Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
grasshopperherder.com berichtet:
What Metrics Should Innovation Programs Measure?
What are the one or two metrics that you need to keep a corporate innovation program alive? Knowing that most all corps are made up of execution experts, quarter to quarter financial analytics, and incremental thinkers ...
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less.works berichtet:
Attempted LeSS Huge adoption at a German insurance company
This case study describes the change in a department from their initial Scrum adoption towards a LeSS Huge adoption. Those steps towards LeSS Huge included, but were not limited to: ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Agile around the World
David Spinks and Glaudia Califano share case studies and observations of Agile adoption in various countries, discussing how different cultures could learn from each other. ...
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atlassian.com berichtet:
5 cognitive bias examples and how to avoid them in decision-making
We all have biases. They’re our brain’s way of reducing the energy it takes to deal with the terabytes of information thrown at us every day. ...
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superyachttimes.com berichtet:
5 things to look for in a good project manager
The project manager should be present from the very beginning of the refit process to ensure that the job is successful in both time and outcome.
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computerweekly.com berichtet:
Lack of IT leadership fuels IoT trial failures
“Successful IoT projects start with a clear understanding of the business problems to be addressed, the investment needed and the return on ...
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embedded-software-engineering.de berichtet:
Hybrides Projektmanagement
Klassisches oder agiles Projektmanagement? Diese Frage hat sich in vielen Unternehmen zur Glaubensfrage entwickelt. Dabei haben beide Ansätze ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
DevOps – alles agil, oder was?
Ein Vergleich zweier Software-Produktionsstraßen im Kontext klassisch ... Es existiert eine organisatorische Trennung zwischen Dev (Development, ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum for Marketing
Scrum was developed out of necessity. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber needed a better way to develop software and built Scrum out of three very ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:
A Look at the Most Common Project Management Methodologies
Scrum is an extension of the agile methodology that revolves around a self-organizing small team led by a scrum master. "Scrum is great because it's ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Daily Scrums with Kanban
Scrum provides numerous opportunities for teams to inspect and adapt their progress, including on a daily basis. A time-box of 15 minutes is taken ...
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crosswater-job-guide.com berichtet:
DACH30: Top-Konzerne veröffentlichen gemeinsames Manifest für Unternehmensagilität
... zwei Jahre wiederholende Rezertifizierung für ScrumMaster oder Product Owner – jedoch fehlten bisher einheitliche Standards, die konkrete agile ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
DevOps Stories: Wenn einer eine (DevOps-)Reise tut…
Unser Produktteam besteht aus Backend- und Frontend-Entwicklern sowie Scrum Master, Product Owner und einer Supportkollegin. Die Anwendung ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Scrum in Data Science Projekten – Das neue Dreamteam?
Scrum als Framework zum agilen Projektvorgehen ist aus der Softwareentwicklung nicht mehr wegzudenken. Kaum ein komplexes Projekt, das heute ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How to Use Agile Project Management to Streamline Design Projects & Keep Your Clients Happy
Managing multiple design projects without a clear and streamlined project management system can be the difference between a successful project ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Großer Selbst- und Team-Test: Wie bereit sind wir für agiles Projektmanagement
Besonderes die Methodik des "Agilen Projektmanagements" findet im Business viel Beachtung. Doch erfüllt man selbst (oder als Team) überhaupt die ...
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diepresse.com berichtet:
Agil über Nacht, Folge 1
Neue Serie. Scrum und Kanban funktionieren im Team, doch wie macht man ein ganzes Unternehmen möglichst schnell agil? Damit beschäftigt sich ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Five project management stories you shouldn't have missed this month
Five recent project management stories, selected by APM's Project journal team.
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Mindeststandards für Agilität im Unternehmen
Agile Methoden wie Scrum, Kanban und Co. folgen zwar einigen Richtlinien, doch das Vorgehen bei der Implementierung agiler Prinzipien ist ...
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devprojournal.com berichtet:
BDD Can Save Your Agile
Since then, agile methodologies have been widely adopted throughout the software development world with Scrum being the major player. Scrum ...
