Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
techrepublic.com berichtet:
Asana vs Jira: Project management software comparison
Project management software Asana and Jira offer many features, customizations, and integration with other platforms.
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
My Favorite Product Management Memes
The world is a heavy place right now, I figure a moment of levity might help.
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modusinstitute.com berichtet:
How to Effectively Use an Information Radiator in Agile
Most teams struggle to access relevant important information quickly. As a result, key points are lost, team performance decreases, and value is missing.
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thenextweb.com berichtet:
Switching from developer to product owner?
Consider these pros and cons first Find out if it's the right move for you
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medium.com berichtet:
Difference Between Product Owner and Product Manager Explained
It’s time to remove this confusion and help teams deliver value.
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miamiherald.com berichtet:
6 Best Project Management Software Packages in 2022
Having the right project management tools can spell the difference between success and failure for most businesses, regardless of industry or size.
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increment.com berichtet:
Tools for people
Considering the complementary—but not all-encompassing—role tooling can play in the planning process.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Making your Scrum Events Lean – Identifying the Wastes
The new Scrum Guide 2020 mentions Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking.
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lean-agility.de berichtet:
Teamübergreifende Dailies
Wenn mehrere agil arbeitende Teams merken, dass sie häufigen Austauschbedarf haben, ist in den meisten Fällen die Einrichtung eines gemeinsamen Daily Meeting die Folge, in dem ein tagesaktueller Austausch zu Neuigkeiten, Abhängigkeiten und gemeinsamem Vorgehen möglich ist.
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lean.org berichtet:
How the Toyota Way and Toyota Kata Fit Together
The author of The Toyota Way explains where Toyota Kata fits with Toyota’s broader management principles — and how each enhances the other to help you build more effective organizations.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Don't Mess with Scrum
Scrum is simple, but that simplicity means that each of its elements is essential. The values, accountabilities, artifacts and events are all part of the framework for a reason.
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
How to Make a Basic Gantt Chart in Excel
For project management, you may think that you need dedicated software like Microsoft Project to create a professional Gantt chart, ...
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dailybayonet.com berichtet:
How Can You Become a Good Project Manager?
The task of the project manager is the planning, organization and control of these projects. There are fundamental differences in the nature of ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Wie organisiere ich in 2022 meine Projekte und welche Tools helfen mir dabei?
Um diese neuen Ansätze zu etablieren, ist wiederum ein vernünftiges Change Management essenziell, das den Projektteams agile Arbeitsmethoden näher ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why many Product Owners can’t maximize value
I’ve been part of many Agile transformations and implementations of the Scrum framework. Organizations have to switch traditional roles to accountabilities. ...
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mdalmijn.com berichtet:
Scrum's unintended and gradual disconnect from Product Management
The self-inflicted Product Owner vs. Product Manager confusion that demoted the Product Owner ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Postmodernist product development: Scrum is The Andy Warhol of project management
Is software delivery really an art form? What do postmodernism, as exemplified by Andy Warhol’s pop art, and Scrum have in common? ...
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straitstimes.com berichtet:
Project management: The one essential skill to cope with change and disruption
Project management skills help both employers and employees gain a competitive edge in uncertain times. . Read more at straitstimes.com.
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Auch Unternehmen kann die Luft ausgehen
Dr. Bodo Antonic ist Krisenmanager, seine Leidenschaft das Höhlen- und Tieftauchen. Eine Leidenschaft, die er mit Nikolay (Nik) Linder, dem mehrfachen Weltrekordtaucher im Streckentauchen unter Eis, teilt. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Effective communication with software engineers
If I had to highlight one quality that can influence the success or failure of a product manager, communicating effectively with your engineering team would be high on my list. ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
„Man kann nicht mehr fünf Jahre lang Software planen“
Man macht ein Release-Planning, muss dann den Blick darauf haben bis der Scrum Master das irgendwie moderiert, und am Ende hat man auf klassische ...
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eleganthack.com berichtet:
Are You Sure You Want to Use OKRs?
