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scrum.org berichtet:
The Subject Matter Expert (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)
The Subject Matter Expert or SME is the expert in telling you how stuff works. Product Owners that favor this stance are a blessing and a curse. When you bring relevant domain knowledge to the Scrum Team, they can make more informed decisions and create a better plan to achieve (Sprint) Goals. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Collaborator (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)
We all know them; Tiger Woods, Christiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal, and LeBron James. Some of the best sports players in the world and they are all recognized for their great individual performance as an athlete. They have all won games, matches, rounds, championships, cups, and awards for their contributions and performance and so they must be amazing players in their own fields. ...
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Product Owner im Jahr 1899
Teams, die sich zum ersten Mal mit Scrum beschäftigen, tun sich schwer mit der Rolle "Product Owner". Was macht diese Person genau? Wie sieht ihr Alltag aus? ...
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die-computermaler.de berichtet:
Warum mir Scrum im IT-Infrastruktur-Bereich oft als wenig sinnvoll erscheint
„Wir machen jetzt [auch] Scrum.“ ist ein Satz, den (sicher nicht nur) ich in den letzten Jahren sehr häufig gehört habe – inzwischen auch außerhalb des Softwareentwicklungs-Bereichs im traditionell methodisch eher konservativen IT-Infrastruktur-Bereich. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
Mehr erledigen mit dem WIP Limit in Kanban
Nachdem ich kürzlich darüber geschrieben habe, warum es so wichtig ist, zu visualisieren, wenn man Kanban nutzt, geht es heute darum, eines der wichtigsten Kernelemente von Kanban zu verstehen: das sogenannte WIP Limit. ...
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lean-agility.de berichtet:
Why agile: Gesetzliche Regulierung
Zu den verbreiteten Mythen um agile Produktentwicklung gehört auch die Aussage, dass sie in bestimmten Zusammenhängen nicht einsetzbar wäre. Der vermutlich zweithäufigste Fall (nach das funktioniert in bestimmten Ländern/Kulturen nicht) ist die mit grosser Überzeugung vorgetragene Behauptung, dass Agilität in stark gesetzlich regulierten Bereichen nicht funktionieren kann. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Four Unbalanced Accountabilities That Can Hurt your Scrum Team
Scrum requires a self-organized team to deliver "done" increments at the end of each Sprint. This peculiarity sometimes raises criticisms and questions when it is discussed in trainings or when coaching the clients: how can a team work without a leader? ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Things To Never Ignore When Creating Your Roadmap
Your product road-mapping is a viable means to depict how this product is prone to develop, to adjust the stakeholders, and to procure a money related arrangement for this product. In any case, making a powerful guide is difficult, especially in agile development, where changes happen as often as possible and often out of the blue. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Die agile Transformation als gemeinsame Lernreise
Die agile Transformation ist kein von Beratern erdachtes und vom Management beauftragtes Change-Projekt, so sehr das manche Verkäufer von Patentrezepten auch propagieren. ...
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digitaltonto.com berichtet:
Why Business Strategy Shouldn’t Be “Scientific”
When the physicist Richard Feynman took the podium to give the commencement speech at CalTech in 1974, he told the strange story of cargo cults. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
10 Tips for Good Meeting Agendas + Free Agenda Template
Meetings need agendas. Agendas help with project communication – they ensure people know why they are turning up to a meeting and what they should be doing when they are there. ...
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workamajig.com berichtet:
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Project Timeline
Where does your project currently stand? How much work has been completed? How much remains to be done? A project timeline answers all these questions. It visualizes the project’s progress, letting anyone - even laypeople - get a better understanding of the project. ...
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pmbasics101.com berichtet:
Project Manager Career Path vs Scrum Master Career Path
The Project Manager career path has more options. But it requires more knowledge and skills. The Scrum Master career path is easier to enter. And it heavily focuses on soft skills. ...
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yorkesoftware.com berichtet:
Discovery Phase Slides
These are slides from the Agile Product Ownership Meetup, where we discussed the Discovery Phase of a product. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Ten Pillars of Every Product Roadmap
Your product roadmapping is a viable means to depict how this product is prone to develop, to adjust the stakeholders, and to procure a money related arrangement for this product. ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Make It OK to Speak Truth and Take Risks
When Google conducted its internal research study Project Aristotle in 2015, it found that psychological safety—the belief that one can speak up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes without punishment or humiliation—was the most important characteristic in terms of what makes a team productive. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
Skyrocket Your Creative Thinking Skills With These Easy-to-Use Activities
Creative thinking is a valuable skill and can help you stand out and produce great results. Read on for a list of proven ways to increase your creativity. ...
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techwell.com berichtet:
Before Data Analysis, You Need Data Preparation
One of the prerequisites for any type of analytics in data science is data preparation. Raw data usually has several shortcomings in structure, format, and consistency, so first it has to be converted to a usable form. ...
