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scrum.org berichtet:
Daily Scrum Anti-Patterns: 20 Ways to Improve
In my experience, the Daily Scrum is the Scrum event with the highest anti-pattern density among all events. Learn more about the Daily Scrum anti-patterns that threaten to derail your transition. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Job Stories Offer a Viable Alternative to User Stories
As useful as user stories can be, they’ve never been right for every team. An exciting alternative for some teams is the job story. A job story is focused less on the user performing some function than on the job to be done by that story. Job stories originated at Intercom and were best explained by Alan Klement. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
Drawing Together
Manchmal sagt ein Bild ja bekanntlich mehr als tausend Worte. Mit der Liberating Structure Drawing Together machst Du Dir genau diese Weisheit zu Nutze und hilfst Deinem Team, Dinge ausdrücken zu können, die es nicht oder nur sehr schwer in Worte fassen kann. ...
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okrs.com berichtet:
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the OKRs Cycle
I am pleased to share this blog post that I recently co-wrote with Karen Schroeder. Karen reflected on her experience ramping up as a certified OKRs coach over the past six months. Her analysis of the OKRs cycle draws from many years of experience as a strategy execution and OKRs consultant as well as content from the preview-edition of the OKRs Fieldbook ...
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blog.gembaacademy.com berichtet:
10 Behaviors to Practice Respect for People
Last week I had the pleasure of facilitating a study mission for a group of leaders from a global manufacturer. We visited several companies. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Agilität und Gesellschaft
Vier Gesprächsteilnehmer*innen diskutieren über ihre Interpretation des Begriffes Agilität, ob und wie Unternehmen von agilen Prinzipien profitieren und wie eine von Agilität inspirierte Denkhaltung auf gesamtgesellschaftlicher Ebene wirken würde. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Project Planning Process: Navigate the Many Steps You Need
The project planning process can be daunting to a new project manager. And, indeed, to one with experience too. There are so many components, and steps to take. ...
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microsoft.com berichtet:
The new Microsoft Project rolls out to customers worldwide
With Microsoft 365, the world’s productivity cloud, we’re using the power of the cloud to help people and organizations achieve more. Last year, we shared our new vision for work management designed specifically to help teams collaborate on projects more efficiently and achieve more together. ...
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mindiply.com berichtet:
How to communicate project status to clients and stakeholders
What is the best way to communicate the progress of your project to clients, stakeholders, and to other people in general who don’t have a deep knowledge of your work, but their opinion really matters? ...
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sarahmhoban.com berichtet:
Storyboarding for Report Writing
Many of the projects I manage involve in-depth qualitative and quantitative data analysis culminating in a final report that my clients can (hopefully) use to make decisions about how to improve their programs. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
How Proper Stakeholder Management Can Lead to Project Success
Stakeholders have a major effect on projects, which is no big surprise seeing as projects also affect them, as we’ve looked at previously. However, not all stakeholders perform the same roles or want the same things. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
10 Essential Project Management Skills for Success…and Your Resume
When considering a project management career, there are some basic project management skills you need to know about. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
A Short History of Project Management
Have you ever wondered about the history of project management, or how it evolved into its’ present day usage? This article will cover most of the major project management happenings throughout history. ...
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artpetty.com berichtet:
Don't push people... lead them
Dr. Sutton’s work is always research-backed, so there are a variety of studies cited that indicate in many circumstances, too much managing is a bad thing. I agree. However, learning to let go for many managers takes time, practice, and the self-confidence to know that your success isn’t directly correlated to how much time you spend telling people what to do. ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
Remote working might actually be harming our wellbeing
Remote working is becoming more popular than ever. A study released by the Swiss office provider IWG found that 70% of professionals work remotely at least one day a week, while 53% work remotely for at least half of the week. ...
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notion.vc berichtet:
Finding product-market fit: models and frameworks for SaaS companies
Finding product market fit is the foundation for growth and critical milestone for venture backed businesses when raising money, as well as for the venture capitalists themselves when investing. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Words Matter: Unpacking “Iterate”
I said something stupid on Twitter (that’s not the interesting part), which ended up generating a fascinating thread. The stupid thing was when I misquoted Ron Jeffries as saying that iterating just means you’re repeating increments. ...
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andycleff.com berichtet:
Beware the Twin Sirens: Command and Control
Why is it that so often the biggest challenge for leaders is to move away from command and control? ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Agile Marmelade
Ein Musterwandler-Blogbeitrag zum Agilen Kochen hat mich dazu angeregt, über meinen Samstagnachmittag Anfang Oktober zu schreiben – um der Frage nachzugehen, welche Voraussetzungen gegeben sein müssen, um agil in Teams zu arbeiten. ...
