Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
infoq.com berichtet:
Adding Agile to Lean at Toyota Connected
Every team member has had formal training, followed by continuous coaching in the workplace through a dedicated team of Scrum Masters and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Change Is Hard: With Agile Dinosaurs Can Try And Dance
Change Is Hard: With Agile Dinosaurs Can Try And Dance ... As a project management expert with deep experience in agile frameworks, I know it's a ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
Stepping back from the Scaled Agile Framework
Stepping back from the Scaled Agile Framework ... frameworks so users can take some things from SAFe and mix it with portfolio project management.
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medium.com berichtet:
Leadership for the Knowledge Work Era
In working in today’s knowledge work economy, it surprises me that many leaders still use traditional ways of leading their people. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Führen mit Zielen – Ohne Zuckerbrot und Peitsche
Der Jahreswechsel ist traditionell die Zeit des Rückblicks, des Innehaltens und der Vorausschau auf das neue Jahr. ...
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cognitive-edge.com berichtet:
Exploring synergies and interaction between the Cynefin Framework and Theory of Constraints
As our business contexts become increasingly complex, the success rate of large scale transformation efforts and projects are rapidly decreasing. ...
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chaosverbesserer.de berichtet:
Die Ausdehnung von Arbeit
Am Anfang klang es noch nach einer guten Idee. Damit mein Umzug reibungslos über die Bühne geht, hatte ich mir für die Woche vor dem Umzug und die nachfolgende Woche extra Urlaub genommen. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Ten Project Management Lessons I’ve Learned over the Years
Project Management is a 'learning endeavour'. That is, when you do it properly, you learn from every experience. ...
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impactbylaura.com berichtet:
Lessons Learned as a PMO Leader
Being a PMO leader can be a lonely and scary experience, especially if you are new to the role. You may be asking yourself “how did I get myself into this situation”? ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
How to Use an Affinity Diagram to Easily Organize Ideas and Information
An Affinity Diagram is a tool that helps you group or organize large amounts of information based on theme or relationship. ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Podcast: Susanne Madsen – Stress in project management
With deadlines, budgets, demanding stakeholders, time zone clashes, and an endless stream of emails, project management is full of stress triggers. ...
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hennyportman.wordpress.com berichtet:
A birds eye view on the agile frameworks forest
Some years ago, you could say “Scrum is agile” and ask “is agile Scrum?” Now we know there is more flesh on the bones. At this moment there are more than fifty known and less known agile frameworks available. ...
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stevekeating.me berichtet:
Are You a Talker or a Communicator?
Before I begin this post on communication I feel that I must point out that I’m only writing about half of the communication process. And it’s the least important half. ...
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viktorcessan.com berichtet:
The EPIQ Feedback Model
Feedback is a hot topic, but not everyone agrees about its usefulness. Some praise feedback as something fundamentally important, while others claim that, even with a well-intentioned feedback model, it’s directly harmful to relationships and self-esteem. ...
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rgalen.com berichtet:
Stop disrespecting managers in agile contexts!
I might be the first one to complain about bad managers. Heck, throughout my career, I’ve had more than my share of incompetent, self-centered, and poor-intentioned leaders. So, it would be easy for me to jump on the bandwagon in the agile community that lambastes managers on a daily basis. ...
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thoughtworks.com berichtet:
Applying the Prime Directive beyond the retrospective
Anyone who has ever worked in an agile project and participated in a team retrospective should have heard the Prime Directive. It’s an integral part of the retrospective ...
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dasscrumteam.com berichtet:
Wenn das Team nicht tut, was es soll
Am 10. Dezember war in der Scrum User Group Bern das Thema der Gruppendynamik und Widerstand gegen Veränderungen im Fokus. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
OER, Hattie und agil lernen und lehren
Das Schöne am agilen Arbeiten ist, dass man sich oftmals einfach in die richtige Richtung mit einem klaren Ziel treiben lassen kann, ohne die einzelnen Schritte vorher genau zu kennen. ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Developing A Major Project: Eight Ways To Improve Planning
Executing these major projects can be either massively beneficial or ... Processing what you see into the most successful team execution plan requires ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Want a Successful Software Build? Just Say No
And yet, his vehicle was a success by the stated criteria of the project: It made it much easier for the French army to haul ammunition around.
