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medium.com berichtet:
‘How to Avoid the Build Trap’ By Melissa Perri - 11 Key Learnings
The book “How to avoid the build trap” by Melissa Perri is often mentioned in many product talks, podcasts and articles. ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Zeitmanagement: So baust du dir deine Tagesstruktur fürs Homeoffice
Es gibt keine Lösung für alle. Wenn wir zu Hause gut arbeiten wollen, müssen wir uns an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen. Mit diesem Modell zu Prioritäten, Bedürfnissen und Rahmenbedingungen fühlt sich die Arbeitswoche in der Wohnung besser an. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
A Guide to Being in Action
I have a couple of clients who’ve been stuck in inaction for months now, and they’re desperate to get into action. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Sprint Planning Checklist
A Sprint Planning checklist? How dare you: Agile is a mindset, not a methodology. It is a journey, not a destination. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what else could you possibly cover with a checklist, the mother of all standardized processes? ...
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marcloeffler.eu berichtet:
Agiler Mythos: Agilität = Anarchie!
Anarchie bezeichnet den Zustand der Abwesenheit von Herrschaft. Was das mit Agilität zu tun hat? Tja, das ist wirklich eine gute Frage. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Importance of Continuous Testing In Agile and Continuous Delivery Environments
DevOps, CI/CD, and Agile are all methodologies and approaches that have gained attention in the QA and testing fields. See the importance of continuous testing. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Professionalism in Scrum. What does it mean to be a Professional?
Doing Scrum is not enough! The precious result will not be achieved just by understanding and following the rules and principles of the Scrum Framework. Every day organisations are starting and failing with business agility, praise and blame Scrum. And everyday organisations are succeeding with Scrum! So what is the difference? ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Drei inspirierende Geschichten zu neuer Führung
Was wir aus dem Zuckerkonsum von Gandhi, einer überraschenden Ähnlichkeit von Netflix mit einem Atom-U-Boot und der erschreckenden Teamdynamik von Super-Chicken über neue Führung lernen können. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
What 4 Key Changes To The Scrum Guide Tell Us About Scrum
A reflection on four key changes in the 2020 Scrum Guide, why they were made, and why that is a big deal ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Waterfall vs. Agile – Why do projects fail? Is it a knowledge problem or a requirements problem
Even though the Project Management Institute (PMI) began delivering their Certified Practitioner program some years ago, many experienced, veteran, project managers still disregard agile methods and stress the importance of Waterfall approaches. Their rationale is simple: ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Scrum Changes: Self-Organisation vs Self-Management
Previous versions of Scrum (prior to 2020) referred to Development Teams as “self-organising”. Team members themselves would choose who amongst them should do the work and how to do it. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Scrum has changed! What’s out? What’s new?
The last Scrum Guide was published in 2017, and along with it, reinforcing that Scrum can and is used in different contexts beyond software. In 2020, the Scrum Guide now reinforces that stance to demonstrate that products and services, from wine production, medical clinics, finance and marketing, can all make use of Scrum’s focus on transparency, empiricism and self-management to get work done. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Scrum’s Roles Have Changed. Updates to the Scrum Guide 2020.
What are the three Scrum roles? Scrum (2020) has three roles: ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Remote Lean Coffee
Practical tips on organizing a discussion during a remote meeting ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Can Someone Be an Efficient Product Owner and Scrum Master Together?
The invisible problems slow Scrum Teams down when the Product Owner is also the Scrum Master. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
What Agile Challenges
Examining the values of bureaucratic organizations ...
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medium.com berichtet:
A pretty burn down chart usually means ugly Scrum
Why you should be worried if your burn down charts are perfect ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why Does Agile exist? Scrum Has the Answer
The fascinating search to find the answer to “Why Agile” ...
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playinglean.com berichtet:
The four stages of innovation
In the Lean Startup we have to know what phase of the lifecycle of the product we are at. There are four phases: ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Applying Languages of Appreciation in Agile Teams
There are five languages of appreciation that we can use with others, including words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch ...
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daverupert.com berichtet:
Technical debt as a lack of understanding
Some time back, I was working on a project where it felt like the timebomb of technical debt was exploding in our faces. We couldn’t refactor the whoositz because of the whatsitz and when we asked about the whatsitz no one knew about the whatsitz and how it exactly worked with the whoositz and there certainly weren’t tests for it. ...
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parabol.co berichtet:
8 Agile Estimation Techniques to Try With your Team
The ability to plan ahead is what sets humans apart from all other species. But it turns out we’re not all that good at it. Cognitive bias, group-think, optimism, pessimism and even our evolutionary development, all lead us to make errors. ...
