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financesonline.com berichtet:
Top 15 Project Management Tools for Virtual Teams
Over the past few years, there has been a steady growth in virtual teams. Delivering projects is no longer restricted by a physical location for the workforce due to the advances in collaborative tools and software solutions. Technology dissolves geographical barriers to accommodate a distributed ...
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codementor.io berichtet:
How and why I built Custom Project Management Tool
How I built a project management/scrum tool for better collaboration and transparency with clients.
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innovecs.com berichtet:
Kanban vs. Scrum
Ever heard about Scrum or Kanban? If so, you probably want to get clarity on their differences. In this article, Innovecs reveals traits of these methodologies.
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codementor.io berichtet:
SCRUM version X
Learn what an ideal SCRUM combination is, including roles and rules.
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crosswater-job-guide.com berichtet:
Projektmanagement in der Personalplanung
Nutzen Sie professionelle Projektmanagement-Software. Sie hilft Ihnen, sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Dinge in Ihrer Projektarbeit zu konzentrieren. Die digitalen Helfer unterstützen Sie bei Routinetätigkeiten. So bleibt Ihnen mehr Zeit, sich mit den Menschen zu beschäftigen und auf ihre Bedürfnisse ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
12 Key Strategies to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdfunding is a great way to earn money for a project, product or personal business venture. Since getting its start, crowdfunding has helped entrepreneurs all over the world get the financial support they need. In 2015 alone, crowdfunding raised $34.4 billion - more than twice as much as was raised ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
IT automation best practices: 7 keys to long-term success
“Therefore, one of the primary considerations to be successful in any automation project is to ensure that the ability to maintain and rapidly change any automation in place can be executed efficiently.” Platz points out that while some automation platforms enable users to make changes to adapt to new ...
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bizjournals.com berichtet:
How adopting an agile approach can optimize your business outcomes
Since an organization's strategic initiatives are implemented through projects and programs that drive change, enhance competitive advantage and fuel growth, it is imperative that companies take a holistic approach to project management and select the project management method that best suits the ...
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blog.zenkit.com berichtet:
The biggest project management tip for beginners
Embarking on your first project management role will no doubt be a little daunting. There will be many tips and tricks people will impart to help ease you into the experience. But for however many…
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projectmanager.com berichtet:
Understanding Scrum Methodology
Discover what scrum methodology is, how it fits & compares to other project management frameworks, & why it may be right for your project.
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updates berichtet:
New Integration: Streamline Your Kanban Implementation with Kanbanize
Kanban software programs are a great way to optimize workflows, but teammates can often be held back by status updates and tracking down dependencies. Kanbanize is Kanban software for lean management that can help. Kanbanize is designed to break goals into actionable items, forecast project ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Experiences with Agile Scaling Frameworks
Multiple Agile scaling frameworks are being developed and presented now-a-days to handle enterprise wide Agile adoption. In this context, this session would present speaker's experiences on implementing different Agile scaling frameworks and lessons.
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edsurge.com berichtet:
This Framework Makes Group Projects More Collaborative—and Individual
Before we started using Scrum, we had not found any surefire method to make projects successful. Now we have a framework that provides more structure and guidance for teachers and students. We are providing the necessary scaffolding so students can learn harmonious teamwork. With this in place, ...
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stuttgarter-zeitung.de berichtet:
Sprachkurs Was hinter den Schlüsselbegriffen der Digitalisierung steckt
Wir sind schwer vernetzt: das vergangene Jahr stand schon voll im Zeichen der Digitalisierung – und 2018 wird keinesfalls besser. Aber was bedeutet „disruptiv wirklich“? Was ist eine „Mixed Reality“? Zwölf Übersetzungshilfen. Wollten Sie schon immer wissen, was ein Keynote-Speaker so macht?