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ebgconsulting.com berichtet:
How to Make Product Decisions With Transparency and Trust
Product managers can make better decisions if they’ve built transparency and trust with their team. How these decisions are made is also important, and it requires a clear and collaborative process. Here’s a straightforward framework for collaborative decision making that is founded in transparency and trust. ...
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fastcompany.com berichtet:
It’s time to stop designing “minimum viable products”
The very nature of business is being transformed by the cloud. In a world where products are no longer finished before they reach users, and incremental improvements are regularly deployed, the relationship with a consumer shifts from buying a product once (owning it) to paying a fee to use it for a set period (renting it). ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How I Tried Holacracy and Lived to Tell the Tale
Sandy Mamoli shares from her successes and failures in her team’s quest to create a self-organizing organization, what worked and what didn’t. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Zusammenarbeit ohne hierarchische Führungspositionen
Als er nach einem schweren Verkehrsunfall im Krankenhaus lag und “erstmals richtig Zeit zum Nachdenken hatte”, fällte Jörg Eckstädt einen Entschluss. Er schrieb einen Brief an die drei Partner seiner damaligen Steuerkanzlei: “Das monarche Denken muss einem nahezu hierarchiefreien Denken weichen. Derjenige, der etwas besonders gut kann, der eine bestimmte Idee oder bestimmte Kompetenz auf einem Gebiet hat, hat etwas zu sagen, und nicht der, dem die vermeintlich wenigen Produktionsmittel gehören. ...
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techengage.com berichtet:
5 Reasons Why Kanban Could Boost Your Productivity
Enter Kanban, a simple and intuitive solution that will help you boost your productivity with minimal effort. Popular concepts like lean startups and lean ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
5 ways to swim, not sink, as part of a 'liquid workforce'
As a project manager, you may want to learn about new agile techniques and the possible evolutions of your role. As it is always difficult to imagine the ...
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ots.at berichtet:
pma awards 2019: Ausgezeichnete Projekte und Projektmanager*innen
Österreichs größte Projektmanagement-Vereinigung, Projekt Management Austria, zeichnet jährlich exzellente Projekte und Projektmanager*innen ...
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techfunnel.com berichtet:
21 Best Project Management Software to Use in 2020
ProProfs Project Management tool is counted as one of the best tools as it comes with all those features required to manage projects flawlessly.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Q&A on the Book Mastering Professional Scrum
The book Mastering Professional Scrum explores how using the Scrum values and focusing on continuous improvement can increase the value that ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
4 Unbalanced Accountabilities That Can Hurt Your Scrum Team
Scrum requires a self-organized team to deliver “done” increments at the end of each Sprint. This peculiarity sometimes raises criticisms and questions ...
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baulinks.de berichtet:
Nicht-invasive Projekt-Management-Implementierung à la Newforma
Nicht nur bei der Einführung von ERP-Systemen, sondern auch bei anderen büroweiten Softwareprogrammen, wie beispielsweise ...
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businessportal24.com berichtet:
Resign Thinking - Ein informatives Buch über das Projektmanagement inkl. Workbook
Ihr neues Buch "Resign Thinking" hat die Autorin Jacqueline Otten dem Thema Projektmanagement gewidmet. Darin vermittelt sie anschaulich nicht ...
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
The Best Agile Software Development Companies -- Plus, 7 Best Agile Tools In 2019, According To ...
The platform is fully customizable and can be integrated with other project management tools. 2. Azure DevOps. Produced by Microsoft, Azure DevOps ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to decide whether to outsource project management
Leaders are often faced with questions on whether they should develop a capability or tool in-house or use outside partners. Here are guidelines for ...
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ventsmagazine.com berichtet:
How to Define Project Success?
“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estee Lauder [Entrepreneur]. The above words ring true in terms of project management and its ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Mainframe-Anwendungen und Agilität vereinen
Immerhin gilt der Mainframe als Antagonist der agilen Entwicklung. Besteht die ... anderen Programmiersprachen und anderen Development-Zyklen.
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heise.de berichtet:
10 Jahre DevOps: Wie groß du doch geworden bist!
"Bridging the gap between projects and operations by using agile techniques both in development, project management and system administration", ...
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sg.news.yahoo.com berichtet:
Design thinking key to higher organisational success and reduced wastage
In 2010, we were the first to introduce Agile Project Management into Malaysia, which is targeted for the digital and software industry.” he said.
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Digitalisierung im Projektmanagement
Die digitale Transformation wird das Projektmanagement in den kommenden Jahren verändern. Viele Unternehmen, vor allem im Mittelstand, ...
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it.toolbox.com berichtet:
The Scrum team must say No!
One of the core tenets of agile software development is the concept of the self-directing team. The idea is a wonderful effect when it works well. It takes ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Five project management stories you shouldn't have missed in November
Five unmissable project management stories from smart roads to robo-dogs selected by APM's Project journal team.
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Projektmanagement - Menschen, Prozesse und Technik
Die Digitalisierung im Projektmanagement fordert das Dreigespann Menschen, Prozesse und Technik zu wegweisenden Veränderungen heraus.
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