Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
oracle.com berichtet:
Modern Best Practice for Project Management – Project Methodology to Delivery
Your project management approach determines how well your projects will proceed. With this modern best practice, you can determine the most ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
The Scrum Framework
After coaching global Scrum Teams, Agile projects, and product development in all situations across Europe, Russia, and the Silicon Valley, I faced ...
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growthhackers.com berichtet:
Have you implemented Scrum in your Marketing Department?
Recently, we decided to implement Scrum in our Marketing Department, and so far it's been a success. Do any of you use Scrum in your department?
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businessnewsdaily.com berichtet:
Atlassian JIRA: Best Agile Project Management Software
After conducting extensive research and analysis, we recommend JIRA as the best agile project management solution for 2017. We chose JIRA from a ...
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qualitydigest.com berichtet:
What Do You Mean My Production Is Wonky?
What would you want to do? Place blame or work on a remedy? There is a solution: Personal Kanban. It's cheap, easy to customize, and has only two ...
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businessnewsdaily.com berichtet:
Wrike: Best Free Project Management Software
After conducting extensive research and analysis in 2017, we recommend Wrike as the best free project management solution for 2017. We chose ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Translation Project Management: Like a Martial Art?
This ability to prioritize and focus on one or two tasks at a time is a necessary skill for any project manager. My work constantly keeps me on my toes.
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businessnewsdaily.com berichtet:
Teamwork Projects: Best Project Management Software for Small Teams
After conducting extensive research and analysis, we recommend Teamwork Projects as the best project management solution for small teams for ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
13 Tipps für erfolgreiches Verhandeln
Auch in vielen Projekten ist der Druck hoch, ein gutes Verhandlungsergebnis zu erzielen. Für Projektmanager sind gute Verhandlungs-Skills daher ...
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jaxenter.com berichtet:
Simple secrets to a successful Agile process
Scrum masters can be considered the glue that holds development teams together during each iteration (the development process must be divided ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Four Major Success Factors In Large-Scale Transformation
While all transformations have friction, struggle and conflict, successful projects rooted in these practices navigate the friction, and fuel individual and ...
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globenewswire.com berichtet:
Libelium presents a white paper with 50 real IoT success stories after ten years of experience in the ...
The IoT company summarizes 50 of the most successful projects developed with its wireless sensor platform for smart cities, agriculture, water, ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Softwareentwicklung: Automatisierung steigert Qualität
Die Werkzeuge, mit denen sich agile Entwicklung konsequent über den ... zurückgemeldet und von ihm behoben (Test-Driven-Development).
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crn.de berichtet:
Die Messlatte ist der Kundennutzen
... doch nicht so brillant war, das ist das Erfolgsrezept für Dirk Walkowiak, Director Software Development bei C4B. ... Zentral ist dabei das Grundkonzept der agilen Entwicklung: Im Vordergrund steht immer der Anwendernutzen, ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Key Collaboration Skills That Can Make Good Scrum Teams Great!
To make sure your Scrum team has the right mindset, a Scrum Master needs to make sure the Scrum team moves away from the red zone and moves ...
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scruminc.com berichtet:
Scaling Scrum at Lufthansa and ScrumDay Stuttgart May 2017
At the Scrum Gathering in San Diego I gave an earlier version of this presentation and polled the audience of over 1000 people. Two thirds of the ...
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product.hubspot.com berichtet:
Why We Traded Scrum for “Science Fair” to Build HubSpot
We broke up with scrum about six years ago. Agile development served us well in startup mode, but as we added more seats, opened new space, and ...
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conversionxl.com berichtet:
Agile Marketing: How to Implement Scrum for Digital Marketing
While the Scrum framework was originally developed for tackling software development, it's a flexible and functional framework that can be adapted to ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Konfliktpotenziale in Projekten erkennen und managen
Konfliktpotenziale in Projekten erkennen und managen ... Am Schwersten sind in einem Projekt innere Konflikte einzelner Teammitglieder zu ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Ein Leitfaden für Konfliktlösungsgespräche
Wenn zwischen den Mitgliedern eines Teams Missstimmigkeiten oder Meinungsunterschiede auftreten, so ist es in der Regel sinnvoll, diese frühzeitig ...