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techcrunch.com berichtet:
ZenHub adds roadmapping to its GitHub project management tool
ZenHub, the popular project management tool that integrates right into GitHub, today announced the launch of Roadmaps. As you can guess from the ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Vollautomatische Bescheiderstellung: Visionen einer durchverwalteten Welt
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS) in Berlin hat ein Papier veröffentlicht, in dem es die vollautomatische Ausführung von Gesetzen durch Algorithmen fordert /Anmerkung 1/. Voraussetzung sei allerdings, dass künftig Gesetze „maschinenverständlich“ formuliert würden ...
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peoplematters.in berichtet:
Towards a smarter and agile workforce management
Tina Vas, Senior Vice President, Hinduja Global Solutions share how the workforce management is being impacted with the ongoing global trends ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
DevOps vs. ITIL 4 vs. SRE: Stop the arguments
The framework eases into its alignment with DevOps and agile through an .... The development and management of software products needs agile ...
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produktion.de berichtet:
Big Data: Wie die Industrie mit Daten Geld verdienen kann
Nur große Datenmengen erheben reicht nicht. Für eine erfolgreiche Industrie 4.0 müssen Daten auch richtig analysiert und monetarisiert werden - wie ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Project management: How to conduct a root cause analysis
Knowing how to conduct a root cause analysis can help your teams get to the source of each problem faster and improve project performance over ...
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lead-digital.de berichtet:
Change-Prozess: 3 Tipps, wie die Angst vor der Digitalisierung verpufft
Digitalisierung – für keinen mehr ein Fremdwort. Doch die wenigsten Unternehmen sehen Digitalisierungsprozessen entspannt entgegen.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Top 4 things stakeholders expect from project teams
The success of projects depends heavily on the people involved and the strength of the relationships. There are other factors, including project ...
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cio.co.uk berichtet:
Airbus CIO Luc Henneken plan to disrupt aviation with data
Airbus sought support for the project from Palantir, the controversial data company ... Read next: How CIOs are using agile project management.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
DevOps is changing, and some are challenging "shift left" management
Tell us why you think that the idea of "shift left" management needs to be ... The noun is actually the software development methodology called Agile, ...
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bund-verlag.de berichtet:
Was können KI-Systeme?
In vielen Unternehmen läuft kein Projekt mehr ohne die Begriffe Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0. Die Begründungen für diese Maßnahmen reichen ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Complete Guide to Project Risk Assessment
So much of project success depends on spotting and eliminating these risks. How exactly do you figure out which risks to look out for and which to ...
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news.at berichtet:
Wie wirkt eigentlich Agilisierung?
Schlagworte wie Industrie 4.0, digitale Transformation und disruptive Technologien treiben die Unternehmen um und stellen sich als zentrale ...
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jaxenter.com berichtet:
DevOps Culture: the Neuroscience of Behavior
Helen Beal. DevOpsologist – coach, consultant, trainer, games leader for Ranger4. Product Owner for the DevOps Institute, DevOps Editor for InfoQ.
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ilounge.com berichtet:
Top 10 Best Project Management Software & Tools
Project management software is newly introduced management tools that help organize business projects including scheduling, project arrangement, ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Q&A on the Book Agile Leadership Toolkit
InfoQ: How can leaders reward and sustain ownership in teams? .... issue, or do they let the product owner decide how to solve it with the whole team?
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innovationexcellence.com berichtet:
A Scaled Agile framework with real autonomous teams? – The Value Board
Product Owners could easily prioritize their backlog when it concerned work that they could perform independently, but when several teams were ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Keine Angst vor Scrum und Co: 5 Erfolgsfaktoren für die agile Einführung von IT-Systemen
In dieser CRM-Checkliste gibt Robert Geppert, CCO (Chief Customer Officer) bei der Sybit GmbH, der EAS-MAG-Redaktion 5 Punkte, warum Scrum ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
Separating fake Agile from real Agile
According to the DoD, a fake Agile project is one where: ... Denning also suggested persuading management of the benefits by getting a small team or ...
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it-finanzmagazin.de berichtet:
Zwischen Scrum und DevOps: Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT und Business stark von Agilität geprägt
Zu den am häufigsten eingesetzten innovativen Methoden zählen Scrum, Design Thinking, DevOps, Kanban und agile Frameworks. Nur elf Prozent ...
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gigaom.com berichtet:
Voices in DevOps – Episode 16: A Conversation with Nelson Petacek of TIBCO
As the global Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at TIBCO, Nelson Petracek is ..... If you set up, I don't know, pick a number: 5, 10, 15 agile development ...
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