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insights.dice.com berichtet:
Is Your Agile Team Accidentally Practicing 'AgileFall'?
“I realized the head of product was still managing his project managers using a Waterfall process. Teams only checked in—wait for it—every three ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Alles nach Plan? Wenn Projektmanagement in Verwaltungen agil wird
Kommt Ihnen das bekannt vor: Einige Wochen lang haben Sie nun den Kick-Off für Ihr neues Projekt vorbereitet, haben alle notwendigen Personen intern und extern eingeladen, haben sich genau überlegt, was Sie im Projekt und im Kick-Off erreichen wollen und natürlich den Zeitplan genau abgestimmt, Folien vorbereitet, Interaktionen für das Teambuilding – schließlich geht es um Etwas – und dann – am großen Tag – ist alles anders. ...
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usersknow.com berichtet:
Product Team Mistakes, Part 1: Communicating Company & User Needs
A little while ago, I asked a lot of designers what product managers did that annoyed them the most. For the sake of fairness, I also asked PMs about the most irritating habits of designers ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
Jez Humble presents the results from DevOps Research and Assessment's research program, including how CD and good architecture produce higher delivery performance, and how to measure culture. ...
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andycleff.com berichtet:
Agile Team Health & Morale Checks
A lot of companies experiment with ways of measuring and visualizing how their teams are doing (KPI’s; ROV’s, NPS, etc.,) looking for areas where there are opportunities for improvement. ...
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blog.crisp.se berichtet:
Anti-Agile Personalities – Part 2
In my previous blog post I listed personalities on the management side that stood in the way of efficient, modern product development. In this post, I will cover some of the personalities you might find in the actual development teams. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
The Magic of Organizing around Customer Journeys - and How to do it
A real life story: I needed to send some money to a friend who was working for a bank – a bank other than mine. We agreed that I would download Swipp, his bank’s app, for easy payment and money transfer, and then transfer the money. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Ein paar Gedanken über Kollaborationstools
Kollaborationstools wie Asana oder Microsoft Teams sind großartig – aber nicht jeder braucht sie. Manchmal ist es einfach ein Overkill. ...
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marc-widmann.de berichtet:
Zieldefinition im Spielfeld der „Sechs Interdependenzen“
Projektziele sind die Aufstellung von möglichst quantifizierten Anforderungen, die erfüllt sein müssen, damit ein Projekt als erfolgreich abgeschlossen betrachtet werden kann. Zielkonflikte sind zu vermeiden. ...
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inspectandadapt.de berichtet:
Scrum motiviert nicht
Immer wieder höre ich Menschen um mich herum sagen, dass Scrum viel mehr motiviert als klassisches Vorgehen. Dass Agilität motivierender sei. Ich selbst habe das lange gesagt und vertreten. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Not All Feedback is Created Equal!
Product Owners have a tough job. I was in a Sprint Review recently where the Scrum Team had some stakeholders talking about an idea they thought was excellent. So, like any studious Product Owner, they immediately typed up the idea and added it to their Product Backlog. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
Kanban-Master – ja, nein, vielleicht?
Kanban-Master begegnen mir immer wieder – als Kümmerer des Boards, als Moderator oder als gute Fee, die allen hinterher rennt. Brauchen wir diese Rolle? ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Remote Teams and Virtual Facilitation
I have my own biases, having seen co-located teams work very well and having struggled with “dislocated” teams, I often recommend my clients to reconsider “dislocated” teams. And by “dislocation” I am not saying you cannot have teams ten time zones away. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
Top Four Reasons Organizations Fail at Kaizen
An essential element in Lean thinking is Kaizen. Kaizen is the Japanese word for continuous improvement or change for the better. As no process can ever be declared perfect, there is always room for improvement. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Kontext statt Kontrolle
Was hat Netflix mit einem Atom-U-Boot gemeinsam? Obwohl beide auf den ersten Blick unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, ähnelt sich ihre außergewöhnliche Führungskultur. ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Es muss nicht immer eine neue Methode sein – Exzellenz in Interpretation und Anwendung zählt
„Nutzen Sie die neueste Y-Methode, um Ihr Business zu verbessern!“ – „Erkennen Sie Ihr Wesen mit der G-Methode!“ – „Um Ihre agile Entwicklung zu skalieren, brauchen Sie unbedingt O!“ ...
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digitaltonto.com berichtet:
The Digital Revolution Is Ending. Here’s What You Need To Do Now:
The history of digital technology has largely been one of denial followed by disruption. First came the concept of the productivity paradox, which noted the limited economic impact of digital technology. ...
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insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu berichtet:
Is Maximizing Shareholder Value a Thing of the Past?