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techbullion.com berichtet:
Managing Fintech Projects – Introduction to Fintech Project Management
Fintech project management makes it possible to deliver a complex project in an agile way. To achieve this capability, you will need to take some time ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
3 Reasons Why Marketers Need Project Management Tools
Pulling together these plans can take months (or longer). Integrating a project management tool with your marketing platform allows you to plan longer ...
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ehstoday.com berichtet:
Modern Change Management: Planning for Environmental Compliance
Environmental factors simply may not be on the radar screen of project management teams. Environmental regulations can, however, have a ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to set up and manage projects in Wrike
After you've created all required folders, follow the same steps by right-clicking on the applicable folder or subfolder and selecting Project. I've created ...
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publictechnology.net berichtet:
How councils can use and make the most of data
However, the experience that senior management possess is critical in successful data innovation projects. Mature experts – with years of experience ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Skalieren mit Scrum und Microservices: Big Bang oder langsame Transformation?
Was nützlich war und was nicht, erarbeiteten wir zusammen mit dem Product Owner, den Stakeholdern und den Entwicklern in verschiedenen ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Arbeiten in verteilten Teams ist sehr aufwendig
Agile Methoden erfordern starkes gegenseitiges Vertrauen aller Beteiligten. Vertrauen entsteht aber erst durch persönlichen Kontakt. Forrester gibt ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How Ambitious is Your “Done”?
Without a definition of Done, Scrum cannot be applied effectively. At several points in time a definition of Done provides crucial clarity:.
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Transformationsökonomie: Projektmanager müssen sich weiterbilden
Mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen sind in Deutschland in Projektmanagement-Positionen beschäftigt. Das betrifft den öffentlichen Dienst und ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Das Pareto-Prinzip ist Quatsch
Dieses Missverständnis ist der Grund, warum Projektkommunikation selten strategisch geplant wird, bestenfalls vom PMO (Projekt Management Office ...
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Die fünf größten Hürden in Großprojekten
Doch die Probleme liegen tiefer, nämlich im Silo-Denken der Abteilungen und Vorstandsbüros, deren Türen für Projektmanager geschlossen sind.
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diginomica.com berichtet:
Government take note – Audit Scotland's principles for a successful digital project
Audit Scotland provides a framework for future success. ... of principles and you need to consider them all to help you achieve that successful project.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Open-Source-Projekte besser machen
GitHub hat mit einer Umfrage die Open Source Community unter die Lupe genommen. Die Ergebnisse geben Hinweise, was erfolgreiche Projekte ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Q&A with Renee Throughton on Leadership Patterns for Agility
Troughton specialises in enterprise transformations, Kanban, scaled and non software development implementations of Agile. She is talking at the ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
An Essential Paradigm Shift for Implementing Agile
Anthony is the author of numerous blog posts and articles and two books: Agile Project Management and Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers.
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scrum-master-toolbox.org berichtet:
Vasco Duarte on what is the next wave of Scrum
In this episode we review the first 2 waves of Scrum. What they were, and what they meant for the Agile adoption and community. Next we do a bit of ...
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managers.org.uk berichtet:
5 project management skills every business leader needs
Business leaders don't have to have been practising project managers, trained to the 'nth' degree in project leadership competencies. At the very least ...
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pilotonline.com berichtet:
Tips for managing project expectations | Expert column
Managing stakeholder expectations while keeping a project on track and within budget is one of the most difficult tasks a project manager faces.
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Is it a Project or Maintenance?
Since switching my mobile app "project" from Scrum to Kanban, my initial suspicions have become cemented in my mind - this project I've inherited ...
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betanews.com berichtet:
Changepoint improves Agile project management
Project management company Changepoint is using today's Gartner Program and Portfolio Management Summit to launch new capabilities for its ...
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