There is a concept I call drift. Drift means that a process has drifted away from the original framing. It happened to Agile. ...
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techdayhq.com berichtet:
Is Agile the Right Fit For Your Business?
If you have been in the project management space for any amount of time, you would have definitely heard of Agile. The methodology has taken the ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
How to Find Purpose in Your Business Projects
Throughout history, there are examples of projects that seemingly held no purpose when initially conceived. Yet, they became wildly successful after ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Mit der Machete durch den Buzzword-Dschungel
Stefan Kermas, ehemaliger Herren Bundestrainer der Hockey-Nationalmannschaft und zweifache Olympia-Sieger von 2008 und 2012 zu "Teamperformance: Mit der Machete durch den Buzzword-Dschungel. ...
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pressnetwork.de berichtet:
Bringt Agilität nicht den gewünschten Erfolg?
Wie sich diese schließen lässt, erläutert Christian Roth: „Häufig wird zwar Scrum erklärt und auch agile Werte und Prinzipien werden geschult, ...
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lennysnewsletter.com berichtet:
A product manager’s guide to web3
How PM'ing in web3 is different, the pros and cons of going web3, how to break in, and how to be successful—by guest author Jason Shah, head of product at Alchemy ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Positionierung erfolgreich umsetzen
Im Beispiel der Projektleiterin Sandra wären das Termine, in denen sie an einem ihrer Ziele, beispielsweise dem Konzept zur Anforderungsanalyse, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Embrace Agile Thinking, But Avoid The Hype
According to Adobe's definition of Waterfall, "The waterfall methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes a linear progression ...
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bdaily.co.uk berichtet:
MVP in Scrum [Agile]: synergy, benefits, examples
Scrum; Lean software development; Extreme Programming; Feature-driven development. Scrum is a widespread Agile methodology that is used for developing ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Standards, Standardisierung und Agilität – ein Widerspruch?
Ich weiß, im agilen Umfeld hört man das Wort „Standard“ und Prozess ungern. Standard klingt nach Gängelung fehlender Anpassungsfähigkeit. Zu Unrecht, wie ich finde. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Scrum Master — Get That Collaboration Going!
When you get the collaboration going, everything falls into place ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How I became a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) | by Sander Dur
I made it. Over the last years, I have spent some amount of time obtaining the highest of Agile Pokemon badges: the Professional Scrum Trainer.
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thedubrovniktimes.com berichtet:
A Detailed Guide to SAFe Product Manager Product Owner Training
SAFe Product Manager and Program Management training is an essential part of ... The SAFe PO/PM certification covers the principles of lean-Agile, ...
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blog.projektmensch.com berichtet:
„Papa, wie wird man mutig?“
Puh. Da hatte sie mich. „Papa, wie wird man mutig?“ Ich war schweißgebadet, als mich diese Frage aus dem Land der Träume schlagartig in den Aufwachraum der Realität holte. ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement: Kanban-Software Trello erhält einen Kalender für alle Boards
So sollen Nutzer schnell Konflikte ihrer Projekte aus dem Weg räumen ... Die Kanban-Software fürs Projektmanagement hatte Entwickler Atlassian ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Was ist ein Use Case?
Use Case 2.0 – die agile und skalierbare Form des Use Cases · Storytelling: Der Use Case 2.0 nutzt Stories, um ein System mit jedem einzelnen ...
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medium.datadriveninvestor.com berichtet:
How Honest Are Project Managers? | by Marcus Glowasz
Becoming data-driven in project management, by introducing data analytics or even AI practices, is a concept that is already on the agenda in many ...
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
Survival Road Mapping: How to Product Manage in a Failing Company
Alot of what you learn about the perfect Product-Market Fit, kick-ass prioritization frameworks, Lean Product plays, and anything and everything about best product management practices are out the window in this situation. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
No, You Don’t Need More Than 4 Hours a Week to Manage Your Product Backlog
Moving from task management into creating value ...
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