In August 2019, nearly 200 chief executives from some of the world’s largest companies put a stake in the ground and redefined the role of a corporation and its responsibilities to society. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
Managing in Complex Project Environments
How do you manage a project when it feels like walking through fog? When you don’t know what you don’t know, and the environment is shifting so much that it’s virtually impossible to keep track of all the moving parts? ...
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mironov.com berichtet:
Product Management Tips for Data Science Projects
Data science has traditionally been an analysis-only endeavor: using historical statistics, user interaction trends, or AI machine learning to predict the impact of deterministically coded software changes. ...
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liquidplanner.com berichtet:
Seven Future Trends in Project Management
In this milestone 50th year for the Project Management Institute it’s natural to want to look back at the significant trends have shaped the project management profession over the last five decades, namely globalization of the discipline, and the explosion of methods, techniques and practices being applied to projects. ...
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mosaicprojects.wordpress.com berichtet:
New paper on Technical Debt
Technical debt is more than a technical issue – its effect on major projects can be catastrophic as demonstrated by the major blow outs in cost and time on the £17.4billion London Crossrail project! ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Consider Product Options with Minimum Outcomes
Do you have trouble fitting “all” of the necessary work into an iteration? Your managers might want to push you to do more. Or, the product owner thinks you can do more. ...
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nickytests.blogspot.com berichtet:
Scrum and Psychological Safety
I first came across the idea of Psychological Safety in 2017 when I attended Joshua Kerievsky's talk on Psychological Safety at Oredev. ...
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herdingcats.typepad.com berichtet:
Function Points and Software Development Estimating
The ISO/IEC 141143-6:2012 Standard for functional size measurement Productivity Measurement of software projects. ...
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collaborationsuperpowers.com berichtet:
Shared Leadership In Virtual Teams
MAGDA FERRETTI is a business trainer and organizational psychologist helping Polish companies introduce home office policies. Her Ph.D. research focused on leadership in virtual teams and she uses that knowledge to help managers transition to leading from a distance. ...
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facilethings.com berichtet:
10 Brain Training Exercises To Boost Your Brain Power
The brain is the center of the nervous system and it controls almost every process in your body and your mind. As such, the brain strongly affects mental health and productivity, so you should pay special attention to it on a daily basis. ...
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searchsecurity.techtarget.com berichtet:
Build an agile cybersecurity program with Scrum
The Scrum framework is a method that focuses on teamwork, accountability and iterative processes for product development, with products being ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams - September 2019 Edition
The Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams aims to help Scrum Teams leverage the ideas and practices of Flow and Kanban in a way that is coherent with ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Myth: Having A Sprint Goal Is Optional In Scrum
Sprint Goals are one of the more elusive parts of the Scrum Framework. Most teams know they are important, but few use them - for a variety of ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Beware the dark side of agile project management
Many IT teams and organizations are not realizing the full value of agile development and are struggling with what they call agile project management.
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europeanceo.com berichtet:
PMI: project managers are key to a successful digital transformation
Every day, enterprises around the world are confronted with disruptions that stem from technologies we once thought to be impossible. Technology is ...
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www.wardsauto.com berichtet:
User Experience Must be Part of Product Development
Learn about the latest developments in mobility and UX design at the WardsAuto User Experience Conference Oct. 1 in Novi, MI. At the May ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung: Unternehmen fehlt Vertrauen in eigene Mitarbeiter
Zwar werde in die Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter investiert, aber Trainingserfolge würden im Betriebsalltag häufig verpuffen, heißt es in einer Studie.
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business-wissen.de berichtet:
Welche Rollen hat ein Projektleiter?
Natürlich ist es nicht falsch, Projektleiter aufgrund ihrer methodischen Kenntnisse im Projektmanagement auszuwählen. Sie brauchen dieses Wissen, ...
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inside-channels.ch berichtet:
Projektmanagement-Spezialist Can Do will Schweiz-Geschäft ausbauen
Der Münchner Hersteller von Projektmanagement-Software nimmt verstärkt den Schweizer Markt ins Visier. Dafür habe man mit Jürg Wyttenbach, ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Commerzbank will raus aus der digitalen Steinzeit
Euro für zusätzliche Investitionen in Digitalisierung, IT-Infrastruktur und Wachstum. Mit den Investitionen in die Modernisierung der IT-Infrastruktur will ...
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bbntimes.com berichtet:
Project Management for Founders – Effective Planning (Part 1)
Continuing to deliver on my promise to help Founders use the best of project management in their endeavours, I wanted to touch upon planning in this ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Wie CIOs der Bundesländer die Digitalisierung angehen
IT-Projekte: Bis 2022 sollen Verwaltungsleistungen, die digitalisiert werden können, bundesweit über einen Portalverbund zur Verfügung stehen.
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csiaexchange.com berichtet:
Agile vs. Waterfall: Which Way Is the Most Successful?
The agile methodology is a more iterative approach to project management. In system integration, that means using techniques such as requirements ...
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