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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The number one factor in employee satisfaction
I was asked during an interview, “How do you respect your customers when all you need is for them to make a purchase?” My thoughts went beyond customers to respect in general. The word ‘compassion’ came to mind. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Gute Führung macht sich überflüssig
Führung bedeutet schon lange nicht mehr Kommando und Kontrolle. Sie ist kein Privileg, sondern Dienstleistung. ...
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mehr-fuehren.de berichtet:
Drei Tipps für die erfolgreiche Teamsitzung
Heute gebe ich Ihnen meine 3 Tipps, damit Ihre Teamsitzungen noch effizienter und erfolgreicher werden. ...
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blog.projektmensch.com berichtet:
Hört auf zu digitalisieren!
Verrückt ist das mit der Digitalisierung. Und das meine ich im ureigenen Wortsinne: verrückt. Nicht mehr an seinem Platz. Wir haben den Fokus verloren, worum es bei der Digitalisierung geht und wir überlassen, ganz nebenbei, die Gestaltung der Welt allein den Nerds ...
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unternehmensdemokraten.de berichtet:
Mythos Wettbewerb
In unserer Wirtschaft hält sich die Idee des Wettbewerbs, der zu stetem Fortschritt führe, immer noch tapfer. Ohne Wettbewerb keine Motivation fortzuschreiten, so tönt es seit ich denken kann. ...
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knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu berichtet:
Is Your Team Culturally Competent?
Doing business in Mumbai is not the same as in Milan, which is why working in today’s global economy requires a deep understanding of cultural differences. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What are RAID, CAD, and DCARI?
Defining your project is a vital task. And there are a lot of things to remember. Fortunately, we have some handy acronyms: RAID, CAD, and DCARI. ...
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virtualprojectconsulting.com berichtet:
Role of the Agile Project Manager
If you are a seasoned project management professional like me (20 years) who is transitioning into agile, you will find that this article aims to give answers when you’re trying to make sense of what it means to be an Agile Project Manager (PM). ...
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herdingcats.typepad.com berichtet:
A Compendium of Root Cause Analysis Resources
Papers on Root Cause Analysis for System of Systems Projects ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
Top Five Resource Management Best Practices
Despite a widespread acceptance of projects that end up behind deadlines and over budget, there is a surprising lack of motivation to change how projects are organized or to take preventative measures. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Fit For Value, Saying No, Essays and Discussions
SPaMCAST 552 features our essay on the idea of “fit for purpose” and its impact on the definition of quality. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Minimum Requirements Documentation: A Matter of Context
A colleague asked me about the kinds of documentation the team might need for their stories. He wanted to know what a large geographically distributed team might do. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
How to Work with Someone Who Thinks They’re Always Right
We recently watched a heated debate between our client and two of his direct reports. Our client, a leader responsible for a $350M division, and one of the direct reports, the head of marketing, were ready to extend an offer to a candidate for a new position: ...
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collaborationsuperpowers.com berichtet:
From Chaos To Successful Distributed Agile Teams
MARK KILBY and JOHANNA ROTHMAN have written a book called “From Chaos To Successful Distributed Agile Teams: Collaborate To Deliver“. In this interview we dive into why they wrote this book and how distributed teams can be agile and successful. ...
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atlassian.com berichtet:
How to build a remote team that will last
Statistic after statistic extols the virtues of remote work – it’s a boon to productivity, it boosts morale and lowers stress for the majority of workers, and it reduces operating costs. As the practice grows in popularity, many have called it the future of work, and the new normal. ...
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themuse.com berichtet:
Work From Home? Here’s How to Keep Work From Taking Over Your Personal Life
Working from home can be amazing (can you say “zero commute?”). But when your home is also your office, separating your work life and your personal life can be a challenge. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
Plan Do Check Act – PDCA Cycle for Continuous Improvement
The PDCA Cycle is an easy-to-understand, repeatable approach for working toward continuous improvement. ...
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grasshopperherder.com berichtet:
Our New Lean Experiment Template (and Why You Shouldn’t Use It)
It’s been five years since we first published the Learn S.M.A.R.T. template for recording experiment results, and since then we’ve updated it a few times. ...
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mironov.com berichtet:
What Do Product Leaders Do?
My last post briefly listed some broad responsibilities of product leaders which are distinct from the direct work of managing individual products. That’s a big thought, expanded below, which also gives me a jumping-off point for follow-on posts. ...
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mobilespoon.net berichtet:
10 shades of MVP (or: how to develop a product without developing a product...)