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security-insider.de berichtet:
DevSecOps im Mittelstand
Der Begriff DevOps steht für die Verbindung von Development und Operations in der IT. Ziel von DevOps ist es, die Qualität der Software zu steigern ...
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training.com.au berichtet:
What Does a Project Manager Do
A successful project manager will be someone who displays exceptional leadership skills, is agile in their approach to work, can work under pressure ...
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allgemeinebauzeitung.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement per Fingertipp
App erster Wahl: Bereits 15.000 Handwerker nutzen aktiv Craftnote. Im Apple-Ranking schaffte es die Handwerker-App unter die Top 50 in der ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to use a hybrid DevOps approach in project management
Learn how to use a mix of traditional project management methods such as task handoffs in a collaborative DevOps environment.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Scrum & The Toyota Production System, Build Ultra-Powerful Teams
The origins of Scrum can be traced back to a founding article published in Harvard Business Review in 1986 by Mr. Hirotaka Takeuchi, Harvard ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to handle conflicts with project sponsors
SEE: How to build a successful project manager career (free PDF) ... Here are four common types of project sponsor conflicts and tips on how to ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why Agile Often Fails: No Agreed Metrics
Metrics In Genuine Agile Management ... In big corporations, there are of course often detailed project plans showing cost, time, risk, benefits, and so ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
What every project manager needs to know about a Requirements Traceability Matrix
Project success relies on leveraging the power of a Requirements Traceability Matrix to capture and analyze the requirements. Learn more about the ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Die Einführung agiler Softwareentwicklung und von Scrum bei Heise, Teil 1
In diesem ersten Teil des "Themenblocks Agile" stelle ich den Werdegang vom "heise-Scrum" vor – sozusagen unsere agile Transition.
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forbes.com berichtet:
AI In Project Management
The field and industry of project management emerged as a way to manage a collection of people towards an end goal. For project managers, it is ...
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siliconangle.com berichtet:
Project management startup Monday.com now a unicorn after raising $150M
The number of organizations using Monday.com Ltd.'s project management service has ballooned from 35,000 last year to 80,000 today, and it didn't ...
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utilitydive.com berichtet:
How advanced project management enables utility compliance
Much has been written about the shifting landscape of the modern-day utility industry. Once considered one of the more conservative and steadfast ...
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
Developing an Agile Supply Chain Management Framework
They require agile supply chain strategies to manage a supply base that ... It is an alternative project management technique that designs a process ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Eight proven steps to successful Agile leadership
What we are looking for in a leader, especially in an Agile environment, is the ... Budgeting an Agile project is vastly different from traditional projects.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Req4Arcs: BDD und/oder Domain Storytelling
... Werkzeug-Material-Ansatz der Hamburger Software-Engineering Schule entwickelt ... An Test-driven Development (TDD) haben Sie sich als Architekt*in ... Technische Optionen wie Behavior-driven Development und/oder Domain ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
ERP-Entwicklung: Agile meets Anwender
Agile Methoden wie Scrum kennen typischerweise vier Rollen im Projekt: den Scrum Master, den Product Owner, den Entwickler und den Stakeholder ...
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asiatimes.com berichtet:
Bad things happen in data-driven businesses
Corporate managers today are deluged with data. ... He replaced the project management team and within 18 months the new business unit was ...
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diepresse.com berichtet:
Von Feldwebeln und agilen Predigern
Scrum, Kanban und Co. sind weithin bekannt, das eine oder andere Tool aus dem agilen Werkzeugkasten (die morgendlichen Stehungen!) auch.
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
7 Great Collaboration Tools for Your Business
Good project management creates a sturdy foundation for increased creativity, improved brand messaging, enhanced employee confidence and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
New Requirements For Agile Leadership: How To Lead Differently For Agile Success
For agile to be successful, you must lead differently. ... agile teams aren't overloaded and can succeed through prioritization of projects and outcomes.
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