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forbes.com berichtet:

5 Project Management Software Pitfalls for Marketing Managers

I've tried multiple times to bend generic project management software to the unique needs of marketing, and every time it has failed to scale, because ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

5 styles of project collaboration and when to use them

A plethora of project collaboration tools are available today, but to fully ... Project managers can also choose to use social media-style collaboration for ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

Risks and rewards of making project decisions based on gut feelings

This should also be the case when it comes to project management decisions and gut feelings. In a 2014 study by the FORTUNE Knowledge Group ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:

Simplified Kanban Formulas for Project Managers

Use these six simple Kanban formulas designed to help project managers determine the number of Kanban they need. Fast.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:

Design Thinking in der IT

Prinzipiell ist Design Thinking ein Ansatz zur Problemlösung, der innovative Ideen hervorbringen soll. Er kann auf alle Lebenssituationen und nicht ...
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Die Essenz guten Projektmanagements

Peter Siwon, ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS-Kolumnist und Experte für systemisches Projektmanagement, über die Essenz guten Projektmanagements.
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clomedia.com berichtet:

Business ImpactWhat Agile/Scrum Can Teach Learning

Scrum is basically an agile framework to help complete complex projects. ... Breaking down the complete project into modular stories is critically ... in any realm where real-time collaboration and project management are factors.
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insidesap.com.au berichtet:

Can the Agile methodology actually work in SAP?

It's an age-old debate in the technology space, Agile vs Waterfall. ... Anton Rossouw is a senior project manager and Agile evangelist who believes ...
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cio.com berichtet:

What does good look like in IT project management?

You see those things are important but a lot of good project managers do these things as a matter of routine and still rates of project failure remain ...
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federaltimes.com berichtet:

Brexit: An exercise in project management

The mechanics of the withdrawal process will be key, and sound project management techniques can help the government navigate through this ...
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vccircle.com berichtet:

Mining project management talent for mining

While the reasons cited for delays of mining project management range from permissions to land acquisition, from infrastructure to delays in ...
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yourstory.com berichtet:

Additional skills can uptick your salary by 25pc

Project Management: According to PMP's talent gap report, 41.5 million Project Management jobs are expected to be created by 2020. Mobile app ...
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Büroalltag erleichtern: 4 praktische Life-Hacks

Der Büroalltag raubt Entscheidern wie Mitarbeitern manchmal den letzten Nerv. Sie stolpern laufend über das USB-Kabel am Laptop, Ihre Tastatur ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Agile Scaling Frameworks: An Executive Summary

These are Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) and Nexus. Both use Scrum as their underpinnings and carry the same Scrum philosophy through to enterprise ...
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Die Zukunft des PMO: Strategische Beratung statt Administration

Dies kann z.B. durch die systematische Auditierung von abgeschlossenen Projekten gemessen werden, deren Projektmanager vor dem Projekt ein ...
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gcn.com berichtet:

Getting started with an agile scrum approach

The scrum team, a mostly self-organizing unit in an ideal world, consists of a product owner, a scrum master and the execution team. The product ...
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devops.com berichtet:

DevOps Chat: Dave West, CEO Scrum.Org

I recently met Dave West, CEO of Scrum.org. While not one of the founders of Scrum.org, West is the CEO and product owner at Scrum.org. Dave and I ...
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github.com berichtet:

Integrations with Project management

ZenHub. Project management and team collaboration inside GitHub ... Overv.io. Agile project management for smart teams who love GitHub ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

How 774 Developers Really Feel About Agile

Kanban comes off pretty well for those who use it, but here adoption looks surprisingly low (to me). But after some triangulating with the excellent folks ...
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berufebilder.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement für Dummies: In 4 Schritten ein Projekt aufsetzen

Auflage erscheint der sehr empfehlenswerte Band „Projektmanagement für Dummies“. Anschaulich und praxisnah erklärt Stanley E. Portny darin, was ...
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finanzen.net berichtet:

Ricksoft führt mit "Alfresco connector for JIRA" Alfresco ECM und Software von Atlassian zusammen