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imanageproducts.com berichtet:
75: The dirty little secrets of decision making
As individuals, we’re continually evaluating options and taking decisions. As product managers, we have the additional responsibility to balance the often competing needs of users, the business and wider ethical considerations. ...
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Wie geht man damit um wenn das Entwicklungsteam fast ausschließlich aus externen Mitarbeiter*innen besteht? ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Das Scrum-Rollenmodell: Drei Rollen, eine Verantwortung
Scrum ist einer der agilen Managementrahmenwerke, die sich sehr gut für die Projektarbeit eignen. Gerade und insbesondere dann, wenn komplexe Fragen- und Themenstellungen entwickelt werden müsen, ist Scrum ein gute Wahl. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Was wurde eigentlich aus der Verbesserungs- und CoachingKATA?
Vor gut und gerne 10 Jahren erschien „Die KATA des Weltmarktführers: Toyotas Erfolgsmethoden“ von Mike Rother. Darauf folgten, wie immer, wenn eine „neue Sau durch ein Dorf getrieben wird“, zahlreiche Kongresse und noch zahlreicherer Beratungsangebote von (allen) LeanBeratungsgesellschaften. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Change Projekte funktionieren! – Teil 2
Viele Change Projekte beziehen sich auf eine lineare, prognostizierbare und damit steuerbare Umwelt. Planbare Prozesse werden propagiert, Standardisierungen, Methoden und Zertifizierungen werden verkauft. Mit der Realität hat dies jedoch nichts zu tun. Im Gegenteil: Das ist – wie in Teil 1 des Beitrags beschrieben – planwirtschaftliches Projekttheater! ...
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thehackpost.com berichtet:
What is a Sprint in Agile?
Projects are split into sprints or iterations using Agile project management methodologies. These phases are brief, repeatable, generally 1 to 4 weeks.
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Expertentipp: Change Projekte geplant steuern
Es definiert die zentralen Handlungsfelder der Projektarbeit, bestimmt die jeweiligen Projektteams und erteilt konkrete Teil-Projektaufträge. Weiterhin ...
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scruminc.com berichtet:
The Updated 2020 Scrum Guide: Cleaner, Clearer, and more Universal
It's even more amazing to think about all that the Scrum community has accomplished using the framework Ken Schwaber and I first officially described ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
New Scrum Guide 2020 Poster
Scrum Guide 2020 Poster After yesterday's Scrum Guide 2020 launch event by Ken and Jeff, I am excited to announce the release of the new Scrum ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Organisational-Level Agile Anti-Patterns - Why They Exist and What to Do about Them
Do not appoint people to product owner or scrum master roles just to find a spot for someone to fill.. If they are a good fit, then fine, but if not, don't do it!
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devops.com berichtet:
DevOps Chat: Adopting Agile + DevOps in Large Orgs
We also manage PRINCE2, which is our project management, MSP which is Managing Successful Programmes, which is our program management, ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Value Stream Management: The good, bad, and ugly for Agile and DevOps leaders
Value Streams help ensure that software and services under development deliver value for employees or customers. Plenty of enterprises still struggle to ...
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guidingtech.com berichtet:
Notion vs Trello: Which Project Management Tool Is Better For You
While Trello follows tried and tested Kanban method to move blocks as the project goes ahead. In this post, we will compare both Notion and Trello on ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Was ist neu im Scrum Guide 2020 Update? (7 Dinge, die Du unbedingt wissen solltest)
Heute, am 18. November 2020, pünktlich zum 25. Geburtstag von Scrum, haben Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland den Scrum Guide aktualisiert.
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kommune21.de berichtet:
Agil gewinnt
Projekt-Management: Agil gewinnt. [19.11.2020] Um einen gelungenen Web-Auftritt für Kommunen zu schaffen, braucht es agile Projektstrukturen. So ...
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builtin.com berichtet:
A Practical Guide to User Acceptance Testing
With analytics tools like Launchdarkly and Optimizely, a product owner can launch a feature to a small percentage of users and measure engagement.
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automotiveit.eu berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten löst Wasserfallmodell in der BMW Group-IT ab
... programmieren, ziehen Domänen-Verantwortliche und Product Owner rund um den Globus im Tandem mit den Businesskollegen an einem Strang.
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Agiler Einsatz von POCs für neue Technologien
Die Anwendung agiler Methoden wie Scrum zur Durchführung eines Proof-of-Concept hat viele Vorteile. Das agile Team definiert seine Ziele zu ...
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