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medium.com berichtet:

Successful Product Owners are Leaders, Not Managers!

Until Product Owners master leadership skills, it will be impossible to release the Scrum Team's highest potential.
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medium.com berichtet:

Time Spent in Scrum Meetings

I’m a developer and I like Scrum. Not every developer does. A complaint I sometimes hear is the following:
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medium.com berichtet:

What are NOT User Stories?

The 4 most common misunderstandings of Users Stories that block Scrum Teams from thriving.
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medium.com berichtet:

Stop locking estimates, start forecasting

Failing to meet timelines is often caused by false expectations
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Become a Product Visionary with Alternative Futures Analysis

In the 1990s and 2000s, Blockbuster was the nation’s top video rental company, with over 8,000 stores across the globe.
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barryoreilly.com berichtet:

Systemic Effects: the Overlooked Key to Effective Strategic Planning

Many company leaders approach strategic planning and achieving goals in a linear manner that’s too shallow and too focused on the short term. I’m going to show you a better way of identifying the consequences of change, sensing smarter options, and positioning yourself for a better future.
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:

Optimize your process for decision-making, not dogma

featuredby jeff gothelf, posted in agile, enterprise, lean startup, lean ux, product management, product strategy, productivity, research, startups, user feedback, ux team, ways of working, work ethic
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medium.com berichtet:

The critical core components of self-organized companies

If self-organized companies are so much more rewarding and successful, why are we not seeing more of them?
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leadingagile.com berichtet:

The physics of agility: predictability

When large organizations set out to take on Agile Transformation, it’s never for Agile’s sake. They’re usually after one or more of these 6 things, Predictability, Quality, Cost Savings, Early ROI, Product Fit, or Innovation.
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t2informatik.de berichtet:

Boost your Backlog – Teil 1

Sind Sie Product Owner? Oder haben Sie vor, einer zu werden? Dann kennen Sie vielleicht folgende Situation: Ihre Firma hat – aus welchen Gründen auch immer – beschlossen, künftig „agil“ zu arbeiten.
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OKR – Objectives and Key Results: Mehr als nur Ziele (Grundlagen)

SMARTe Ziele, Unternehmensvisionen, KPIs, strategische Maßnahmen – und nun kommt mit OKR noch ein neues Werkzeug zum Setzen von Zielen um die Ecke?
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Weisst du was ein Massively Transformative Purpose ist?

Bevor ich Anne M. Schüller & Alex T. Steffen: Die Orbit-Organisation. In 9 Schritten zum Unternehmensmodell für die digitale Zukunft gelesen habe, hatte ich noch nie von einem Massively Transformative Purpose gehört und freue mich nun sehr darauf, mit Dir gemeinsam herauszufinden, was sich hinter diesem Konzept verbirgt.
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heise.de berichtet:

betterCode() präsentiert den Product Owner Day

Erfahrungen für ein besser funktionierendes agiles Produktmanagement verspricht der online durchgeführte Product Owner Day am 10. Dezember ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

„Es ist egal wo wir heute sind, wir wollen in die Zukunft – und da spielt DevOps eine zentrale Rolle“

In unserem Interview mit Neno Loje, selbstständiger Berater und Professional Scrum Trainer, von der BASTA! 2020 in Frankfurt sprachen wir darüber, ...
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Mit dem agilen Mitarbeitergespräch selbstorganisiert Ziele festlegen

Das agile Projektmanagement lehrt uns aber auch, schnell auf mögliche Veränderungen zu reagieren. Daher empfehlen wir regelmäßige ...
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What Do Remote Workers Need for Project Management and Collaboration?

While that may be the case, most businesses can't afford for project management to be one of them. Yet more than half (54%) of businesses say they ...
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Don't blame corporate culture for not cultivating psychological safety within your teams!

My musings on project management, project portfolio management and change management. I'm a firm believer that a pragmatic approach to ...
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t3n.de berichtet:

Stift und Papier: 5 Gründe, warum agile Spitzenunternehmen darauf setzen

Gute digitale Kollaborations- und Projektmanagement-Tools sind dabei ein enormer Gewinn. Es gibt jedoch gute Gründe für einen punktuellen ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

[VLOG] Can The Scrum Master Also Be Part Of The Scrum Developers?

