Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
kultur-komplizen.de berichtet:
Fehler oder Irrtum? – Der Anfang einer sinnvollen Fehlerkultur
Das Wort Fehlerkultur ist schon ein Irrtum an sich, denn Fehler lassen sich nicht kultivieren. Das Wort ist ebenso falsch wie das Wort „Kinderbasar“, auf dem keine Kinder gehandelt werden und das daher seit einiger Zeit „Kindersachenbasar“ genannt wird. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
I’m successful because i’ve been wrong
A leader explained, “One reason I’ve been successful this year is I’ve been wrong a lot.” ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
10 Myths About Agile Software Development Companies, Busted
Agile is often called a lot of things: a coding method, a process, something else. Agile really is a set of principles developed by software development leaders. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why the Sprint Goal is not an Essential (Mandatory) Artifact
As many Professional Scrum Trainers have experienced, there is always a good discussion around the Sprint Goal. A similar discussion recently led me to address this not so well understood aspect. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
The Benefits of Revisiting the Basics of Agile
As someone who has been trying to master the guitar for quite a few years, I always try to challenge myself with learning more complex songs. ...
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leankit.com berichtet:
5 Lean and Agile Metrics to Track with Your Team
Management expert Peter Drucker is quoted as saying, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure,” something most product managers or reporting nerds would agree with—especially when it comes to trying to improve the workflow of a development team. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
What is a Statement of Work (SoW)?
There are a wide variety of documents that a project manager has to familiarize themselves with throughout the course of their career. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What is Risk Tolerance?
No one would tolerate a project that is too risky! So, what is Risk Tolerance? ...
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projectmanager.com berichtet:
How Negativity Bias Is Affecting Your Project Management
Are you the type to dwell on the bad stuff and not acknowledge what’s going well? You might have negativity bias and Jennifer Bridges, PMP, says it can be poison to your project. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Product Roles, Part 1: Product Managers, Product Owners, Business Analysts
We have many words for people who shepherd the business value of a product. The many words aren't a problem, as long as we can all agree on what these various people are and they take responsibility for. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:
YAGNI, yes. Skimping, no. Technical Debt? Not even.
I received some interesting feedback and found some interesting connections, after yesterday’s article about “technical debt” and skimping. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why the Sprint Goal is not an Essential (Mandatory) Artifact
As many Professional Scrum Trainers have experienced, there is always a good discussion around the Sprint Goal. A similar discussion recently led me to address this not so well understood aspect. ...
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 72: Lass uns das in der Retrospektive besprechen
Die Retrospektive ist ein Ort, um Probleme anzusprechen – was aber, wenn nur sie dafür genutzt wird und alle Problemlösungen dadurch auf später verschoben werden? ...
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improuv.com berichtet:
Wie effektive Führung über Vertrauen besser gelingt
Es hat den Anschein, als würde sich 'Vertrauen' mit drei Begriffsgruppen hinreichend trennscharf beschreiben lassen. Das lässt eine psychometrische Studie vermuten, die hoch korrelierende, verhaltensbeschreibende Begriffe über eine Faktorenanalyse prüfte. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Von ‚agil‘ zu Agilität …
Aus mehreren aktuellen Anlässen möchte ich heute das Wort Jemandem anderen geben – Jemandem, von dem ich sehr viel gelernt habe über das Lesen von Organisationen und darüber, wie wir das Gelesene einordnen und Handlungen oder Entscheide daraus ableiten können: Dave Snowden. ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
„Digitalisierung ist kein einmaliges Projekt“
„Der deutsche Mittelstand muss nicht nur zum internationalen Wettbewerb in Sachen Digitalisierung aufschließen, sondern Vorreiter werden, um ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Start in die agile Welt - eine Kurzanleitung
Aufgabe des Sponsors: Er benennt den sogenannten Product Owner sowie den Scrum Master. Die Zuständigkeiten: Der Product Owner vertritt im ...
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nature.com berichtet:
How agile project management can work for your research
The idea behind this 'waterfall' project-management approach is to break down one big task into a series of smaller, more achievable ones, with each ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How to Excel at Project Integration Management
Project integration management can make running complex projects easier. Read on to learn how this strategy can transform the way you run projects.
