Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
seattletimes.com berichtet:
For your next project, make sure the price is right
Unfortunately, there is no truly reliable average cost per project type, and ... will help you and the company you hire embark on a successful project.
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idw-online.de berichtet:
Einführung von agilen Projektmanagement-Methoden bei der Produktentwicklung
Netzwerkforum Projektmanagement am 10. Oktober 2019 an der Hochschule Landshut befasste sich mit Agilität im Projektmanagement von ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum – an Art of Decision Making
How do we make sure the success of the product if the Product Owner is new or hasn't had enough domain knowledge yet? How does the Product ...
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faz.net berichtet:
Lieber Führungsgrundsätze vom Alten Fritz statt Scrum
Stefan Knoll hat drei Firmen gegründet, darunter das erste Insurtech hierzulande, die online auftretende Familienversicherung. Als Oberstleutnant der ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Invaluable Laws of Growth for Scrum Masters
This blog is by a Scrum Master for Scrum Masters to improve themselves and their teams. In this first part, we will explore the 5 laws of growth that ...
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xing.com berichtet:
Klassische Hierarchien sind bei uns ein Auslaufmodell
Zu unserem Konzept gehört, dass Führung nun auf drei Rollen verteilt ist: Der „Product Owner“ (Produktverantwortlicher) kümmert sich primär um ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
How to write the Product Backlog item as Hypothesis
Hello awesome people. It's me again with a new learning from within a Scrum team. The development team I was working with around 3 months ago ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Beyond DevOps: Ganzheitliche Transformation durch Business Agility
Stephan Lange works for many years in the area of Agile and DevOps development. He leads the “Enterprise Transformation” group as a managing ...
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handelsblatt.com berichtet:
Wie der Datenschutz die Digitalisierung der Medizin behindert
Die Digitalisierung und maschinelles Lernen spielen im Gesundheitswesen zwar eine immer größere Rolle. Vor allem im Bereich Diagnostik ist heute ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Safety und Security kommen zu kurz
Industrie 4.0 verknüpft Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik mit industrieller Produktion und Fertigung. Dabei kommunizieren und kooperieren ...
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bigdata-insider.de berichtet:
Was ist ASUM-DM?
BigData-Insider ASUM-DM besteht aus fünf Phasen und einem Projekt-Management-Stream. Die Abkürzung ASUM-DM steht für „Analytics Solutions Unified Method ...
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cio.de berichtet:
So spart der Maschinenbauer Eaton zehn Stellen jährlich ein
Dessen zehn Mitglieder stammen aus Programm- und Projekt-Management, Business ... und Rechnungsbearbeitung im Lieferketten-Management.
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Be the Project Manager Your Team Needs With Good Gantt Chart Tools
When you begin working on a complex project, the sheer number of tasks can be overwhelming. Especially if different tasks are assigned to different ...
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towardsdatascience.com berichtet:
Three Questions Towards a Successful Data Science Project
When is a data science project successful? Most articles you will find about data science projects cover how to do machine learning. Don't get me ...
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ceoworld.biz berichtet:
5 Reasons to Get Certified in Project Management
Project Management Professional (PMP) is a professional certification offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It is a globally recognized ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
PTC CIO: 4 lessons from our DevOps journey
... a team that was primarily focused on release management, software deployment, ... You can't do agile before DevOps, and you can't do DevOps before agile; ... Here's why: Agile practices around development, like having product ...
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blogs.lse.ac.uk berichtet:
Want to make your company agile? Start from HR
According to the Project Management Institute, more than 70 per cent of organisations have incorporated some agile approaches. Recent studies ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Management of Change in IT-Projekten
Zudem können die Projekte durch die Betroffenen verhindert oder zumindest verzögert werden. Ein gutes Change-Management kann hier ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Das eigene Unternehmen als digitale Spielwiese nutzen
"Die meisten Gruppen organisieren sich selbst über Kanban oder Scrum Boards. Mit diesen Werkzeugen funktioniert das neue Arbeitsmodell am ...
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produktion.de berichtet:
Warum die Innovationskultur in Unternehmen agiler werden muss
Da liegt die Verbindung zu Agile: Über Scrum konnten wir in 24 Stunden ein voll funktionsfähiges Lagezentrum einrichten, Daily Meetings machen ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Accessibility Testing: Convincing Your Product Owner
Tiitmaa mentioned that their assignment to do accessibility testing came from their product owner. As that's not always the case, he provided three ...
