Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
cloudwards.net berichtet:
Best Trello Alternatives in 2019: When Kanban Can't
Trello is an excellent tool, straddling the line between project and task management. It lets you create and assign tasks quickly, making projects much ...
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managers.org.uk berichtet:
The 5 New Skills Required in the Modern Workplace
Earlier this year, CMI launched 'Management 4.0' to discover which ... the principles of agile project management to every department in the business, ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Agile Methoden in großen Unternehmen
Die Position wird auch als Servant Leader beschrieben, er ist Teil des Scrum-Teams. Vielmehr hilft der Scrum Master dem Product Owner bei der ...
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ceoworld.biz berichtet:
The right project management tools are crucial to future-proofing your business. Here's how they ...
For example, energy efficiency engineering firm SES Consulting uses a project management software tool to gain real-time insights into the capacity of ...
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newbusiness.co.uk berichtet:
A closer look at project management for the new business
Recent examples where project management could have played a significant part in your business are the implementation of the EU General Data ...
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maschinenmarkt.vogel.de berichtet:
Prozesse verbessern mit Value Stream Mapping (Wertstromanalyse)
Als A3-Report wird im Lean Management ein Dokument bezeichnet, das ... Andy Pischka ist Project Manager bei der Höveler Holzmann Consulting ...
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it-finanzmagazin.de berichtet:
Agilität vor Qualität? – Wie agile Methoden die Softwarequalität beeinträchtigen
Wie agile Methoden die Softwarequalität beeinträchtigen ... Unternehmen auf die sogenannten “Agile Methods” wie Scrum, DevOps, Kanban gesetzt.
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beliefnet.com berichtet:
5 Tips for Handling Stress in Project Management
Being a project manager is an incredibly successful job because you're both accountable and responsible for the actions of others. When someone ...
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consultancy.uk berichtet:
Four tips for successful digital transformation projects
Digital transformation offers plenty opportunities, with organisations using it to improve their customer services, optimise their internal operations and ...
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bandt.com.au berichtet:
Setting Up Projects For Success
Just like the warm-up lap, the project or product kickoff is a critical time. ... For a successful project start you need to achieve the following things:.
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Process Mining und Automatisierung sind Schlüsselelemente der Digitalisierung
... Industrieunternehmen setzen auf vernetzte Produktionsumgebungen - Stichwort Industrie 4.0 - und formieren sich mit Partnerfirmen zu "virtuellen ...
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onvista.de berichtet:
Project Management Institute meldet Übernahme von Disciplined Agile
Das Project Management Institute (PMI), der weltweit führende gemeinnützige Mitgliederverband für den Berufsstand Projektmanager, meldete heute ...
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automotiveit.eu berichtet:
„Machine und Deep Learning sind echte Game Changer“
Herr Hever, neue Formen der Mobilität und digitale Technologien der Industrie 4.0 stellen ganz andere Herausforderungen an die Qualitätssicherung ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Mein Scrum ist kaputt #77: Zertifizierungs- und Karrierewege
Um Scrum Master zu werden, reicht es Certified oder Professional Scrum Master zu werden – oder? Sebastian Bauer und Dominik Ehrenberg werfen ...
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bworldonline.com berichtet:
Project management in the transformative age
This is according to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a leading non-profit professional association. Since ownership of digital efforts should cut ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What is Emotional Intelligence?
The idea of Emotional Intelligence (EI) – or, sometimes called, Emotional Quotient (EQ) has been around for a while now. It’s an important one for all professionals and communicators to get to grips with. ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum for Marketing
Scrum was developed out of necessity. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber needed a better way to develop software and built Scrum out of three very ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
What Is Scaled Agile Framework: 9 Principles
Well, according to Version One’s 12th Annual State of Agile Report, “The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is reported as the most widely-used approach to scaling agile, with nearly 1/3 (29%) saying that SAFe is the method they “follow most closely”. ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
DevOps – alles agil, oder was?
Ein Vergleich zweier Software-Produktionsstraßen im Kontext klassisch ... Es existiert eine organisatorische Trennung zwischen Dev (Development, ...
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embedded-software-engineering.de berichtet:
Hybrides Projektmanagement
Klassisches oder agiles Projektmanagement? Diese Frage hat sich in vielen Unternehmen zur Glaubensfrage entwickelt. Dabei haben beide Ansätze ...
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computerweekly.com berichtet:
Lack of IT leadership fuels IoT trial failures
“Successful IoT projects start with a clear understanding of the business problems to be addressed, the investment needed and the return on ...