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Sicherheit ist die größte IoT-Herausforderung
45 Prozent der Firmen rechnen damit, dass IT und OT im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0 zu einem Bereich zusammenwachsen. 29 Prozent der Firmen glauben, dass die IT künftig den "Hut auf" haben wird, wenn die beiden Bereiche durch das IoT in der Produktion immer mehr Berührungspunkte aufweisen.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Checklisten auf dem Smartphone
Die App Testify des gleichnamigen Startups aus Linz in Österreich implementiert eine einfache und gleichzeitig revolutionäre Idee: Digitale Checklisten für die Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie, die ganz einfach auf dem Smartphone bearbeitet werden. Die neue App ist bereits bei Bombardier und der ...
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globenewswire.com berichtet:
Denver, Colorado, Jan. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Scrum Alliance, the largest certifying body in the Agile community, today released State of Scrum 2017-2018, an annual report that this year shows Agile transformation firmly on the horizon for organizations around the world. Approximately half of ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Myth 10 – In Scrum, There Is No Planning
Scrum is intended as a simple, yet sufficient framework for complex product delivery. Scrum is not a one-size-fits-all solution, a silver bullet or a complete methodology. Instead, Scrum provides the minimal boundaries within which teams can self-organize to solve a complex problem using an empirical ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Why Scrum? | State of Scrum Report
There has been an explosive change over how software is developed and deployed. Agile methods and Scrum have led this charge and continue to gain momentum. Learn more about the State of Scrum!
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associationsnow.com berichtet:
2018 Membership Resolution: Master the Art of Project Management
Association professionals should make it a resolution to use project management tools to deliver better experiences for their members in 2018. I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions, but I think there's something to be said for people who are constantly self-improving, regardless of the day, month ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to keep a project on track when top performers refuse to participate
We were building an online stock trading system and desperately needed her. I was managing the project. We had extremely aggressive deadlines, so when this online transaction expert said she was "already busy" and didn't want to work on the project, and upper management seemed to support her, ...
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cio.com.au berichtet:
8 ways you're failing at change management
“I saw a Fortune 500 financial services organization implemented a new solution for portfolio and project management. As stakeholders had fewer and fewer of their questions about the future state answered, they began to assume it meant that the new system would lead to layoffs. Several senior project ...
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coschedule.com berichtet:
How to Use Agile Project Management to Organize Your Marketing
On this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast, Andrea Fryrear from AgileSherpas explains how marketers can use agile project management processes.
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statetechmagazine.com berichtet:
7 Agile Success Factors for State Government IT Leaders
But with the right set of values, government IT leaders can begin to inject agile development methods into their operations, according to a report released late last year by the National Association of State CIOs. Agile is “an iterative project management methodology that delivers differentiated, high-value ...
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itpro.co.uk berichtet:
What is agile development?
Agile, by contrast, works by making a series of small changes, testing and re-adjusting on the fly. This means that features can be added and bugs can be squashed much quicker than with other forms of software development. This focus on tight turnaround times and the ability to change a project's ...
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itproportal.com berichtet:
2018 agile predictions – The year of the customer
Traditional project management approaches focused on measuring motion/activity with metrics such as task completion, and percentage complete. But, when dealing with unknown work those metrics do not make sense. In response, the agile community has described many different measures focused ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How Lean Problem Solving Increases Agile Team Productivity: a Mobile Applications Startup ...
