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toolblog.de berichtet:
6 Irrtümer über Produktivität
Wie Sie sich denken können, bin ich ständig auf der Suche nach interessanten Quellen, die ich hier im ToolBlog verwerten kann. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Project Deferral: What to do when Your Project is Deferred
If you work in Project Management for long enough, you will inevitably encounter this: project deferral. For one reason or another, your project needs to be put on hold. ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:
Strategic Project Selection
As project management professionals, we spend a lot of time sharpening our PM tools and mastering the techniques needed to handle all types of projects. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
7 Problem-Solving Steps to Conquer Even the Toughest Problems
These 7 awesome problem-solving steps can help you solve difficult problems, identify opportunities, grow your leadership skills, and take your career up several notches. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
How to Estimate an Agile Project With User Stories
stimating software projects is hard. Early on in the development process, you can’t precisely define the scope of a project. ...
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labs.sogeti.com berichtet:
Pitfalls for DevOps teams
So, what does it actually take to set up a successful team? Of course, you just tell them to, they will do it! It might be as simple as that to you, in my experience just saying something is running DevOps did not necessarily make it so. ...
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lollydaskal.com berichtet:
The 4 important Stages of Change Management
Change is inevitable when you are running a successful business—something is always evolving, whether it’s people, processes, policies, or products. But some leaders are much more successful than others in implementing change. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures
A culture conducive to innovation is not only good for a company’s bottom line. It also is something that both leaders and employees value in their organizations. ...
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leadingagile.com berichtet:
Questioning agile dogma
When I first learned about Agile methods in 2002, the principles seemed to offer an ideal solution to many organizational issues common at the time. When I applied those principles in real-world situations, they worked remarkably well. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Myth: The Product Backlog is Maintained Exclusively by the Product Owner
Scrum is intended as a simple, yet sufficient framework for complex product delivery. Scrum is not a one-size-fits-all solution, a silver bullet or a complete methodology. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Our agile Transition at Adsdaq
In order to understand the story and references I’m making, you can find underneath a list of comparison items I’ve used. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Fixed time, fixed scope projects always end in 1 of 3 ways. None of them good.
It turned out, not surprisingly, that I wasn’t the only one dealing with this failed project management approach. ...
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producttalk.org berichtet:
Prioritize Opportunities, Not Solutions
I cringe every time I see product teams use a spreadsheet to rank the ideas in their backlog based on some made-up math formula usually consisting of things like business value, user value, and technical difficulty. ...
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newsgram.com berichtet:
How Project Managers and PMPs Can Use Scrum Methodology
Project Managers look to progressive and emerging methodologies to transform their varied tasks and teamwork. The Scrum framework and Agile ...
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manufacturing.net berichtet:
5 Ways to Make Your Project Management More Successful
Efficient project management can turn almost any project into a successful undertaking with the properly assigned tasks, allocated resources, and met ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Security Testing: Reducing Resistance to Change in an Agile and DevOps World
One of the tenets of an early agile methodology called “extreme ... trackers, such as Jira or GitHub Issues, or a vulnerability management solution.
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Ist Projektmanagement-Software Neuland für KMU?
Und das, obwohl gerade die typischen Projektmanagement-Probleme mit spezifischer Software meist leichter in den Griff zu bekommen oder teilweise ...
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ingenieur.de berichtet:
Sind Projektmanagement-Tools eigentlich DSGVO-konform?
Das Projektmanagement geht an vielerlei Stellen mit sensiblen, personenbezogenen Daten um – ein Beispiel unter vielen ist etwa das Profiling im ...
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lob-magazin.de berichtet:
Agiles Selbst- und Zeitmanagement
Agiles Projektmanagement, Scrum und Kanban sind in aller Munde. Diese Methoden erlauben es, auf äußere Einflüsse schnell zu reagieren und sich ...
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munich-startup.de berichtet:
Agile und Scrum: Wie funktioniert agile Arbeit?
