Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Measure the measurable
Without Metrics you're just another guy with an opinion - Stephan Leschka ...
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blog.transparentchoice.com berichtet:
Projects Fail - Blame the PM?
Of course, if we had good project managers, we’d never have failed projects, right? ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Do you need a Definition of Ready for your agile ceremonies?
A Definition of Ready (DoR) is an agreement established by some agile teams to help them assess if a given product backlog item can safely be accepted by the team to be worked on. ...
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womentesters.com berichtet:
How to use design thinking to enhance software quality
Design thinking for software testing can be used for the purpose of generating creative ideas and thereby discovering its own creativity. It offers the possibility to find new solutions by other means. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
How to Be a Mentor
It’s a great honour to be asked to mentor someone, and whether that arrangement comes about as a result of an informal discussion or a formal corporate scheme, you should take the commitment to be a mentor seriously. ...
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technologyreview.com berichtet:
Giving algorithms a sense of uncertainty could make them more ethical
Algorithms are best at pursuing a single mathematical objective—but humans often want multiple incompatible things. ...
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dev.to berichtet:
How I'm dealing with Imposter Syndrome and Stress
Stress that has been fuelled by imposter syndrome. It’s not something I’ve dealt with before, because I have worked on teams where I’m the only analyst. ...
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facilethings.com berichtet:
Easy Time Management Techniques for Remote Workers
Working from home has excellent opportunities for both productivity and distraction. When you’re at your best, you can zip through work and wonder where the hours went. ...
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hypotheticallyintheory.com berichtet:
Product Value: Hands, Shovel, or Tractor?
The obvious and non-obvious ways to think about product value. ...
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fitzii.com berichtet:
What it’s Really Like to Transition into Self-Management
Some people think that self-managing workplaces are only a good fit for a certain type of person. Or that you need to be operating above a certain “level of consciousness” in order to be ready for it. ...
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dasscrumteam.com berichtet:
Scrum ist Agile Leadership - Teil 1
Die Scrum Rollen sind die Prototypen für agile Führung und agilem Management. Das Agile Manifest wurde 2001 von den beiden Autoren der ersten Scrum Publikation mitformuliert. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Zen and the Art of Weiterbildung
Agiles Arbeiten ist immer Arbeiten im Team. Ich möchte gerne Bücher vorstellen, die uns dabei helfen können, bessere Teams zu werden. Dabei stelle ich Fragen und schlage jeweils ein passendes Buch für den entsprechenden Aspekt vor. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
„Hilfe, mein Team ist nicht agil!“ Mit dem Delegation Board schonend Selbstorganisation fördern
Wenn Führungskräfte aus Kommunalverwaltungen in unseren Seminaren und Workshops agile Methoden wie Kanban, Scrum & Co. kennenlernen, sind sie meist sehr „angefixt“: „Das würde unserer Verwaltung gut tun!“ ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 signs you hired the wrong project manager
Well before a project gets fully underway, signs may appear that the project manager (PM) you hired is the wrong person for the job. Before your ...
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it.toolbox.com berichtet:
Are your Customers Inspiring your Scrum Team?
In a recent study sponsored by McKinsey & Co in partnership Scrum.orgthe McKinsey researchers identified the Customer as the source of inspiration ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
2019 Scrum Master Trends Report
The 2019 Scrum Master Trends Report is an update to the 2017 Scrum Master Salary Report that Age of the Product conducted in 2017. By partnering ...
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erp-news.info berichtet:
Warum zögern kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in Deutschland beim Kauf von PM ...
Obwohl der Geschäftserfolg eines Unternehmens stark vom erfolgreichen Projektmanagement im Unternehmen und dem Einsatz geeigneter ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Agile Challenge 2019: Das sind die agilsten Teams Österrechs
Jedem Team wurde ein erfahrener agiler Experte von Nagarro als Product Owner zur Seite gestellt. Der Contest wurde nach Scrum durchgeführt, die ...
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techspot.com berichtet:
Opinion: Successful IT projects more dependent on culture than technology
In context: Given the enormous range of new IT-focused technologies that companies are trying to integrate into their organizations, or are at least ...