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superyachttimes.com berichtet:
5 things to look for in a good project manager
The project manager should be present from the very beginning of the refit process to ensure that the job is successful in both time and outcome.
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atlassian.com berichtet:
5 cognitive bias examples and how to avoid them in decision-making
We all have biases. They’re our brain’s way of reducing the energy it takes to deal with the terabytes of information thrown at us every day. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Agile around the World
David Spinks and Glaudia Califano share case studies and observations of Agile adoption in various countries, discussing how different cultures could learn from each other. ...
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less.works berichtet:
Attempted LeSS Huge adoption at a German insurance company
This case study describes the change in a department from their initial Scrum adoption towards a LeSS Huge adoption. Those steps towards LeSS Huge included, but were not limited to: ...
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grasshopperherder.com berichtet:
What Metrics Should Innovation Programs Measure?
What are the one or two metrics that you need to keep a corporate innovation program alive? Knowing that most all corps are made up of execution experts, quarter to quarter financial analytics, and incremental thinkers ...
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age-of-product.com berichtet:
Liberating Structures for Scrum (3): The Product Backlog
The fourth Liberating Structures for Scrum meetup addressed the Product Backlog, more precisely the issues with Product Backlogs that subsequently cause Sprint Plannings to fail and Scrum Teams to deliver below their capabilities; as the saying goes: garbage in, garbage out. ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Crystal Richards – Politics and Projects
Some people seem to have no issue getting others to bend over backwards, put in a good word or sign that cheque. According to Crystal Richards these people all have one thing in common – a knack for politics. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Addressing The Elephant: And Why Most Conflicts In Teams Are Invisible
Conflicts are fascinating. Now, this may be the organisational psychologist in me talking, or the facilitator who senses them in the groups I work with. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Projects, Products, and the Project Portfolio: Part 1, Organize the Work
I've been working with some clients who are trying to find the magic way to slice and dice their project portfolios. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
"Little Data"
"Big Data" is the meme du jour, but most projects run on "little data", the sort of data that fits into the constraints of spreadsheets like Excel. ...
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codingsans.com berichtet:
How to order it projects like a boss
If you want to build a product by hiring a software development agency, then read this post first before doing anything. ...
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liquidplanner.com berichtet:
If Risk Is Your Business, Do It Better Than Captain Kirk
As a great philosopher and chewer of scenery, Star Trek’s James T. Kirk once said, “Risk is our business”—nothing great can be accomplished if you’re not willing to take some risks. ...
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marc-widmann.de berichtet:
Stakeholder-Management als Element der Sechs Interdependenzen
Um die richtigen Stakeholder des Projektes zu identifizieren wird die Umfeldanalyse als Vorläufer durchgeführt. Die sozialen Umfeldfaktoren werden in die Stakeholderanalyse übernommen und es ist empfohlen diese nach folgenden Dimensionen zu betrachten: ...
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sozialtheoristen.de berichtet:
Regelbuch statt Regelbruch
Die ungewollten Nebenfolgen der verstärkten Durchsetzung von Regeltreue in Organisationen sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten umfassend herausgearbeitet worden. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Drei Prinzipien erfolgreicher Transformation
Aus drei Jahren intensiver Transformationsarbeit in der BMW Group IT nehme ich drei wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren mit. Die Transformation beginnt erstens immer mit dem Wozu und der Weg dorthin, also das Wie und Was, ist anfangs notwendigerweise unklar. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Agile Transformation — Challenges and Path to Success
Agile transformation today is considered as a necessity as the traditional waterfall model has failed conclusively. Agile has led to phenomenal efficiency and has become de facto standard in the IT landscape today. ...
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dubistgenug.de berichtet:
Selbstoptimierung – von der absoluten Überflüssigkeit von Zielen
Kennst du das auch? Du fühlst dich wie im Hamsterrad? Der Druck zur Selbstoptimierung scheint immens ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
DMS und integrierte Workflowtools – passt das zusammen?
Dokumentenmanagementsysteme (DMS) verfügen häufig über integrierte Workflowmodule. In der tagtäglichen Praxis werden diese Workflows aber selten verwendet, obwohl sie Teil eines bestehenden und nutzbaren Systems sind. ...
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ideequadrat.org berichtet:
Drölfzig Ideen für New Work
New Work fokussiere ich dabei auf die Gestaltung der Organisation hin zu zeitgemäßen, bedarfsgerechten Organisationen. Andere Lesarten dazu findest Du bspw. in meinem Beitrag “Was ist New Work”. ...
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