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marc-widmann.de berichtet:
Wie stelle ich das beste Team zusammen?
Teamzusammensetzung und Rollenverständnis sind ein Erfolgsfaktor für eine ergolgreiche Projektdurchführung. Ein optimaler Mix an Kollegen im Team mit verschiedensten Eigenschaften kann anhand dem Modell von Belbin analysiert und definiert werden. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Four Questions to Fix Low Attendance at Your Sprint Reviews
Have you ever fallen asleep during a sprint review? Me either. But I can imagine it happening. How about skipping a sprint review because you knew it would be boring? No, but I’ve been tempted. And I suspect you have been, too. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Continuous Improvement Activities Beyond the Retrospective
If you seek to build a high-performing team, there are many more improvement activities you should consider adopting. ...
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empowering.team berichtet:
Principle-based Agile Implementation in Conservative Environment
Driven by the need for increased efficiency in operational processes a multitude of modern organizational forms are emerging that seriously question conventional organizational structures. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
4 Kanban Core Practices to Improve Your Scrum Workflow
Does your Scrum board honestly make you feel tired, what with its 20+ columns and far too complicated workflow? If the answer is yes, then it's the right time for you to look back and remove that complexity. And thankfully, Kanban can help. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Sprint Planning with Kanban
A few months ago we looked at how teams can optimize flow across the Sprint boundary, a technique which is founded on their ability to make limited and sustainable commitments. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Im Ballsaal der Titanic
So manche agile Transformation endet letztlich damit, dass im Ballsaal der Titanic statt langsamem Walzer jetzt Rock ’n‘ Roll getanzt wird und die Liegestühle an Deck hübscher dekoriert sind. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
An Agile Transformation Strategy That Actually Works: Demand Change
There is a big difference between talking about change and demanding change, especially if your goal is an Agile transformation. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Maybe Agile Is the Problem
“Agile agile Agile agile agile agile Agile agile.” A mantra? Not really, though it may induce an altered state of consciousness. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
When Scaling Agile Is Not the Answer
My experience is that when people use frameworks for larger efforts, they experience some unexpected side effects. ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
5 steps to build freedom and trust at work
He reflects an outlook common amongst the 100+ progressive organizations we have visited. In short, hire good people, then trust them with the freedom to get on with their jobs. It puts people in charge of decisions about their own working lives, and they accept they need to deliver in return. ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
How to foster a high-performance culture (just like buurtzorg and handelsbanken)
Is it true that if employees are engaged that they will perform better? Or is it true that if employees perform better they will be more engaged? ...
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hpwallner.com berichtet:
Die Lösung der Aporie (Ambiguity)
Neue Artikelserie „Umgang mit hoher Komplexität in der Führungsarbeit“. Mein Thema heute: „Die Lösung der Aporie“. Eine Aporie ist ein nicht lösbarer Widerspruch. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Disziplin jenseits des Gehorsams
Kinder sind großartig. Zuweilen auch eine großartige Herausforderung. Ehrlich gesagt sind unsere beiden Töchter das sogar jeden Tag – mehrfach. ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Wertschätzung in der Führung: Wozu habe ich diese Persönlichkeit im Team?
Je unübersichtlicher die zu lösenden Aufgaben sind, desto eher brauche ich als Team eine Sammlung kompetenter Typen, die jede für sich auch ihre Besonderheiten haben. Wertschätzung und Transparenz heißt, dies zu erkennen und anzusprechen. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
Why You Need a Project Steering Committee – And How to Create One
A project steering committee can provide the extra support, guidance, and leverage to give your project an increased chance of success. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Risk: the second thing you do
Managing risk? Can you imagine there's risk to manage? ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
Why Most Project Managers Fail to Differentiate Between Risks and Issues
Jason’s face was totally blank and his eyes were still. He looked completely disinterested in the proceedings. Jason (name changed) is a senior project manager with a small IT services company based in Canada. ...
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leadinganswers.com berichtet:
Review of Product Development Books
Now that a software “Done” Milestone is more like a Tombstone ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Technical Debt, Loans & Costs
I listened to The Ultimate Metric: Identifying the Right Problems to Solve. The guest, Janelle Klein, said: ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
What Makes Scrum Masters Successful? Insights from a Conversation Between 30 Scrum Masters
During a recent meetup of The Liberators Network, we got together with 30 enthusiastic Scrum Masters. Together, we explored what made our success possible. We used a string of Liberating Structures to explore three aspects; ...
