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vergabeblog.de berichtet:


Ein agiles Vorgehen nach Scrum funktioniert aber nur, wenn es auf Seiten des Auftraggebers (des Kunden) einen verantwortlichen „Kümmerer“ gibt, ...
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microtool.de berichtet:

Mit dem Project Health Check zum sicheren Projekterfolg

Betrachten Sie komplexe Projekte aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und ... Bei großen Projekten sollte das PMO (Projekt Management Office) ...
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Episode 397: Lessons Learned Management Techniques #PMOT

Project Lessons Learned are an important part of how project managers review past projects an improved performance in the future. But not all are ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Engineering Culture and Distributed Agile Teams

A good engineering culture is the heart of an agile team. .... a debugger and a project/solution viewer for managing the independent subcomponents.
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Review : Agile Practice Guide

Here is share my views after reading PMI's Agile Practice guide.
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cio.com berichtet:

What is a Scrum master? A key role for project success

With agile fast becoming standard practice at most companies, scrum masters are in great demand. Here is a look at the Scrum master role, relevant ...
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cio.de berichtet:

myToys führt Data Analytics Plattform ein

Agilität auch im Projektmanagement: So hatten etwa die Treffen im Lenkungsausschusses den Charakter von Scrum-Meetings. Jedoch wurden Rollen ...
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Agility doesn't kill strategy, it saves it

Being agile is not about speed at all costs, it's about constantly adapting and ... on IT and on project management but has now proved successful across all parts ... The reason Agile has become so popular in recent years is not that it ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Who has the final word about the DOD

It is clear in the Scrum Guide that, at a minimum, the Scrum Team must use the convention that are pushed by the organization to the Scrum Team.
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Four Key Digital Project Management Trends to Consider for 2018

In this special guest feature, Nigel Kirkman, Associate Director, Digital Delivery and Transformation at Virtusa, discusses how the project management ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

How one marketing company used a cloud solution to address project-related security risks

Project managers and IT teams are continually tasked with addressing risks to safeguard sensitive information. Some primary risk-related concerns for ...
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blick.ch berichtet:

Swisscom schafft die Chefs ab

Ganz neuer Ansatz im Job: Inma Reis und Sacha Fürer an einem sogenannten «Scrum Board», wo regelmässig die Fortschritte besprochen und ...
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diginomica.com berichtet:

Defining a collaborative canvas to channel digital teamwork

One of the factors in this change of heart was discovering the rise in the use of Kanban to organize workflow in digitally connected teams. Originating ...
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„Agile Unternehmensführung“ in der Praxis

Warum nicht eine global eingesetzte Software für Agile Development für das Managen von unterschiedlichsten Aufgaben im Unternehmen ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:

The Benefits of T-Shaped People on Your Agile Team

Our Agile Architect talks about the benefits of T-shaped people in agile and ... Agile development, Agile architecture, and Agile project management ...
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cio.com berichtet:

Project management: 7 steps to on-time, on-budget, goal-based delivery

Project managers who follow these seven high-level project management tips will achieve .... Agile is one of the most widely adopted methodologies.
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europeanceo.com berichtet:

A five-point plan for project success

71 percent of organisations report they use agile approaches as part of their project management practice portfolio more frequently than in the past.
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infoq.com berichtet:

Merging Agile and DevOps

The most popular agile framework, Scrum, predates the growth of DevOps. In consequence, the practices within Scrum (and other Agile frameworks) ...
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jaxenter.com berichtet:

What makes an open source project succeed?

