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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Product Management versus Project Management
Gartner reports that 85% of executives have, or are planning, to move away from projects and to agile product management by 2025. By 2022, the digital and agile enterprise transformations necessary to get there will approach $2 USD trillion. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why companies achieve mediocre results by modifying Scrum
“Scrum is not for us, our situation is different, but we can adapt it to our world.” That’s how the nightmare starts. Once you hear this sentence, be ready for everything. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
To task or not to task
I recently had a lively discussion with my fellow agile coaches on whether it’s a good idea to break Product Backlog Items (PBIs) down into tasks or not. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How to put HR in the driver seat of organisational change.
The agility of organizations is increasing, due to a rapidly changing environment and customer needs. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Mistake-proofing Your Product Development with Scrum
Have you ever noticed how fast you can improve with Scrum? Have you noticed how it dissolves complexity? If you execute Scrum as designed, it eases your ability to navigate complex products. It feels like magic. ...
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productschool.com berichtet:
The Difference: Prototype vs MVP
Prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVP) are a critical part of product development. Sure, you could dive right in, spend months developing an expensive product with all the bells and whistles. ...
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intercom.com berichtet:
Product Judgment: How some people can repeatedly create product success
Also known as Product Intuition or Product Instinct or Product Taste, it is the idea that you can use your own judgment to (1) accurately predict what your customers need, want and value, and (2) design and ship the right solution for them. ...
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
How To Influence Without Authority As a Product Manager
Product managers have a unique challenge in that they own the product, yet they have no direct control over how the product is built, marketed or supported. ...
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oreilly.com berichtet:
Decision-Making in a Time of Crisis
In the 1996 cult classic film Swingers, two friends, Trent and Mike (played by Vince Vaughan and Jon Favreau, respectively) make an impromptu trip to Las Vegas. At the blackjack table, Mike gets dealt an 11 and Trent tells him to double down. ...
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andycleff.com berichtet:
Stop Giving Answers… Ask Powerful Questions Instead
Scenario: a team member runs into an impediment. Comes to the team lead or the scrum master, and asks “What should I do?” ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Rethinking Ten Sacred Truths Of Agile
Given what’s happened this year, we need to rethink many things. Agile management is no exception. Although Agile firms have fared better than most, Agile cannot remain static: the spirit of Agile requires rethinking Agile management itself. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
5 Menschen. 1 Stunde. 12 Wochen. Erfahrungen in einem digitalen WOL-Circle
Die Idee von „Working Out Loud“ (WOL) stammt von John Stepper, einem Amerikaner. Das Konzept unterstützt Menschen dabei, in kleinen Gruppen persönliche Ziele zu erreichen, bessere Beziehungen aufzubauen und sich selbst weiter zu entwickeln. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Meetingkultur online – ein paar Erfahrungen
Alle klagen ja über die große Distanz bei diesen unumgänglichen Videokonferenzen. „Die Kaffeeküche fehlt.“ – „Wo bleiben die Klönschnacks auf dem Flur?“ ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Social Loafing in agilen Teams
In seinem Blogbeitrag vom 4. Juni 2020 warb Michael Schenkel unter der Überschrift „Das ist doch kein Scrum“1 für eine Anwendung von Scrum, die sich am Geist des Agilen Manifests orientiert, aber genügend Flexibilität erlaubt, um das agile Projekt an die Wirklichkeit im Unternehmen und dessen Umwelt anzupassen. ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
So steht es um die Digitalisierung der Personalarbeit
Die forcont business technology gmbh, ein auf Enterprise Content Management spezialisiertes Softwarehaus und der Lehrstuhl für Personalwirtschaft ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why It Is Essential For Marketers To Remain Agile
That's why marketers today must be agile in order to run successful ... on a project management tool that streamlines team communication and tasks.
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Kick-off-Meeting mit dem Team
Denn während ein Projekt Kick-off primär das Ziel verfolgt, sachliche Themen wie Methode, Verantwortlichkeiten, KPIs oder Budget abzusprechen, ...
