Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
linux.com berichtet:
How the Project Management Office Can Enable Agile Software Development
But there is an argument for the role the project management office (PMO) can play in a company gone agile, according to scrum master Dean ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to say no to a project the right way
If a particular technical component is consuming your staff, a project to ... on project management, budgets, and dealing with day-to-day challenges.
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feedreader.com berichtet:
The Project Management Podcast
Today's Project-management-podcast.com headlines: Observe fresh posts and updates on Project Management Podcast. Unfortunately, we cannot ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Q&A on the Book Agile Enterprise
Moreira: The project management office (PMO) focuses on supporting projects in the latter part of the delivery axis of the agile galaxy (after they've ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Die Kunst, die richtige Projektmanagement-Software zu finden
Vor allem jedoch, wenn es sich um Projektmanagement-Software handelt. Thomas Brunschede, Le Bihan Consulting GmbH, gewährt einen Blick ...
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thenextweb.com berichtet:
Top-down management doesn't work with Scrum
Scrum Alliance released its 2016 'State of Scrum' report and the results indicate that businesses are having difficulty adapting to Agility based project ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Does Scrum lead to never-ending effort?
By definition, the Product Backlog is a list that continues to be refined. This includes adding PBI. Does that mean the team is in a never-ending effort loop?
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haz.de berichtet:
Wie VW mit der Technik der Zukunft mithalten will
Da werden die Mitarbeiter aufgefordert, die Werte „Offenheit, Mut und Transparenz“ zu leben. Oder es wird zur Gründung einer „Scrum-Master-Gilde“ ...
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buchreport.de berichtet:
Agile Haltung im Wirbelsturm
Vorgehensweisen aus der Software-Entwicklung wie Scrum, Design Thinking und Kanban-Boards schwappen in die häufig ...
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blog.entry.com berichtet:
The Roles and Responsibilities of Project Management
Project Management is responsible and accountable for the delivery of the project. Here are 8 critical factors every project manager must consider for ...
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spe.org berichtet:
IPA: Personality Matters for Project Managers
A successful capital project could have a significant impact on an owner company's bottom line. As such, choosing the right person to manage the ...
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it-production.com berichtet:
Einführung eines MES-Systems Das IT-Projekt in der Fertigung
In jedem Projekt braucht es sowohl Ressourcen als auch einen umfassenden Projektplan. Ein übergreifendes Projektmanagement stellt sicher, dass ...
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huffingtonpost.de berichtet:
Angelesen: Agiles Arbeiten im Unternehmen
Juristin und Agiles Arbeiten, der muss sich den Klappentext genauer anschauen: Hier geht es nicht um Scrum, Agilen Manifest oder Product Owner, ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Die Projektkultur mit der Kommunikation von Puffern verbessern
Neulich gab ich einer Gruppe von Mitgliedern einer öffentlichen Verwaltung ein Grundlagenseminar zum Projektmanagement. Unvermeidlich kamen ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Expertentipp: 5 Erfolgsrezepte für Projektmanager im Marketing
Die Projektarbeit im Marketing erfordert nicht nur organisatorische Fähigkeiten, sondern auch viel Fingerspitzengefühl. Unklare Projektanfragen ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Graphictelling – Nicht nur in Deinem Kopf
Früher wurden Vorträge klassischerweise frontal gehalten. Der Redner sprach und man lauschte - mehr oder weniger aufmerksam. Irgendwann ...
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sopheon.com berichtet:
agile new product development
With the newfound desire for creating plans that empower teams to be more Agile-like and to deliver value against the corporate plans, an underlying ...
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cio.co.nz berichtet:
CIO upfront: Mindfulness as the key to project performance?
Their conclusions are fascinating, because the top four factors have a lot less to do with traditional project management disciplines and technology ...
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rics.org berichtet:
BIM for Project Management
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new paper 'BIM for Project Management' which provides market insight into organisational strategic ...