The majority of the most successful open source projects are supported either ... Gryglicki, Kohn graphed the 30 highest velocity open source projects.
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produktion.de berichtet:

Wie die Industrie agile Methoden einführt

Bei Rohde & Schwarz ist die Sprint-Werkstatt eine Komponente des Projektmanagements, bei der alle Beteiligten zur Projektdefinition und zum ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

Schmitz Cargobull - Projekterfolge mit agilen Methoden

Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Entscheidern erkennt, dass neue Vorgehensweisen im Projektmanagement erforderlich sind, wenn es um die ...
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Five Steps to a Great Daily Scrum Stand Up Meeting

The Daily Stand Up Meeting (or Daily Scrum Meeting) has a very specific purpose and format. The purpose of the meeting is to encourage ...
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Messages on what the best way to put a status report on agile project

The project follows the agile methodology. I would love to know what is the best way to keep track of the project and status report in an agile project.
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paybefore.com berichtet:

Keys to Selecting Development Partners for Your Payments Project

But the main disadvantage in my experience is frequent revisions and time lost due to miscommunication with the project manager or within the project ...
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PMMB056 - 5 Wege Dein Projekt zu beschleunigen

Projekte sind eigentlich immer zu langsam, oder?! Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es einige Wege gibt, wie Du Dein Projekt beschleunigen ...
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nats.io berichtet:

Alchemy's twist on the agile scrum board, using NATS.

Replace the scrum board with a digital board i.e. a touch screen monitor and simply display what is already displayed in jira … BORING! This also ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Technical stories

I'm a Scrum Master working with a team which wants to move to just using technical stories, instead of user stories. They are a component team, ...
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Blerina Ilia talks about the many systems that Scrum Masters must be aware of

When we work with teams, it is not only the teams we work with. We work with their line managers, their stakeholders, their departments, their ...
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itmagazine.ch berichtet:

Der richtige Projekt-Mix

Die Umsetzung einzelner Projekte lässt sich mit der Lösung zwar auch ... "Gängige Projektmanagement-Lösungen können wir integrieren oder deren ...
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business.com berichtet:

7 Best Tech Tools for Business

Even if your company doesn't utilize a project management tool, Trello is free to use so you can sign up and start managing your own tasks. Trust me ...
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mmnews.de berichtet:

Mehr Mobilität, weniger Hierarchie: Projektmanagement im Wandel

Das Projektmanagement von morgen wird heute definiert – agile Prozesse á la Scrum oder Kaban setzen sich mehr und mehr durch. Doch dabei ...
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ots.at berichtet:

AGILE CHALLENGE 2018: Der erste Contest auf der Suche nach dem agilsten Team

Unter der Schirmherrschaft von James Coplien, Erfinder des Daily Scrum und agiles Mastermind, stellen sich die acht Finalisten an diesem Tag dem ...
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blog.zeit.de berichtet:

Was liest die Entwicklungsredaktion?

Jeff Sutherland ist einer der Erfinder von Scrum und Erstunterzeichner des Agilen Manifest. Das Buch erklärt die wesentlichen Mechaniken von Scrum ...
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techwell.com berichtet:

4 Ways to Restore Purpose to Your Daily Scrum

The daily scrum was created to help the Scrum team meet its sprint goal. Unfortunately, answering the three daily questions can turn a synchronization ...
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Blerina Ilia on the 3 aspects of Scrum Master success

In this episode we explore the different aspects of success for Scrum Masters according to Blerin Ilia. We discuss the importance, and impact of ...
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govtech.com berichtet:

Agile Acquisitions: Rethinking Public-Sector Purchasing

Determined to break out of that cycle, the state looked for a significant project to which it could apply agile project management methodology and ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Six Ways Agile Can Turn Static

Agile methodologies don't always deliver the expected results. ... Project managers need to evaluate projects to analyze if a smaller number of ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:

Die Retrospektive unter der Lupe: Der Retrospective Report 2017

Mit einem Drittel stellt die Berufsgruppe der internen Scrum-Master den größten Anteil an Teilnehmern dar; zusammen mit agilen Coaches (ebenfalls ...
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itpro.co.uk berichtet:

Best free project management tools

Whether you work specifically on projects or want to make business as usual (BAU) tasks run as smoothly as possible, project management tools are ...
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cuinsight.com berichtet:

Project management vs project leadership

It's different. Leaders develop people, think strategically and take responsibility. Managers manage. Here are three ways the differences flesh out in ...
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