Neben den Entwicklern gibt es einen Product Owner, der für das Produkt und seine Funktionen verantwortlich, aber nicht Teil des Entwicklungsteams ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
No one-size-fits-all competencies for project management
He told delegates it was important for project managers and PMO executives to understand the context in which projects were taking place in order to ...
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itbusiness.ca berichtet:
To scrum or not to scrum? How project managers are changing.
There is also talk about Scrum Masters replacing the typical Project Manager role within the Project Management Office (PMO). Is this something I ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Sechs Tipps für erfolgreiche RPA-Projekte
Vor circa vier Jahren standen bei vielen Unternehmen drei Buchstaben im Raum – RPA. Details kannte niemand. Vier Jahre später sprechen fast alle ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Das kleine 1 x 5 des Projektmanagements
Wie man dabei vorgeht und Projekte gezielt zum Erfolg führt, kann man ... und effiziente Organisation sind Grundlagen für erfolgreiche Projektarbeit.
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finextra.com berichtet:
Are we doing justice with Agile?
Scrum is the most common framework of Agile adopted by organizations, and it introduced new roles and pretty much democratized the whole project ...
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inar.de berichtet:
Gamification und Teamwork in Zeiten agiler Arbeitsweisen: Die HelloAgile Planning Poker Karten
Ursprünglich in der Softwareentwicklung in Verbindung mit Scrum und anderen agilen Methoden, findet sich Planning Poker mittlerweile auch in ...
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businessandfinance.com berichtet:
Managing for unpredictable times
Uncertainty – whether locally or globally – can make it hard for businesses to properly plan, but effective project management could be the solution.
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businessleader.co.uk berichtet:
Which project management tool is for you?
Project management is an essential function of any business. Often with numerous high-scale projects and campaigns running at any one time, ...
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foreignpolicyi.org berichtet:
9 Incredible Agile Project Management Statistics for 2018 You Need-To-Know
Most of the organizations don't benefit from best practices in the project management techniques and HR monitoring solutions. As seen in various ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Agile By Heart Not By McKinsey Power Point
More is being written about the role of Agile outside of software development and into management practices, more voices discuss it as a way of ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
2019 Scrum Master Trends Report Published
The Scrum Master role is growing in use and importance. In many organizations Scrum Masters are driving change at the enterprise level. Scrum is ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Tips for Managing Virtual Teams
HOW: Use a project management system to keep all correspondence, files, and notes in a single, centralized spot. This will allow all your virtual team ...
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themerkle.com berichtet:
Can AI Replace Your Manager?
And can we expect it to replace our managers completely? ... What we learn from the failed Amazon AI project is not the failings of AI, but rather how ...
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blog.westmonroepartners.com berichtet:
What I Learned About Agile Project Management from Running a Household
I decided to try an experiment at home that focused on applying agile project management techniques to running our household; I wanted to learn if ...
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embedded-software-engineering.de berichtet:
Einführung von anforderungs- und modellgetriebener Entwicklung
Wichtig hierbei zu verstehen ist, dass sich die Verantwortung umkehrt. Verantwortlich für die URS ist der Stakeholder oder auch Product Owner und es ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Asana vs. Mavenlink vs. Wrike: Project management platforms compared
Companywide visibility and accountability are of great importance to stakeholders seeking successful project outcomes and Asana helps makes this ...
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techvicity.com berichtet:
Why You Should Be A Scrum Product Owner?
Agile principles and its methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Continuous Development have virtually taken over the world of software development.
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tdwi.org berichtet:
4 Ways to Evolve Your Project Management
Project management is continually evolving. As business needs change, so do the strategies of project managers. It's important to keep abreast of the ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projektkommunikation: Was ist eine Drachenjacke?
Je nachdem wer diese Frage hört, passieren im Kopf des Hörers ganz unterschiedliche Dinge: Der eine ist amüsiert, der nächste schaut etwas ratlos ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How to Get a Head Start with Scrum
Scrum is easy to understand, yet difficult to master. The Scrum Guide says so and it's true. If you have worked with Scrum in your organization you ...
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