Es führt Atlassians JIRA Software für Team-Planung und Projektmanagement rund um die Welt und Alfrescos gleichnamiges ECM-Produkt zusammen ...
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Taugt agile Software-Entwicklung für Kleinunternehmen und Mittelständler

Was sollten Unternehmen beachten, damit aus agiler Entwicklung kein ... in ihrem Report „Predictions 2016: Modern Development goes Mainstream“.
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thehindu.com berichtet:

Exchanging notes on Agile methodologies

The word scrum has a strong Rugby association. However, as a business concept, it can be understood through a cricketing analogy. In all formats of ...
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simplilearn.com berichtet:

Free eBook: Agile and Scrum Salary Report

Agile and Scrum Salary Report - Salaries for Agile & Scrum Professionals.
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bsminfo.com berichtet:

How Tech Is Aiding Project Management In Business

Software is perhaps the biggest technological aid for project management. You can easily manage projects, teams, tasks, and deadlines using project ...
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Ressourcenmanagement: So organisieren Sie die Kapazitäten

Dabei sollten die Projektmanager sowohl den Projektzeitraum selbst, als auch das Projektergebnis und dessen Auswirkungen vor Augen haben.
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cio.com berichtet:

IT career roadmap: The journey to certified scrum trainer

From then on, she took every opportunity available to learn about agile and scrum to participate in the methodology and to try and evangelize for it as ...
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An Antidote to Complacency

Scrum Events: An Antidote to Complacency. Old habits die hard, so make Scrum a habit. 1 August 2016. Prabhu Missier Samvit Consulting.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

11 compelling reasons to turn down a project

As a project management professional, the last thing you want to do is accept a project knowing or even suspecting there may be some concern that ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

Want To Know "How To"? That Could Be The Worst Possible Question To Ask

Second example: a consultancy asks, “how can we improve the efficiency of our project management? Everything always comes in late and over ...
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tech.co berichtet:

5 Easy Steps to Boost Remote Team Productivity

Nothing is worse than having a remote employee who requires “hand-holding” through every project. Managers themselves have to be comfortable ...
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imeetcentral.com berichtet:

4 things a project manager should never do in a meeting

Many project managers are masters at running meetings, but there are a few pitfalls that even experienced project management pros can fall into.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Buchtipp: Selbstorganisierte Teams führen

B. Unterstützung agiler Methoden wie Scrum oder Kanban. Bei den Veränderungen unterscheidet der Autor zwischen Veränderungen auf der ...
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Arbeitswelt 4.0: Die drei Big Data-Berufe bei Otto

Data Scientists: Ideale Kandidaten wissen statistische Methoden oder Machine Learning für Vorhersagesysteme zu nutzen, haben praktische ...
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presseportal.de berichtet:

Hasso-Plattner-Institut vergibt künftig Credit Points für Online-Kurse

Jeder Kursteilnehmer kann bei erfolgreichem Abschluss ein verifiziertes Zertifikat erwerben und Studierende können sich für ihre Leistungen Credit ...
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Scrum Guide 2016: Putting the heart back into it

Drei Jahre nach der jüngsten Aktualisierung haben Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland Anfang Juli eine neue Version ihres Scrum Guide veröffentlicht ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Projektmanagement: Erfolg dank neuer Ideen

eBook Projektmanagement Um neue Ideen für das erfolgreiche Projektmanagement dreht sich alles in dem eBook Projektmanagement 2016. Auf 44 ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Scrum in 20 Years [Video]

Happy 21st birthday to Scrum. Before you take a sip of champagne in celebration, check out this video of DZone's John Esposito and Scrum.org's ...
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less.works berichtet:

More engagement with LeSS

When we compare LeSS to Scrum, LeSS ensures strong collaboration between teams and customer / stakeholders by having one PO for a whole ...
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cio.com berichtet:

How to keep your project in a state of happiness

The internal resources bring in the business expertise, whereas the external resources project management, business process improvement and ...
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