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business2community.com berichtet:
Kanban/Flow – The Scrum Master's Not-So-Secret Weapon
Much of my work with Kanban was focused on helping Scrum practitioners and especially Scrum Masters use Kanban to fight their believably bad ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Sprint Planning with Kanban
The Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams does not mention the spanning of the boundary, but nevertheless puts the focus squarely on flow, pointing out ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:
Can Agile Truly Scale To the Enterprise?
Whether serving as product manager, chief scientist, or chief architect, he provides both technical and thought leadership around Agile development, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Writing Code
Helpful cognitive strategies for navigating the dark forest of code-yet-to-write.
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Scrum gone wild in 15 cartoons
I drew 15 comics that mock false Scrum implementations. Through the cartoons, we recreate bumpy situations in a funny way.
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Streit zwischen Scrum Mastern und Programmierern
Robert C. Martin: Heutzutage geht es bei Agilität viel mehr um Projekt- und ... IT-Management-Berater Ivan Kovynyov gibt Tipps, wie Führungskräfte ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung ist keine Digitale Transformation
Die Begriffe Digitalisierung und Digitale Transformation werden im Sprachgebrauch häufig synonym verwendet. Zum Leidwesen von Professor ...
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onvista.de berichtet:
Studie des Project Management Institute benennt sechs KI-Technologien mit Auswirkungen auf ...
Das Project Management Institute (PMI) hat heute den Bericht 2019 Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: AI Innovators: Cracking the Code on ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung ist keine Digitale Transformation
Die deutsche Industrie sei mit dem Konzept Industrie 4.0 früher in die digitale Transformation gestartet als viele europäische Nachbarn, meint der ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
5 Time-Saving Technologies Your Company Needs to Use
Improving your time management skills is a good place to start. ... Project management systems, such as Basecamp or Trello, have become essential ...
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times-standard.com berichtet:
Business Sense: 'Agile' concepts for thinking about talent and culture Eureka Times Standard
If you ask managers, business owners and HR professionals in Humboldt ... “Agile” methodology, born in software development, is an approach to ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement: Wohnungsunternehmen müssen agiler werden
Ingenieure und Softwareentwickler setzen schon seit vielen Jahren Methoden aus dem Projektmanagement erfolgreich ein. Projektarbeit erhält seit ...
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moneycontrol.com berichtet:
Why Blockchain projects do not go beyond experimental stage?
To be successful at conducting a Blockchain project, it is necessary to understand the root causes for failure. In a recent report, Gartner highlighted ...
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consulting.de berichtet:
Nicht noch ein Coach!
Consulting und Unternehmensberater Portal (Pressemitteilung) Auskunft geben beispielsweise die Kriterien vom Deutschen Bundesverband Coaching e.V. DBVC oder von wie der Scrum Alliance.
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement-Dreieck zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Zeit, Kosten, Qualität - das sind die Leitplanken für erfolgreiche Projekte. Doch das bewährte Projektmanagement-Dreieck ist ein Ideal, dass in der ...
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embedded-software-engineering.de berichtet:
DevOps im Embedded Development
Agile Entwicklungsmethoden liefern hier eine eindeutige Antwort: Kontinuierliche kleine Schritte und ein iterativer Ansatz. Und wie schon Henry Ford ...
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cloudwards.net berichtet:
Best Kanban Project Management Tools for 2019
Kanban boards are a simple way to track work as it moves through your projects. There are many project management tools that use the system, so to ...
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globalbankingandfinance.com berichtet:
What is Project Management?
Before we dive into the pool of project management, let's take a quick look at what a project is. A project is more often a temporary endeavour ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How To Measure Value With An Agile Agency Team
Adopting an Agile approach not only improved our workflow processes and project management acumen, but it also helped us deliver greater value ...
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wonderfulengineering.com berichtet:
3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Kanban Board
Kanban started off as a scheduling system for lean and efficient manufacturing in Japan but has quickly evolved into a project and task management ...
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lead-digital.de berichtet:
Warum es lohnt KPI's, Umsätze und Co. online zu teilen
In Deutschland teilt das junge Team vom Projekt-Management-Tool Scrumpy seine Metriken mit der Welt. Außerdem sieht man auf ihrer öffentlichen ...