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gritdaily.com berichtet:
5 Reasons You Need a Digital Kanban Board
One such methodology is 'kanban.' Kanban is the Japanese word for “visual signal” or “card.” The Kanban technique emerged in the late 1940's as ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Change Management meets New Work
Am wichtigsten ist das Commitment der Geschäftsführung – ohne dieses scheitert jedes Change Projekt. Mit dem Happy Change Framework, das die ...
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insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu berichtet:
Companies Are Shifting Investment Away from Physical Capital, with Far-Reaching Consequences
In the early 2010s, economists began noticing a puzzle: the economy was recovering from the recession, yet businesses didn’t seem to be investing as much as they should be in capital assets like real estate, buildings, and equipment. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
How to Monetize a Business Ecosystem
More companies are starting to recognize that developing a vibrant ecosystem of partners across industries is essential for accelerating innovation and withstanding disruption. Partners can share new technologies and knowledge, open up new routes to market, and help create new business models. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Project Planning Process – How to Build Effective Project Plans
The project planning process can be as complex as you need it to be or as simple as you want it to be. Each step can be detailed or summary. And you need only use the steps that are right for your project. ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:
Stories Vs. Status: Large, Complex Projects Call For Roles That Are Defined And Aligned From The Start
We know it when we see it. But there's almost universal confusion about the critical difference between strategic communication, project management communication, and change management. When this confusion is brought into large, complex projects, it can create waste, ineffective resourcing and dissatisfied stakeholders. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
5 Types Of Meetings
Meetings are the most important event in any organization — well that is what it seems like. It can also be said that meetings are the bane of every human that isn’t buying or selling something (and that caveat might be an overstatement). ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Is Technical Debt Actually Bad Debt?
As software engineers, our main objective is to deliver. Once our code works as expected, we commit it and then run it in the CI/CD pipeline. ...
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hadermann.be berichtet:
The Cost of Waiting for Feedback in Software Development
The company you work for has a policy that all public emails from an executive should be written by someone with a clear head and proper training. That someone is you. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
Productive Conflict at Work: Simple Guidelines to Keep it Positive
You know conflict at work can be productive for many reasons. But do you know how to engage in and manage conflict in a way that stays positive, productive, and valuable to your team? ...
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prnewswire.com berichtet:
On the EDGE of Chaos: ThoughtWorkers Publish Book on Value-Driven Digital Transformation
ThoughtWorks, a global software consultancy, ... books Adaptive Leadership and Agile Project Management.
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dzone.com berichtet:
Agile Project Management for Distributed Teams
Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering requirements throughout the project life cycle. Likewise, we live in a world where the ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
How to answer 7 top DevOps interview questions
“The reason I ask how a person views his team and manager is to better ... Read also: Top 7 open source project management tools for agile teams. ] ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Agilität erlernen? Agilität erleben!
Wer hat noch nicht von Scrum oder Agile gehört? Viele Leute wissen nicht, dass hinter Agilität mehr als eine fest definierte Methode wie Scrum steht, ...
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pcwelt.de berichtet:
Scrum richtig einsetzen
... und Ziele, die das Team gemeinsam umsetzen soll, sammelt der Product Owner im Product Backlog, eine Art Projektblaupause. Ändern sich ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Faking Agile Metrics or Cooking the Agile Books
Imagine you're a Scrum Master and the line manager of your team believes that the best sign for a successful agile transformation is a steady increase ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Heatmaps 101: What are Heatmaps and How to Use Them in your Business
Data has changed our lives drastically. So much so, that there are many debates and discussions on how data has surpassed oil as a commodity. Although you can’t really compare the two, data is a valuable resource, and data is to the digital economy what oil is to the industrial economy. ...
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letsgrowleaders.com berichtet:
How to Lead When Your Team Resists Change
You’ve noticed a problem, spent the last four days meeting with finance, strategizing, and building an action plan. You’re energized about what your team will achieve, your boss and peers are on board, and it’s time to meet with your team to roll out the new process. ...
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fuer-gruender.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement optimieren: Goodbye Excel-Listen und E-Mails
Die Ursache hierfür ist schnell gefunden: unzureichendes Projektmanagement. Klar, strukturiertes Arbeiten und gutes Projektmanagement können ...
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