In today's vlog I would like to share with you the answer to one of the most common questions I kept on getting, that is: "can the Scrum Master also be ...
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devops.com berichtet:

The Role of DevOps Feedback Loops in Your Value Stream

Or it might flow from testers to the product owner. ... higher quality with lower costs and deliver products that better fit their intended audience and use.
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infoq.com berichtet:

Overcoming Software Impediments Using Obstacle Boards

In addition to the usual Scrum master, product owner and developer roles, we also had support from three business analysts who would perform daily ...
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ciodive.com berichtet:

AI needs C-suite funding to succeed

Companies that allocate funding for AI projects at the C-suite level are twice as likely to achieve high levels of AI maturity, according to Whit Andrews, ...
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Five steps to build an artificial intelligence strategy

During AI transformation projects, companies often make the mistake of ... As with any successful project, the formula for enterprise-wide AI adoption is ...
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blog.udacity.com berichtet:

Breaking Into IT Project Management

Project managers are frequently responsible for performing a needs assessment, organizing resources, tracking progress, and sequencing tasks.
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5 Online Project Management Trends for 2021

With a special focus on virtual teams and online project management, this article shows what's ahead for the new year and how you can start ...
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Project Management 101: Terms and Techniques to Get You Started

Project management is the practice or discipline that involves planning, ... Scrum: Scrum is an Agile teamwork methodology delivering iterative, ...
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7 Project Management Styles

A project using Agile methodology has several iterations or releases, providing plenty of opportunities to adjust along the way. It breaks the larger goal ...
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Was ist DevOps? – Agile Zusammenarbeit in der IT verstehen

DevOps ist ein ein Kunstwort aus den Begriffen Development (englisch für ... Da die Software-Entwicklung und der Betrieb immer enger miteinander ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

How to make sure your digital transformation is about winning, not worry and woe

Business leaders need to adopt agile principles to increase the chances of success for digital transformation projects, according to new research from ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Wie Controlling das erfolgreiche Umsetzen von Software-Projekten ermöglicht

... Verantwortlichen daher einen genauen Blick auf das Projektmanagement ... Wie sieht ein speziell auf komplexe Software-Projekte zugeschnittenes ...
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report.at berichtet:

Claim Management ist nicht mehr sexy

Heute ist man erfolgreich, wenn man wirtschaftlich erfolgreich ist. Da geht es nicht um das Projekt. In Zukunft muss eine optimale Projektabwicklung sexy ...
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So werden Ihre Meetings kürzer und produktiver

"Um die Entwicklerzeit seriös schätzen zu können, muss ich erst mit dem Product Owner sprechen," widerspricht Alexander. Gespannt folgt Martin der ...
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techradar.com berichtet:

The most popular project management methodologies: A comparison

Agile project management allows team members to break projects into small pieces, or 'increments' and review each one before moving forward to the ...
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brides.com berichtet:

How to Plan Your Wedding Like a Project Manager

Ogunfemi advises that the following steps in the agile development process are equally important to weddings. Planning: In the agile process, this is ...
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Fresh Agile Voices: Raven Cashaw [Podcast]

And so finally, I got an entry-level project manager job. And one of my managers says, hey, why don't we just try this agile thing? And I said, what is ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:


Polizei Hamburg spricht über ihr Multi-Projektmanagement ... Kernprodukt Blue Ant, eine Multi-Projektmanagementlösung mit integriertem Projekt- ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

How Agile Coaching plays a role in unlocking the Future of Work

In Leslie Morse's first Scrum.org blog post she explores the intersection of professional coaching and agile coaching, and the opportunity we have as ...
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Kimble rebuilds project management for F1 performance

It is about helping customers deliver successful projects every time. His anecdote was a formula one racing that aims to deliver a perfect lap every time ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Projektplanung: Schritt für Schritt zu planbarem Projekterfolg

Zahlreiche Studien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement (GPM) zeigen über die letzten zwanzig Jahre bis heute: Mangelnde ...
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Erfolgsfaktoren für agile Führung

Mit klassischen Management by Objectives-Konzepten funktioniert das ... Die Umsetzung auf der Basis von SMART-Zielen und Projektmanagement ...
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