Through this detailed real-world example, you will see how lean management posture and problem solving concretely help agile teams: this mobile ... Let us take a real-world project: we worked for an energy company which wants to digitalize its whole business, from the subscription to the billing and ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Messages on Mixing Agile Approaches
the PMI Agile Practice Guide states on page 31 the project specific blending of agile practices. The Scrum Guide issued November 2017 by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland stipulates on page 19 that "Scrum's roles, events, artifacts and rules are immutable" and "Scrum exists...as a container for other ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Gamification und Scrum: Alles (nur) ein Spiel
Fortschrittsdiagramm, Story-Punkte und Teamwork – Scrum beinhaltet schon heute einige Gamification-Elemente. Wir untersuchten, wie sich weitere Motivatoren aus dem Spiele-Kontext integrieren lassen. Unser Ergebnis: Gamification und Scrum passen sehr gut zueinander, wenn man gewisse ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Agilität: Mythen, Trends und Best Practices
Märkte sind in Bewegung, Technologie ist günstig, Fachkräfte sind rar. Wie können wir darauf reagieren? Wie kann uns Agilität helfen, diese Herausforderungen zu meistern? In seinem visuellen Vortrag von der JAX 2017 zeigt Wolfgang Pleus, zertifizierter Scrum Master und Scrum Professional, warum ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Mit Kompetenzmanagement Organisation und Individuum weiterentwickeln
Für wen lohnt sich die Einführung von Kompetenzmodellen und das systematische Management von Kompetenzen? Für alle Unternehmen, die ein Interesse an ihrer Zukunftssicherung haben. Jedes Unternehmen muss für sich selbst ermitteln, welche Cluster sinnvoll sind und welche Kompetenzen für ...
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bbc.com berichtet:
Is this the best time for productivity?
Zeniths for employee hustle and productivity are Mondays before 11am in October, according to a study by California-based project management platform Redbooth published in November. The firm analysed project data from hundreds of thousands of users who used the service to plan and track their ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
The Best Tech For Working Remote In 2018
Software for project management, such as the popular Basecamp or Teamwork Projects products, is becoming ubiquitous in the creative services industries. Designed to help teams accomplish tasks and meet deadlines, both tools offer activity tracking, task management, to-do lists, commenting, chatting ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
A guide to Continuous Testing tools
QASymphony: QASymphony's qTest Pulse is a continuous testing solution for teams practicing DevOps. It features agile test planning, source code traceability, real-time updates, and JIRA integration. Additionally, QASymphony's qTest is a Test Case Management solution that integrates with popular ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
3 Questions to Ask Before Estimating an Agile Program
Johanna Rothman works with companies to improve how they manage their product development. She is the author of Manage Your Project Portfolio: Increase Your Capacity and Finish More Projects, 2nd edition, Agile and Lean Program Management: Scaling Collaboration Across the Organization as ...
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inforadio.de berichtet:
Was andere besser machen: Digitalisierung in Estland
Estland gilt als Musterbeispiel für eine rasch fortschreitende Digitalisierung: Die Menschen in dem baltischen Land haben ein Grundrecht auf Internetzugang, gewählt wird online, schon Grundschulkinder lernen das Programmieren, die Regierung arbeitet papierlos. Alle Esten verfügen über eine ...
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veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com berichtet:
Wie die Digitalisierung die IT-Strategie von Stadtwerken auf den Prüfstand stellt
Stadtwerke stehen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung vor erheblichen Herausforderungen. Einerseits müssen sie sich zunehmend regulatorischen Vorgaben, andererseits hoch-dynamischen Marktveränderungen anpassen. Neue Geschäftsmodelle werden aufgrund sich ändernder Marktteilnehmer und ...
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security-insider.de berichtet:
Security im Industrie 4.0 Zeitalter
Vernetzte Produktionssysteme können die Flexibilität und Effizienz rasant steigern, aber Industrieunternehmen müssen dafür neue Security-Herausforderungen meistern. (Bild: Pixabay / CC0).
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forbes.com berichtet:
No -- I Won't Take The Blame For My Manager's Mistakes
I work for an events management company. My relationship with my boss follows the same trajectory as a relationship with a friend that started out great and then went sour. When she hired me a year ago my boss "Kristin" was my biggest supporter. We had lunch together at least twice a week. We talked ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
Want to Gain Customers' Trust? Try These 4 Communications Tips.
If you haven't already, implementing a reliable project-management and collaboration system can really help your business when it comes to communication and productivity. Given all the software solutions now on the market, finding the perfect one to fit your needs will likely require some research.
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