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hackernoon.com berichtet:
The API-based Business Model
Nothing beats the success story of a visionary leader who decides to take a bold course that sets the standard for how an industry operates. In the realm of technology, one of these stories is the infamous API mandate that Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, sent out in 2002. ...
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fastcompany.com berichtet:
The problem with autonomous cars that no one’s talking about
Autonomous cars need to learn how to drive like a local. On a recent research trip, I found myself in the back of a taxi in New Delhi, amid a dizzying mix of car horns and exhaust. What initially seemed like complete chaos—a flurry of cars, buses, auto-rickshaws, motorbikes, and the occasional cow—turned out to be a flow of traffic where everyone works together to keep everything moving. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
Don’t Turn your Critical Path into a Slippery Path
In my last article, I covered four misconceptions about critical path. Now, I’ll be going through some of the mechanics of finding the critical path in a project, so that you have a better understanding how it evolves. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Does closeout vary between projects following an adaptive rather than a predictive life cycle?
Completion of a project usually focuses on financial and administrative activities such as transitioning verified and accepted deliverables to customers, getting final sign off on the project, closing open contracts, recognizing team accomplishments, survey stakeholder satisfaction, archiving key project outputs and so on. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
Benefits Management Template [Free Download]
Over in our Facebook group I asked what templates people would like me to create and Denise said a simple benefits management plan. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
7 Characteristics of High-Performance Agile IT Teams
What separates elite, high-performance agile IT teams in some enterprises, from their hard-working — and in some cases even harder working — yet less successful counterparts in other enterprises? It is not that they borrow a page from the Folger’s Crystals playbook and secretly replace all team members with accomplished Scrum masters. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
How to Create an Easy Pareto Chart to Highlight Your Biggest Opportunities
A Pareto chart is a bar especially designed to show information in descending order. Read on to learn when to use it and how to easily create one. ...
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leadingagile.com berichtet:
How do you track value in an agile transformation?
There are a lot of vanity metrics floating around in Agile. The fact of the matter is it doesn’t matter how many ScrumMasters you run through a CSM class, it doesn’t matter how many people you train, and how many daily standups you run. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
5 Machine Learning Lessons for Product Managers
We all use AI or machine learning (ML)-driven products almost every day, and the number of these products will be growing exponentially over the next couple of years. ...
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widerfunnel.com berichtet:
Going from 10 to 100 experiments per year: Building the frame
Applying a lesson from Henry Ford to your experimentation program. If someone gave you $5,000 and a pile of scrap material and asked you to build a car, how would you do it? ...
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agileconnection.com berichtet:
It's Not Just Culture: When Teams Impede Agile Adoption
Cultural norms can hamper successful agile transformation, and organizational culture is the most reported challenge to agile adoption. Many of these habits and customs are started and perpetuated by senior leadership. But that’s often not the only source of resistance to becoming agile. ...
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adventureswithagile.com berichtet:
The Story of 3 Change Agents
In product development it is common to come up with personas to reflect the customers that you have or hope to have in order to better identify assumptions and features that you might build. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:
Some Thoughts on Estimation
Many people object to the tag #noEstimates on the grounds that it is too binary, too contentious, impossible to attain, and so on. My plan is to set that objection aside quickly. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Breaking Hierarchy - How Spotify Enables Engineer Decision Making
Kristian Lindwall shares how Spotify approaches the problem of fully leveraging the capacity of everyone in the organization. They have made efforts around how they position their engineers equal to managers, how they drive technical strategy and make decisions. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 4: What Does “Agile” Mean?
I understand that people want what they perceive as the value “Agile” will bring them. Let's return to the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, what I call the “Agile Manifesto.” (Dave Thomas would have a problem with that, but I'll use it as shorthand.) ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 5: Summary
I suggested various alternatives in the earlier posts and offered plenty of pointers to other readings. This post is about what you can do to create an agile culture, regardless of where you are in the organization. ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:
Budget Management With Agile Projects
This article aims to provide insights on the way budgets could be managed for Agile projects. As I have been in the banking industry for the last 10 years, I would support my proposition with the budgeting approach in banks. ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
We must treat cybersecurity as a public good. Here's why
Soon your fridge will be able to buy your food on Amazon, having noticed what you liked on Facebook and Instagram. Cybersecurity is crucial for this to happen; to make sure that, while our food preferences are being noted, our identity is not stolen, credit cards not cloned, and our devices are not tampered with by malicious actors out to steal data or modify a machine’s behaviour. ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung: Die Jugend handelt erwachsener als ihre Eltern
Jahrelang haben wir uns Sorgen um die Jugend gemacht und geglaubt, dass die Digitalisierung sie überfordert. Dabei handelt sie längst ...
