Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
wallstreet-online.de berichtet:
Wie man sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung abhebt
In der Zeit der Digitalisierung ist es um so wichtiger geworden sich von der Konkurrenz und der Flut von Anzeigen abzuheben und emotionaler auf ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Achieving Balance For Better In Project Management
Women have come so far within project management but there is further to go. The UK Government's largest projects form the Government Major ...
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cioreview.com berichtet:
Significance of AI-Enabled Project Management Systems
Project management companies have also started using AI-enabled systems to perform daily administration and management of projects without any ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:
A Complete Package of Project Management Assignment Help |Gotoassignmenthelp.com
Project management dealing with the complete process of project development life cycle is the most chosen major. The process includes project ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Five stories every project manager should have read
Five unmissable recent project management stories, selected by APM's Project journal team.
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wiwo.de berichtet:
„Kaum jemand freut sich anfangs, wenn ich da bin“
Interimsmanager Jürgen Theis erzählt im Interview, was Routinen so gefährlich macht und wie man ein Verlierer-Projekt wieder in die Spur bringt.
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packworld.com berichtet:
Five ways to up your project management game
Have all your projects followed the same process? ... This is often a forgotten part of a successful project, and I believe it is truly one of the most ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
The Achilles' Heel Of AI
The market is emerging to help make those labor tasks less onerous and costly, but they can never be eliminated. Successful AI projects will learn how ...
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dasinvestment.com berichtet:
Digitalisierung ist ein Muss, keine Zukunftsvision
Anleger setzen nicht mehr auf eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunftsvision: Die Digitalisierung ist für jeden Wirtschaftsbereich ein Muss geworden“, so der ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
22 Best Marketing Project Management Tools for Successful Projects
As a marketing project manager, you need access to a quality project management tool. That way, you can keep your project on track and your team ...
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wrike.com berichtet:
4 Ways Not to Use a Gantt Chart in Project Management
Handling project management with Gantt charts offers numerous benefits, but it's how you use them that counts. Here are a few things you should ...
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balancedscorecard.org berichtet:
10 Common Mistakes That Young or Inexperienced Project Managers Make
Refusing to Ask for Help. One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced project managers is the belief that asking for help will make them ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Selbstbestimmung Hui, Fremdbestimmung Pfui?
In diesem Artikel möchte ich das Plädoyer von Marianne Gronmeyer für die Nicht-Ächtung der Fremdbestimmung vorstellen. Sie sieht in der Fremdbestimmung eine wichtige Funktion in unserer Gesellschaft. ...
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blog.greenprojectmanagement.org berichtet:
Projectors, We need rethink a few things.
This is one of my favorite quotes for a couple reasons. One being that it is historically the first published work on projects and the second being the perspective that if an undertaking is too vast, it probably won’t result in anything. ...
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pmbypm.com berichtet:
Fast Tracking vs Crashing: How To Compress The Project Schedule?
You will find a detailed discourse of project schedule compression in this article. I will discuss about fast tracking and crashing as the two main methods to shorten the project duration. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
All About Time…for Project Managers
After the turn of 20th century, Albert Einstein famously published his Theory of General Relativity, where the general notion of time became space-time! Before that, great minds from Newton on agreed that “time” was simply a measurement between two points on a clock. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis – FMEA? | Video
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (or FMEA) is a powerful methodology that comes from the domain of manufacturing and the toolset of Six Sigma. ...
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thedigitalprojectmanager.com berichtet:
Mind Mapping Supercharges Project Management
Mention Project Management software and most people’s thoughts will automatically go to Microsoft Project or newer web based tools such as Trello. What these tools lack though is the ability to assist in the planning process at the beginning of a project. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Songs to put you in a project management state of mind
As a teenager who had an eclectic taste in music, one of my hobbies was attempting to create the perfect mix tape to fit the theme of different activities I would do such as studying, working out or just relaxing. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
How to become a Better Product Manager
Scrum, backlog management, refinement, you probably already know all about these methods, but what makes someone a really good Product Manager? ...
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project-management-podcast.com berichtet:
Episode 428: Effective Meeting Leadership
This interview focuses on effective meeting management. It covers one of the project management basics that is most difficult to handle - managing stakeholders using different combinations of direct, dotted line, and influential management. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
Challenging project leaders to lead confidently in uncertain times
At the beginning of every New Year, Strategy Execution aims to release its Top 10 Trends list to help guide you and your teams through the constantly changing business landscape. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
Imagine a World Where You Meet Your Goals
Like most disruptions, it began with a problem hiding in plain sight. We were all paying too much for eyeglasses. Then, in 2008, four graduate students, one wearing a pair of frames held together with a paperclip, decided to bring eyewear to the internet. ...