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news.com.au berichtet:
Introducing the 'Personal Kanban'
CHECKING emails, checking Facebook, switching between browser tabs, answering phone calls and text messages, chipping away at multiple tasks, ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Change Management and Scrum from a Gamification Perspective
Introduction to gamification. I have been studying gamification strategies and practices for a while, and after having been part of several change ...
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webpronews.com berichtet:
How Will AI Affect Project Management in the Future?
Companies are just discovering the potential of AI to unburden project managers, who are already spending too much time on paperwork or ...
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qz.com berichtet:
“Personal kanban”: a life-changing time-management system that explodes the myth of multitasking
In an industrial setting, Kanban (which means “signboard” or “billboard” in Japanese, as a recent Medium post explains) relies on tickets that move ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Actionable Analytics for Lean Project Management
Pursuing shorter development cycles, larger product updates, and faster delivery rates, project managers are turning their gaze towards a more Lean ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
10 tips for running a successful analytics project outside of IT
The catch to this process is that many managers who are called upon to lead a big data or analytics project lack some of the background in project ...
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projekt202.com berichtet:
Dear Scrum Masters: Why Aren't We All Servant Leaders?
As a consultant, I am focused on delivering features that our clients love and that, in turn, their customers love. As a Program Manager and Scrum ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
PM-Werkzeuge: Weniger ist mehr und besser als zu viel
Die eierlegende Wollmilchsau (siehe Glossareintrag zur eierlegenden Wollmilchsau) gibt es nicht, und doch wird gerade im Projektmanagement ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Lean sein, bedeutet auch agil sein
"Lean" – ist seit Jahren ein Modebegriff in der Management-Diskussion. .... Für das Projektmanagement bedeutet dies: Wo früher ein auf Verträgen ...
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news.sys-con.com berichtet:
4 Tips for Introducing Lightweight Agile to Business Teams
Traditional project management can be cumbersome. Agile methodologies designed for product development don't quite fit with this type of work.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
6 traits to look for when hiring your next IT project manager
I've often said the title project manager is misleading. As it implies, the highest level desired goal is to merely "manage" projects. But managing a ...
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techwell.com berichtet:
7 Good Project Management Practices for Replacing a Legacy System
When you need to replace a legacy system quickly, it's tempting to set aside good project management practices and push forward recklessly.
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Caution: Agile Surface May be Hot
Most people are familiar with the Agile Manifesto and its Principles developed in 2001 by seventeen people engaged in the IT (software) industry.
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businesszone.co.uk berichtet:
Improve Your Career with Project Management Skills
Project management, whilst a career choice in its own right, is a combination of core competencies that are relevant across roles in all industries.
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tntmagazine.com berichtet:
Can Project Management Take Your Career Around The Globe?
Project management can be used in a huge number of different industries, from construction to IT, and there's an exceptionally varied qualification ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
4 of the biggest IT project stressors and how to fix them
There have been days when I've heard project professionals (present ... If you don't know this answer, it's almost impossible to get management to ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Effizientere Projektmanager dank PMO
Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, ob Sie als "teurer" Projektmanager (PM) eigentlich Ihr Geld wert sind? Ich bin mir sicher, qua Ausbildung, Erfahrung ...
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handelszeitung.ch berichtet:
Internet of Things: Warum die meisten Projekte scheitern
Menschen: Die meisten erfolgreichen IoT-Projekte stammen aus Firmen mit einer starken, technologieorientierten Kultur. Als wichtigste Faktoren für ...
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mobileeurope.co.uk berichtet:
75% of IoT projects crash and burn, claims Cisco as it launches new platform
He said the human element was crucial, with successful projects stemming from collaboration between the technology and business sides. Forty nine ...
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produktion.de berichtet:
Wie Lean Production menschlich wird
Agile Management-Methoden wie Scrum finden immer mehr Anhänger in der ... Wer Lean mit agilen Methoden wie Scrum verbindet, der gibt den ... Wie die Arbeit mit der Lean- Development-Technik Scrum organisiert wird, zeigt ...
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winsupersite.com berichtet:
How to Master Project Management Across Devices
With everyone lugging around as much as three devices, one of the goals of any personal project management strategy is just to keep everything in ...
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