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it-finanzmagazin.de berichtet:
Agile Transition bei Banken: Auf die Methode, das Mindset und die Voraussetzungen kommt es an
Digitale Transition? Im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung wird Agilität oft als ein entscheidendes Kriterium genannt. Von Scrum bis Kanban ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Using the Scrum Framework In Your Email Marketing Teams
Perfected over the last decade or so by software development, a Scrum team brings together a cross-functional group of people to abandon their job ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Sprint Reviews with Kanban
I've always been intrigued by the different ways in which Scrum Teams go about their Sprint Reviews. It isn't as though I coach a range of techniques, ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
DevOps Stories: Planung ersetzt Zufall durch Irrtum – Scrum und mittelfristige Planungen
Lukas' Cousine hat geheiratet und die Familie zu einer großen Feier eingeladen. Lukas sitzt mit seinem Cousin Robert zusammen. Robert hat nach ...
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itworld.com berichtet:
What is SAFe? The Scaled Agile Framework explained
This will help ensure company-wide optimized performance rather than simply practicing agile project management within specific domains.
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Five project management stories you shouldn't have missed
Five unmissable project management stories from cool pavements to reduce temperatures to hoverboard flights selected by APM's Project journal ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Mein Scrum ist kaputt #79: Als Introvertierter in der IT (mit Renato Pelizzari da Silva)
Renato Pelizzari da Silva ist Game Designer bei King (Candy Crush) und hat auf der Devcom den Vortrag “An open-hearted Talk about being an ...
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live-pr.com berichtet:
In einfachen Schritten zu erfolgreichem Projektmanagement
Kanban (japanisch für "Tafel" oder "Karte") hilft, definierte Aufgaben strukturiert abzuarbeiten und den Überblick über deren Status zu behalten.
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analyticsinsight.net berichtet:
Agile and Big Data – A Match Winning Combination
Agile is a software development methodology to execute a software project ... As mentioned above, Agile is a methodology or philosophy of an .... analysis, risk cost per policy, claim activity management and claim scoring/forecast.
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legalreader.com berichtet:
How to Create Useful Project Timelines and Schedules
When dealing with the high stresses of completing a project on time, you should have a proper project management schedule. The schedule can ...
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srf.ch berichtet:
Warum wir Daten anhäufen ohne Ende
Welches Problem löst eigentlich die Digitalisierung? Diese überraschende Frage steht am Anfang des neuen Buches «Muster. Theorie der digitalen ...
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csr-news.net berichtet:
Werte für eine menschorientierte Digitalisierung
Für jeden ist zwischenzeitlich erkennbar geworden, dass wir uns einer ethisch und kulturell viergeteilten Digitalisierung gegenüber sehen: Amerika ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why The Future Of Agile Is Bright
In a post-script, the article clarifies that when it speaks about “Agile”, it is referring to “the particular Agile methodology known as Scrum,” and not to “the ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Agile Methoden im Vertrieb: So funktioniert Kanban im Akquiseprozess
Der Einsatz von interaktiven Management-Tools kann den Vertrieb auf die Höhe der Zeit heben. Kanban ist ein relativ einfacher Ansatz, der dem ...
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pulse2.com berichtet:
How AI-Powered Agile Innovation Management Company Planbox Is Driving Innovation
Planbox, a leading provider of cloud-based AI-powered agile innovation ... for all innovation activities – from crowdsourcing to agile project tracking.
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infoq.com berichtet:
The Death of Agile and Beyond
What is the impact of Agile being adopted in domains outside software .... that "a scrum master is basically an agile version of a project manager".
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gigaom.com berichtet:
Voices in DevOps – Episode 11: A Conversation with Dave West of Scrum.org
I'm delighted to welcome Dave West, who is running Scrum.org. I have to say for the record, I used to work with Dave in 1997 on agile software ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Solving Impediments as a Scrum Team
Probably, none of the Scrum Masters or agile coaches of the organization felt competent enough to teach the concept of flow. (This might also be partly ...
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chemietechnik.de berichtet:
Mit Contract- und Claim-Management zu besseren Projekten
Industriefokus Contract & Claim Management. ... Sichtweise der Claim-Manager, soll schließlich dazu dienen, dass ein Projekt am Ende profitabel ist.
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rtinsights.com berichtet:
DataOps: The Antidote for Congested Data Pipelines
DataOps is an emerging set of agile practices, processes, and technologies for ... DataOps, at its core, is a methodology that aims to streamline all the ... real-time data analytics and collaborative data management approaches.
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appinventiv.com berichtet:
Top 10 Mobile Product Managers Skills to Master in 2020
The role of a mobile project manager goes beyond the role of a manager. .... This can be achieved by adhering to the agile product management ...
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