A minimum viable product (MVP) is often perceived as a subset of the real product: a minimized version, lacking some features or missing some UI fine-tunes, but in fact, an MVP is more of a tool to test the core idea of what’s intended to be a product someday. ...
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blog.agendashift.com berichtet:
Visualising Agendashift: The why and how of outcome-oriented change and continuous transformation
Using a shallow and dysfunctional version of a model that was already tired 20 years ago [1], linear plan meets adaptive challenge in a complex environment. Seriously? ...
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agilepainrelief.com berichtet:
Scrum by Example – How to Handle Production Support Issues in Scrum
Whenever you are building and deploying a complex system, there are always going to be bugs, defects, and unforeseen problems with usability — commonly referred to as Production Support issues. ...
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yorkesoftware.com berichtet:
First, do no harm.
Medical students are taught early to carefully consider the possible impact of their actions, this often translates to a bias towards inaction. A paradox when many of us consider them as being ‘fixers’. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Silent Meeting Manifesto v1: Making meeting suck a little less
I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to. I’m writing with the fervor of a missionary to stop terrible meetings. After discovering Silent Meetings I am converted. ...
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automobilwoche.de berichtet:
Die wichtigsten Player bei agiler Organisation: Die Saat von Saab
... Vice President Engineering & Product Development von NEVS. Viele alte Zöpfe wurden abgeschnitten. „Agil“ ist für NEVS mehr als ein Buzzword.
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tech.co berichtet:
Jira vs Trello
There are an absolute ton of project management software options out there. However, two popular names you will come across after even a cursory ...
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customerthink.com berichtet:
Common Obstacles/Questions to Implementing SAFe
The ultimate goal of agile project management is to quickly respond to ... The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is the de facto standard to promote ...
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techtag.de berichtet:
5 Methoden im Projektmanagement
Das Kanban Board besteht klassisch aus drei Spalten, in denen einzelne Aufgaben nach ihrem Status eingeordnet und verschoben werden.
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bigdata-insider.de berichtet:
„Jedes Unternehmen hat erfolgreiche KI-Projekte“
Ich würde behaupten, dass jedes Unternehmen erfolgreiche KI-Projekte hat. Aber das bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass die Unternehmen wissen, wie ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Good News: A Successful AI Project Will Cost 15 Times More Than You Think
Today, most enterprise companies are getting started with artificial intelligence (AI). And with AI talent so scarce, your top team will often breathe a sigh ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Uncle Bob: "Nichts geschieht in der heutigen Gesellschaft ohne Software"
heise Developer: Wenn ich als Entwickler von testgetriebender Entwicklung (Test Driven Development, TDD) überzeugt bin: Wie erkläre ich meinen ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Refresh the Purpose of the Scrum Framework
How would the people you work with complete the following sentence: “The Scrum Framework exists in order to …”? Sometimes we get bogged down ...
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searchcio.techtarget.com berichtet:
4 essential elements of Agile at scale
The Scrum.org website talks about Agile at scale horizontally and vertically. Can you define each of those? West: You can scale Agile teams ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement: Was kostet der Spaß?
Jeder, der schon einmal ein Projekt aufgesetzt hat, kennt die Frage: „Was kostet der Spaß?“ Das gilt genauso für agile Projekte. Da die Anforderungen ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Der Scrum Master: Agilität braucht Mitbestimmung
In Teil 11 seiner Serie geht Jürgen Knuplesch darauf ein, wie der Scrum Master vermitteln kann – und warum er das tun sollte. In dieser erfundenen ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Agile Deserves The Hype, But It Can Also Fail: How To Avoid The Pitfalls
Christopher McFarlane, agile project manager for Walmart Canada, says instilling an agile mindset internally is one of the hardest things about the ...
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searchcio.techtarget.com berichtet:
The case for CIOs taking charge of Agile at scale
What does Agile at scale (also called Agile management or scaled Agile) ... As software becomes a larger component in most of the things [you ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
The Agile Manifesto: A Software Architect's Perspective
However, for a software architect, the challenge is in "HOW" to be agile, as it is .... They should see you as a leader, not a manager with another hat.
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intheblack.com berichtet:
The pros and cons of agile project management
Agile project management is becoming more popular. What are the benefits of using it? And what happens when agile projects go wrong? More than ...
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automobilwoche.de berichtet:
Digitale Transformation am Arbeitsplatz: Durch agiles Arbeiten wird alles anders
Stattdessen werden Teams von einem „Chief Product Owner“ und dem „Agile Manager“ geleitet. „Für den Erfolg eines Projekts ist es wichtig, dass die ...
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