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energie-und-management.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung: Noch kein einheitliches Problemverständnis
Konkret würde ein übergreifendes Projektmanagement helfen. Ein Blick über den eigenen Zuständigkeitsbereich hinaus, sei selten. „Dies gilt für das ...
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itproportal.com berichtet:
How to select the best project management methodology for your IT business
In other words, there are no iterations and increments like in Agile, and once you plan your project and start it, you can't make any changes.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
10 ways project management will change in the next year
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now staples in the workforce, and predicted to increase in adoption in 2019, meaning project managers must ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Wien: Agile Coach und Transformation Consultant Ausbildung
November 2019) werden die Teilnehmer auf die Scrum Master- oder alternativ auf die Product Owner-Prüfung vorbereitet. Außerdem reflektieren sie ...
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itbrief.com.au berichtet:
How to apply machine learning to assist digital transformation projects
It is very important to have a mechanism to collect information and data that provides a view of project success based on characteristics. With a small ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Wie Agilität Projektarbeit erleichtert
Agile Methoden und Arbeitsweisen haben längst auch im Versicherungswesen Einzug gehalten. Unternehmen wie die LV 1871 transformieren sich ...
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blog.hubspot.com berichtet:
The Role of a Scrum Product Owner, Explained
Scrum product owners play an important role in Agile product development. Learn about how this role can help with your product development in this ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Scrum: Was versteht man unter dem Velocity-Faktor?
Bei der Aufwandsschätzung in Scrum kommen Story-Points zum Einsatz. Dabei spielt der Zeitaufwand erstmal keine Rolle. Der Velocity-Faktor ...
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analyticsinsight.net berichtet:
How Project Managers Can Harness the Power of Disruptive Technologies
A project manager inherits the complete responsibility of successfully initiating, planning, design, executing, monitoring, controlling and concluding a ...
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futurelearn.com berichtet:
Project Management Principles, Practices and Systems
Develop project management skills and understand project management methodologies with an online project management course from Anglia ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Math Behind Software Release Planning
Quantifying the difficulty of projects and how long it will take your team to complete them can help with release planning and minimizing problems with ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How Project Management Can Make Or Break Your Business
It's the kind of story we hear far too often, even from some of the biggest and most successful ventures around. Which projects do we choose?
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maschinenmarkt.vogel.de berichtet:
Die Dos and Don'ts auf dem Weg zu Industrie 4.0
Industrie 4.0 Die folgende Empfehlung skizziert die „Dos“ und „Don´ts“ einer Industrie-4.0-Implementierung in einem Unternehmen. Mit diesen ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
3 DevOps, agile, and scrum myths, debunked
Agile and scrum point us to more than just a process or framework. And DevOps is not just about technology. With these enabling tools, we are ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
3 ways project management will change this year
Project managers play an increasingly important role at many companies, with demand for these professionals far outstripping supply.
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agilepainrelief.com berichtet:
Scrum By Example – How To Deal With Bad Scrum User Stories As A ScrumMaster
It is common in the early stages of Scrum implementation for there to be misunderstandings about what User Stories are for and what makes them useful. ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Agile Missverständnisse: Agile Coach Tribalism
Wenn der Agile Coach nur ein Team hat um dessen Wohl er sich kümmern soll, dann hat er Glück. Es gibt einen klaren Fokus, man kann sich kümmern, man kann für ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Expedite! Handling Unplanned Work in Scrum
Scrum stands on the three legs of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Of these, transparency can arguably be said to come first. Unless a situation is made clear it cannot be inspected ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Bye Bye Velocity. Hello Throughput.
The Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) course has now been out for more than 6 months at Scrum.org. As one of the first few trainers who wanted to teach this course when it came out, I find that it is a great way to combine the Scrum framework ...
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visual-braindump.de berichtet:
Kommunikation bleibt schwierig – leider!
Dienstagmorgen, ich bin auf dem Weg ins Büro. Meine Mails habe ich schon zu Hause gecheckt. Dann noch schnell meine Social Media Kanäle, also Twitter, Instagram und Facebook durchgesehen, anschließend noch Spiegel.de ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Was “Deep Work” wirklich bedeutet
Fokussiert zu arbeiten ist unbestritten eine wichtige Grundvoraussetzung für ein gutes Zeitmanagement. ...
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