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idw-online.de berichtet:
Wie Daten und Künstliche Intelligenz die Produktion optimieren
Der Technologietag 2019 der Fraunhofer-Allianz Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz in Kooperation mit der Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg ...
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searchenterpriseai.techtarget.com berichtet:
AI for project management makes projects more strategic
Managing projects is something humans have done ever since there was a reason to delegate a task to someone else. Yet, even in this most human ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Agile Isn't Out, You Are
Whether in project management, software development, marketing, sales or management, having the ability to change the methods you employ while ...
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businessballs.com berichtet:
7 Project Management Mistakes That Can Harm Your Business
Managing a project correctly can often make or break a company's reputation. Individual teams are assigned to their corresponding team leaders and ...
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whatech.com berichtet:
Build an Advanced Mobile App with Agile Methodology
There are several benefits of agile methodology when it comes to project management. This strategy can assist your teams to direct their work more ...
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searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com berichtet:
Why human instinct causes mistakes in project management
included research that explains why organizations make mistakes in project management, and he provided suggestions to help recognize irrationality ...
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lead-digital.de berichtet:
Was macht eigentlich… ein Product Director?
Ich bin Product Director bei Idagio, einem Streamingdienst für klassische Musik ... Initiiert wurde das Projekt von unserem Customer Support Manager, ...
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gevestor.de berichtet:
Atlassian: Team-Software par excellence
Die exzellente Produktpalette umfasst smarte Lösungen für die Bereiche Projektmanagement, Zusammenarbeit, Kommunikation, Service, ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Manager Tipp für die Projektorganisation für Auslandsinvestitionen
Manager Tipp für die Projektorganisation für Auslandsinvestitionen ... dass die Unternehmensführung auch tatsächlich hinter dem Projekt und seiner ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
LEARNTEC 2019: Skillsoft setzt neue Maßstäbe für digitales Lernen
„Wir setzen daher auf ‚Agile Development' und stützen uns auf einen intensiven Dialog mit Unternehmen weltweit. Deren Feedback nutzen wir, um ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
What It Takes To Create Successful Software Development Projects
Throughout 20-plus years of my career, I've had the opportunity to manage and work on over 50 software development projects across different ...
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techwireasia.com berichtet:
How to implement successful IoT projects
ONE technology that is expected to have a significant impact on industries and enterprises in the near future is the internet of things (IoT). IoT is not a ...
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estrategy-magazin.de berichtet:
Wenn der Product Owner zur Ideenhebamme und Scrum zu murcS wird
Vorweg will ich klarstellen, dass ich kein Experte für Scrum oder als Scrum Master ausgebildet bin. Ich bin Experte für Kreativität und ...
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ucsc-extension.edu berichtet:
Why Agile Coaches Need to Know Both Scrum and Kanban?
Al Shalloway, founder and CEO of Net Objectives, will discusses several dimensions how Scrum or Kanban teams vary, including: culture, ability to ...
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valuewalk.com berichtet:
4 Project Management Tips To Support A Project's Success
While anyone can learn basic project management skills, PMP certification is like the gold standard of project management training and is globally ...
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themanual.com berichtet:
The Art of Getting Things Done with a Kanban Board
Kanban (Japanese translations include “signboard,” “billboard,” or “visual signal”) was developed by Taiichi Ohno, an industrial engineer for Toyota, ...
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enterpriseinnovation.net berichtet:
3 Agile transformation traps CIOs should watch out for
Agile is not just a shiny fruit to pick from a tree, nor a stop to disembark from ... experts in order to accelerate the development of these competencies.
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pcwelt.de berichtet:
Transformation von Traditionsunternehmen: Wie Schaeffler die Digitalisierung anpackt
Der deutsche Automobil- und Industriezulieferer Schaeffler sieht die Digitalisierung als Zukunftschance. Das global tätige Unternehmen hat sich dafür ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Tiefgreifender Wandel oder heiße Luft: Was bringen innovative Ansätze in Projekten?
... offen gegenüberstehen, wie die Äußerungen zahlreicher Top-Manager ... Mehr Erfolg durch neue Freiheiten im Projekt oder viel Wirbel um nichts?".
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business-on.de berichtet:
Productivity-Tools - dranbleiben!
Wenn Ihr Produktivitätssystem, Ihr To-Do List Manager, Ihre Notizen-App, Ihr Projekt-Management-System oder was auch immer effizient für Sie ...
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