeder Mensch seine Macken hat. Nun munkelt man, dass auch Chefs Menschen sind und dass sie deswegen vor Eigenheiten nicht gefeit sind. ...
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Das Buch zum Manifest für menschliche Führung

Vor einem Jahr veröffentlichte ich hier im Blog die sechs Thesen des Manifests für menschliche Führung. Die Resonanz war umwerfend. Fast 600 Menschen das Manifest seither unterzeichnet, ich hatte unzählige inspirierende Gespräche, Vorträge und Workshops dazu. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:

Earned Schedule Management (ESM)

Imagine the following scenario. You are working on a software implementation project, which has 10 modules to complete. The cost of each module is US$100,000, and you want to complete the project in 10 months. ...
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Burning up the team

Are you on one of those death march projects about to burn out. Want some time off? Perhaps it's in the plan ...
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kanbanize.com berichtet:

How to Mitigate Risk at the Project Portfolio Level

When managing a large portfolio of projects, sometimes, you might need to allocate people and resources in order to mitigate risk, act on relative criticalities and optimize your capacity to its fullest extent. ...
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5 Tips for Better Decision Making (With Process)

We make hundreds of decisions on projects. Every day, we’re expected to take some action and that inevitably means making a decision about something. ...
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How do you know when your agile ceremonies are Done?

In last week’s article, I wrote about the benefits of having a Definition of Ready for agile ceremonies as one method of ensuring that they are adding value and not being perceived as just more wasteful meetings. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Balance Innovation, Commitment, & Feedback Loops: Part 1: High Innovation Products

Many of my clients are trying to use short feedback loops in agile approaches. That desire bumps up against their management's desires for longer commitments. This continuum might help them think through their needs for commitment and innovation. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

The Problem of Unrealistic Expectations: Really, Did You Think That Was Possible?

One of the biggest problems in the software development cycle involves unrealistic expectations. ...
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The difference between average leaders and exceptional leadership is heart. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

The Ultimate Skill: Learning How to Learn

An In-depth Review of the Learning How to Learn Course on Coursera ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

The future of work is changing fast

Even in my first few years working, I’ve felt gradual shifts away from the center (and we’re not talking politics here). ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:

Rethinking Transformation

It's a new year, a fresh start. Time for reassessment, time to confront my own paradigm, and look anew at all I take for granted. ...
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Self-steering organization: 6 mistakes we made

We recently shared an article about Board of Innovation’s journey towards working in self-governing teams. We call them circles. They operate as entrepreneurial mini-companies within Board of Innovation and take on business responsibilities accordingly. ...
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viktorcessan.com berichtet:

Why Agile Isn’t Working For You: The Top 5 Agile Coaching Pitfalls

Have you ever felt like, despite tremendous investments of your time and energy trying to coach teams to overcome their challenges, you were just stuck? You knew your team had the potential to be a high performing one, but the same issues kept resurfacing over and over again? ...
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rgalen.com berichtet:

Building a first team

During the years 2009 – 2012, I worked at a small company called iContact here in the Raleigh/Durham area. ...
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Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product’s Core Requirements

The Product Canvas can help address a number of challenges as you transition to a product-centric organization. You may want to take a step back to rethink your product strategy. ...
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Können wir einfach agil loslegen? Vielleicht ja, vielleicht nein, es kommt darauf an.

Wie können wir an dem anknüpfen, wo wir gerade stehen? Vielleicht kennen Sie diese Aussage: „Wir sind ja eine IT-Abteilung, also können wir auch agil.“. ...
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ingenieur.de berichtet:

Scrum: So funktioniert agiles Projektmanagement im Sprint

Sie wollen im Projektmanagement neue Wege gehen, um Projektziele und Deadlines besser und schneller zu erreichen? Dann kann es sich lohnen, ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Die Planung von IoT-Projekten läuft anders

Vom statischen Projektplan zur dynamischen Projekt-Roadmap. Hier finden Sie eine Einleitung mit Schritt für Schritt-Anleitung.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:

Ziemlich schwör für den Ingenieur

Die Ausbildung von Ingenieuren in den Hochschulen muss Industrie 4.0 stärker berücksichtigen, fordert der Maschinenbauverband VDMA.
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„Die Zeit der Excel-Heros geht zu Ende!“

Mit dem Projekt „BASF 4.0“ hat sich der Ludwigshafener Chemiekonzern vorgenommen, die Potenziale der Digitalisierung für das Unternehmen zu ...
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cio.de berichtet:

Was sich beim Sourcing in der Digitalisierung ändert

Ein Ende-zu-Ende-Denken im Prozess wird für Themen, die aus vielen Kanälen (wie alle Themen der Digitalisierung) gespeist werden, immer ...
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cio.de berichtet:

Agil ja - aber nur ein bisschen

Um den notwendigen Befreiungsschlag hinzubekommen, heuern die Verantwortlichen agile Coaches, Scrum-Master und Entwickler an.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

5 ways project management can help you hack digital transformation

Only 25% of digital transformation projects yield real benefits, according to the Project Management Institute. Here's how your organization can ...
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Why Work Management and Not Project Management is the Future of HR

The way we work is changing, so the way we manage it has to change too. The days of project management are behind us and work management has ...
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