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computerworld.com berichtet:
Atlassian targets agile development at scale with Jira Align
Although there is overlap with Atlassian's existing project management tool, Portfolio for Jira, Deatsch said that software is more suited to small- to ...
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consultancy.eu berichtet:
Four tips for deploying agile in the finance function
Think: Might the new process simplify their administration? Can we reduce manual data processing by linking to an agile project management tool?
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expresscomputer.in berichtet:
Netherlands based startup simplifies project management
Netherlands based startup simplifies project management ... to reduce the risks, while the development teams often try to work in an Agile process. ... A project management tool in which these two worlds can work side by side, a tool ...
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thehackpost.com berichtet:
Can Product Owner and Scrum Master be the same Person?
It is one of the Scrum Role, majorly responsible for handling – “What to build”. If we talk about one of the major responsibilities of the Product Owner, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
which step to start off with as an in-experienced scrum master new to scrum
Hi I needed some tips on how to start off my roles as a Scrum Master entirely new to scrum frame work. I heard about Scrum from a friend and it caught ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Wie Kekse dem DevOps-Team Scrum schmackhaft machen
Das Scrum Team umfasst meist Entwickler, Tester und einen Product Owner, der sich um die Features, Priorisierung und den Kunden kümmert – nur ...
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bdcnetwork.com berichtet:
3 essential technologies for a successful project
Once a new buzz word in its own right, building information modeling (BIM) has become the new standard for project success, from design through ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Warum wir mit agilen Frameworks arbeiten
Heutzutage kann man sich vor agilen Methoden kaum retten. ... Formuliert wurde damals auch das Manifesto for Agile Software Development, an dem ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
The Pros and Cons of Project Management Software
For people who are addicted to project management software and tools, there has never been a better time to be alive. Task management apps, bullet ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
A guide to Atlassian tools
AgileCraft transforms the way organizations enable and manage agile ... Our diagramming and visual project management software kindles creative ...
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cioapplications.com berichtet:
Employing AI in the Agile Environment: Pros and Cons
It is a challenge to introduce machine learning to augment software development process. Major application components like data management and ...
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techacute.com berichtet:
PATboard: Physical Agile & Lean Project Management Tools
One team needs less space to write down a task and another team needs more space #scrum #kanban #board #projectteam #scrumteam ...
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konstruktionspraxis.vogel.de berichtet:
Hybrides Projektmanagement - das Beste aus zwei Welten
Klassisches oder agiles Projektmanagement? Diese Frage hat sich in vielen Unternehmen zu einer Glaubensfrage entwickelt. Dabei haben beide ...
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theinscribermag.com berichtet:
Tech: Difference between Agile Methodology and Scrum Methodology
The software industry is well known for using both Agile and Scrum Methodologies for bringing out the end product to the market through owners.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why Multi-Tasking Makes You Stupid (And Why You're Probably Enjoying It)
I read somewhere that multi-tasking makes you stupid. So, I did some research to understand why. What I learned was both interesting and revealing.
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Das klassische Digitalisierungsprojekt als Anlass, agile Prinzipien auszurollen
Continuous Delivery, DevOps & Scrum ... der Continuous Delivery gefolgt, eine DevOps-Kultur etabliert und das Projekt agil mit Scrum umgesetzt.
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tech.co berichtet:
Asana Review 2019
A popular project management software service with plenty of features, third-party integrations, and clean interface. Asana is one of the more ...
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tech.co berichtet:
Project Management Software
The best Project Management Software can transform the way you run your business. Project management tools, such as Jira or Asana, can help you ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Three Steps To Business Transformation Through Agile
Our oasis was the Agile mindset and the Kanban management method. An Agile mindset is to recognize that: • Working in smaller chunks is ...
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techacute.com berichtet:
What Is Timeboxing? And How Do I Do It?
Therefore it also makes sense to consider it a potential method for agile project management or other for instance modern software development ...
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trendintech.com berichtet:
The 4 Biggest Project Management Trends Shaping 2019
Taking on large-scale projects and completing them in a timely manner is the cornerstone of a successful business. While the project management ...
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