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ginaabudi.com berichtet:
Selling your Project to Executives
Sometimes we have an idea for a project that we know is valuable and of benefit to the organization, but we can’t get it started. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Agile advice from our ancestors
Old sayings might not be the first thing which comes to mind when considering agility, there are many proverbs which are apropos. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
The core of knowledge
You got to hand to the guy: he is passionate about his subject. Of course, he's also the first person to tell you that his most infamous invention, the "Black Swan", is black - - that is, extraordinarily rare - - because there are no statistics to predict it. ...
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mindiply.com berichtet:
How to avoid some of the most common organisational problems in project management before it’s too late
It’s a common mantra that “no two projects are alike”. Even if you are working on a project similar to another one you did in the past, it is very likely that there will be some problems uniquely crafted for that particular project. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
The Ultimate Guide to Easy Dashboards for Projects
How do you get a quick overview of what is happening on your project? When deadlines seem to be zooming past at a frightening rate, and this is only one of several projects you are juggling at the same time, it can feel like you don’t have a grip on what’s happening on your project. ...
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hennyportman.wordpress.com berichtet:
Review User Story Mapping
Jeff Patton wrote the book User Story Mapping. Story mapping it’s a tool to enable your team to hold better conversations about the project throughout the development process. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Story Points – Leave Them, Don’t Love Them
Last week Anthony Mersino published a blog entry titled Story Points – Love Them or Leave Them? He ended his blog entry with the question, “What do you think?” ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
The Engineering Leader's Guide to Discipline
Last week I listen to an amazing new podcast from @twentyminutevc with Mathilde Collin, the Co-Founder & CEO @ Front, and the main subject was “discipline”, the discipline in your day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month and year-to-year work, that discipline that helps you to achieve your goals, that discipline that is so simple to understand but hard to follow. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
How to control your emotions when you’re at work
Strong emotions are inevitable in today’s busy, stressful work world. Maybe you’ve been so frustrated with a colleague that you exploded with anger. Or perhaps you cried after getting feedback. If you’re anything like the high-achievers I coach, then you may wrangle with fear of not measuring up to the expectations you have of yourself. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
The best way to sit at your desk for every type of work task
Many people spend the majority of their waking hours sitting—at home, commuting, and at work. Particularly when we’re sitting for long periods at a desk, there are a few things we should keep in mind. ...
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themuse.com berichtet:
22 Team-Building Activities Your Co-workers Won’t Hate (We Promise)
“Team building” is a term you probably first encountered years ago. Maybe when you were in elementary school and your class had to work together to solve a puzzle. ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Should product roadmaps have dates?
If product roadmaps should show dates is a controversial question. Some people have passionately argued that dates should be banned from roadmaps; others claim that they are useful. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How we hold each other accountable in a self-organized company
The topic of accountability seems taboo in the Agile and new work communities. We like to assume the best in people?—?that they are trustworthy adults and will do the right thing. ...
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queue.acm.org berichtet:
The DevOps Phenomenon
A traditional software company releases its flagship product infrequently—as rarely as every few years. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Die fünf Phasen einer Retrospektive
Eines der 12 Prinzipien des agilen Manifesto lautet: „In regelmäßigen Abständen reflektiert das Team, wie es effektiver werden kann, und passt sein Verhalten entsprechend an.“ ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
DevOps Conference 2019 eröffnet: „Empathie ist die Essenz von DevOps“
Agile und die Idee, die hinter agiler Softwareentwicklung sind ganz klare Kernbereiche des DevOps-Universums, genau wie die Automatisierung.
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business2community.com berichtet:
Why Scrum Is Awesome for Project Managers
This is a common question in my Professional Scrum classes. It often comes up right after we discuss that there are three roles in Scrum, and project ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Flughafen Stuttgart bringt Ordnung in seine Projekte
Mit SAPs Lösung für Portfolio und Projektmanagement standardisiert der Flughafen Stuttgart seine Prozesse. Die Umsetzung erfolgte mithilfe der ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Der Product Owner – Hidden Champion im Scrum Team?
Im Gegensatz zum Scrum Master steht der PO dabei oft im Hintergrund - auch aufgrund der mutmaßlichen Ähnlichkeit zur Rolle des Projektleiters.
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