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guidedinsights.com berichtet:
Now That’s Radical! Build a More Collaborative, Productive Team With More (Yes, More!) Meetings
You’re sitting around the table, listening to one person after another drone on and on about topics that you find irrelevant and frankly boring, while the work you really should be doing has to wait until this interminable meeting is over. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
How to Use the SCARF Framework to Manage Change on Projects
In a recent interview we asked Carole Osterweil, author of Project Delivery, Uncertainty and Neuroscience – A Leader’s Guide to Walking in Fog for her top tip for working in a VUCA environment. ...
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mindiply.com berichtet:
The Ocean’s Eleven way to Project Management
What we can learn about adhocracy and flexible management from a popular Hollywood film ...
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nicola-sedgwick.com berichtet:
Rituals for successful public speaking
The great thing about imposter syndrome is that feeling completely and utterly out of my depth is actually quite a familiar feeling, and therefore somewhat comforting. As such I’m not really scared off by the prospect of doing something that is “new to me”, “against the rules”, “not my job” or “in an unfamiliar domain”. ...
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brodzinski.com berichtet:
Figuring Out Organizational Culture
Some time ago, I had a lengthy exchange about how we work at Lunar Logic, which behaviors are OK and which are not. ...
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blog.crisp.se berichtet:
The Product Roadmap Agility Checklist
I see many versions of product roadmaps in my work. Unfortunately very few pass this agility test. Does your product roadmap pass the Product Roadmap Agility checklist? ...
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m.signalvnoise.com berichtet:
Nobody really owns product work
A few years ago I helped design the search feature for Basecamp 3. We’d invented a unique Mad Libs-style interface, and I was rather fond of how it turned out. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Lean, Agile, & Design Thinking by Jeff Gothelf
Good product development practices are supposed to be built upon alignment and shared understanding, Jeff Gothelf, Author of Sense & Respond tells us at #mtpcon Singapore. ...
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viktorcessan.com berichtet:
agile transformation at Avanza: a case study
Agile Transformation (capital A and T) and agile transformation. Same words, vastly different concepts. An “Agile Transformation” is a cookie-cutter product that anyone can buy off the shelf. It comes with manuals, guides, predefined role descriptions, and everything else you need to get your organization looking and sounding like an Agile organization. ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:
7 types of Agile Coaches
As an Agile coach, I have helped many teams improve their effectiveness in recent years. What surprises me is that the most difficult teams to improve are the teams that you yourself are part of; ...
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dasscrumteam.com berichtet:
Warum ein Product Owner Produkt-Dekomposition beherrschen sollte
Wer im Internet nach dem Begriff „Produkt Dekomposition“ sucht, wird im Moment nicht sehr viele Treffer landen. Jedenfalls nicht im dem Zusammenhang wie er in der Agile Produktentwicklung verwendet wird. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Das Cynefin-Modell: ein Problem auf Komplexitätsgrad prüfen, bevor man sich auf den Lösungsweg begibt
Problem ist nicht gleich Problem. Wenn ich eine Pizza backen will, nehme ich mir ein Kochbuch und folge der Anweisung Schritt für Schritt. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Der agile dritte Raum
Neue akademische Handlungsfelder und professionelle Rollen von Akademikern haben in vielen Hochschulen einen Raum hervorgebracht, der weder im Kernbereich von wissenschaftlicher oder künstlerischer Lehre und Forschung noch in der Administration oder in der Hochschulleitung angesiedelt ist. ...
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gast.at berichtet:
Ist Ihr Betrieb schon agil?
Die Digitalisierung erhöht das Tempo, mit der sich unser Umfeld verändert. SCRUM, Lean Thinking und Co sind in aller Munde. Wir sollten aber nicht ...
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netzwoche.ch berichtet:
Wie Dienstleister die richtige Projektmanagement-Software finden
Die Auswahl und Einführung einer passenden Projektmanagement-Software für digitalisierungswillige Dienstleister ist ein umfangreiches Vorhaben ...
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techzone360.com berichtet:
5 Trends that are Reshaping the Future of Project Management
This has led to the rise of a number of tools to make the job easier. The project management toolkit is always evolving as is the job itself. At the same ...
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martechseries.com berichtet:
Study from Project Management Institute Identifies Six AI Technologies Impacting Project ...
Project Management Institute (PMI) released its 2019 Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: AI Innovators: Cracking the Code on Project ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:
Why Organizations are Choosing an Agile Approach
However, often, it is the project rather than the organization itself that will dictate whether to adopt an agile or a waterfall management methodology, ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
6 AI technologies changing project management
The proportion of projects that are managed with AI is expected to jump from 23% ... SEE: How to build a successful project manager career (free PDF) ...
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