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business-on.de berichtet:
House of PM: neue Zertifizierungslehrgänge für Projektmanagement
Neu hinzu kommen Zertifizierungslehrgänge der GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement in Kooperation mit dem Trainingsanbieter pm ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Artificial Intelligence (AI): 8 habits of successful teams
“Successful AI projects model what users actually need and determine this through actual working sessions with users, observations, and process ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Nachhilfe bei der Digitalisierung
Der verordnete Lockdown machte vielen Lehrenden klar, dass in Sachen Digitalisierung noch viel zu tun ist. Die Teilnehmer einer neuen Studie von ...
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produktion.de berichtet:
So setzen Unternehmen Künstliche Intelligenz ein
Produktionsbetriebe, Automobilhersteller, Raumfahrt- und Industrie-4.0-Unternehmen (zum Beispiel BMW, Siemens und Tesla).
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impulse.de berichtet:
3 Regeln, die Teams agiler machen
Agile Methoden wie Scrum sind im Grunde Werkzeuge, die es Teams ermöglichen, eigenverantwortlich zu arbeiten. Das wiederum hilft, in ...
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openproject.org berichtet:
Project management guide
Agile project management evolved with an increasingly competitive environment, the need to adapt to changes fast, and new technologies entering.
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openproject.org berichtet:
Project management terminology
Agile is an adaptive approach: rather than managing one big project at a time, it is broken down into smaller projects managed by cross-functional teams ...
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techbeacon.com berichtet:
Agile strategy: How to go from projects to products in 3 steps
It is possible that development is the bottleneck in value delivery. Since the ... I am a fan of Microsoft Azure DevOps (ADO) for agile work management.
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Kanban - Projektmanagement der Zukunft?
Kanban, dieser Begriff taucht seit einiger Zeit immer häufiger in der Arbeitswelt auf. Gemeint ist damit die Strukturierung etwa von ...
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techbeacon.com berichtet:
Virtual software development teams: 4 challenges to overcome
The most important aspect of staying agile in virtual teams is to keep the roles of the Scrum master (SM) and product owner (PO). And you should have ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to shift from a project to a product mindset
... and minds of colleagues was successfully executing strategic projects. ... While the challenges of the "successful failure" may be relatively new to IT ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Design Thinking in HR
Während bei agilen Methoden wie Scrum Teilprodukte in Sprints entwickelt werden, wählt die Design-Thinking-Methode einen ganzheitlicheren ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Splitting your team reduces planning time
Scrum does not allow sub-teams, that means everything has to be done together. That's why we plan together, refine Product Backlog together, review ...
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wrike.com berichtet:
What You Need to Know About Scrumban
The Scrum team manages a list of overall project requirements (called the backlog) and determines which ones will be accomplished in the next sprint.
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Eine Reise durch die Teamuhr-Phasen
Vertrauen ist das Fundament jeder funktionierenden Beziehung – egal in welchem Lebensbereich. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sind in ein unbekanntes Land gereist und auf die Hilfe eines Guides angewiesen. ...
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tahawultech.com berichtet:
5 steps to achieve digital maturity
Here I will talk about one approach through which we were able to drive successful transformation projects and help our customers in their digital ...
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cio.de berichtet:
4 Schritte für erfolgreiches Stakeholder-Management
Stakeholder-Management ist ein Prozess innerhalb des Projektmanagements. Darin tritt der Projektmanager mit allen in Kontakt, die entweder am ...
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techacute.com berichtet:
What Is DevOps and How Does It Work?
This is all to deliver more software solutions in a shorter period. ... An agile practitioner and project manager, Patrick Debois founded the conference.
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emerj.com berichtet:
How to Succeed with AI Projects – Lead with Strategy
... a failed pilot and a success in building AI maturity and actually moving the ball forward. I'll focus on doing this across three phases of an AI project:.
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cio.de berichtet:
7 Tipps für agile Methoden und DevOps
Entwicklung (Development) und Betrieb (Operations) sollen besser zusammenarbeiten - das Zauberwort heißt entsprechend DevOps, mit denen agile ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Agile software implementations – get back to the basics
Scrum at its very heart has the principles and values of the manifesto ingrained. If one were only to diligently follow scrum according to the guide, you ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Best Agile Team Size for High Performance?
Scrum enthusiasts may recall that the Scrum guide says Scrum teams should not be less than 3 or more than 9. Jeff Bezo of Amazon was famous for ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Complex Refinement with User Story Canvas
... in the same structured way. User Story Canvas can help Scrum Team to fix these problems by focusing team to confirm more complex aspects.
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