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singularityhub.com berichtet:
New Study Suggests You Can Learn While You Sleep
Every night before bed, I queue up a list of podcasts lengthy enough to last me the night. And sometimes, their contents bleed through into my dreams. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Wie dich die ideale Woche proaktiv macht
Die ideale Woche ist ein gutes Hilfsmittel, um sich zu entscheiden, wie wir unsere Prioritäten setzen möchten. Die ideale Woche ist keine Tages- oder Wochenplanung, sondern ein Leuchtturm, der uns dabei hilft, weniger reaktiv zu sein und dafür proaktiver zu leben und zu arbeiten. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Besprechungen: 10 Punkte, die du bei Meetings beachten solltest
Das Internet ist voll mit Tipps für effizientere Besprechungen. Das Wissen, wie das geht, ist also vorhanden und jederzeit abrufbar. ...
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projekte-leicht-gemacht.de berichtet:
5S-Methode: in 5 Schritten vom Chaos zum aufgeräumten Schreibtisch
Deine Tastatur knirscht wegen der vielen Kekskrümel, deinen Locher findest du nach langer Suche unter dem Schreibtisch, und irgendwie scheinen IMMER deine Kugelschreiber auf magische Weise zu verschwinden? Willkommen im Club der meisten Schreibtischtäter! ...
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leadingagile.com berichtet:
Congruence between agile process and ecosystem
In a recent SoundNotes Q&A with Mike Cottmeyer, our Fearless Leader fielded questions on a range of topics related to organizational transformation and agility. One key point he made was that any process or method, such as Scrum, LeSS, SAFe, etc., ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Six Agile Product Development Myths - Busted
Organizations adopt an agile approach for many reasons. Some hope for greater productivity and a reduced time-to-market. Others for more successful products. Still others adopt agile to increase collaboration between developers and business people, to improve quality, or to increase team member job satisfaction. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Agile Organisationen: Entkalken vor Skalieren
Agile Organisationen sind schlank, flexibel und anpassungsfähig. Das geschieht aber weniger durch die „Agilisierung“ bestehender Strukturen und Abläufe, sondern durch konsequentes Hinterfragen eben dieser. ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Agile Missverständnisse: Die Rolle des PMO im Agilen
Arbeitet ein (Software-)Team erfolgreich agil, so wird dies schnell als Möglichkeit gesehen, das auf weitere Teams oder das gesamte Unternehmen auszurollen. Im klassischen Projektmanagement gibt es hier die Funktion des Project Management Office (PMO). ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Journey of Merging Scrum with Kanban in My Context
During the last year and a half, I was working as a Scrum Master with a team that was working on a product with a history of about ten years. When I started working with the team, they finalized a platform migration and were still struggling with a lot of remaining work. ...
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ted.com berichtet:
Confessions of a recovering micromanager
Think about the most tired you've ever been at work. It probably wasn't when you stayed late or came home from a road trip -- chances are it was when you had someone looking over your shoulder, watching your each and every move. ...
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viktorcessan.com berichtet:
The Often Missed Team Building Activity – An Organizational Growth Strategy
There’s lots of great material out there on how to build agile teams. That material focuses on support and improvement at a team level which is of course one crucial component. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why Focus on Velocity Inhibits Agility
In this article, I will discuss the dangerous dynamic that can arise when a Product Owner, Scrum Master, or the management of an organization focuses a Development Team on velocity. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Do This Now: 8 Ways to Focus your Product Team on Impact, Not Features
In this post, I am going to present eight things you can do this week to start nudging your organization towards being more impact focused. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling Applied to Product Managers & UX Designers
When I meet people at social gatherings and I’m asked what I do for a living, my response is: “I’m a storyteller.” ...
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uxdesign.cc berichtet:
A Minimal Viable Product needs to actually be viable
Everywhere you go people are talking about shipping MVPs. MVP this. MVP that. Let’s not gold plate this everyone. Let’s just ship an MVP! ...
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Zum heutigen World Retrospective Day packen wir Anekdoten aus unseren Retrospektiven-Erfahrungen aus: Was war die katastrophalste Retrospektive? ...
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improuv.com berichtet:
Agiles Unternehmen und Transformationsmodelle - Meine Vorausschau 2019
Im letzten Jahr habe ich drei Thesen zum Jahresauftakt 2018 veröffentlicht. Darin waren die Voraussagen ...
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