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www.watchpro.com berichtet:

Is Kickstarter the way to go for fresh watch projects?

During the first quarter of 2021, 71% of successful watch projects on Kickstarter raised no more than CHF 50'000, thus showing we are clearly very far ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Software-Entwicklung: Continuous Integration liegt voll im Trend

Aber nicht nur für die Kunden, auch für die Entwickler- und Projekt-Management-Teams bietet CI in Verbindung mit agilen Development-Prozessen ...
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Compare design thinking vs. Agile for QA

While design thinking determines the right problems to solve, Agile is a project management methodology that helps build better software faster.
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techgenix.com berichtet:

Demystifying scrum project management

Agile project management is a framework that helps a team deliver measurable ROI through an iterative approach, where, in each iteration, specific ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:

Der Scrum Master: „Love it, leave it, or change it!“

Der Scrum Master ist zurück. Manchmal verliert ein Autor seine Inspiration. Manchmal geht ein Autor durch eine schwere Zeit, ob mit oder ohne ...
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makeuseof.com berichtet:

Notion Vs Trello: Which Productivity App Should You Use in 2021

Simple Kanban-style boards enable you to quickly create tasks and projects on a card. You can then drag them along through different stages of ...
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bhamnow.com berichtet:

SCRUM! 3 Innovators Learn How To Do More In Less Time

In February 2021, she took the joint Scrum Master/Product Owner class. Ethan Summers is the CEO of Fledging, a Birmingham-based premium ...
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"Die Katana-Methode hält fünf Projektarbeitsprinzipien ein"

Yvonne Kraus und Jochen Cholin sind überzeugt, dass das nicht sein muss - wenn Projektmanager fünf einfache Prinzipien der Katana-Methode ...
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6 Tipps für erfolgreiche Projekte mit Startups

6 Tipps für erfolgreiche Projekte mit Startups ... die hohe Unsicherheit und das fehlende Know-How, das mit solchen Projekten verbunden ist, im Weg.
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5 best practices for effective resource management

Managing your resources correctly can lead to more profit The management of your resources is critical to any successful project. You can expect ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

Waterfall Vs. Agile Methodologies: Using The Cynefin Framework

A subject of many debates you're probably all too familiar with, waterfall vs. agile presents project managers with a dilemma: Which approach is the ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

In Kombination am erfolgreichsten: Design Thinking, Lean Startup und agile Entwicklung

Product Owner oder Entwicklungsteams; Organisatorische Elemente einsetzen: Strukturierung durch systematische und gleichzeitig flexible Bausteine ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Erfolgreiche KI & ML-Projekte

Erfolgreiche KI & ML-Projekte ... InterSystems bündelt fünf Ratschläge für den erfolgreichen KI-Einsatz zu einem Leitfaden für Unternehmen, die den ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

IT-Security in Scrum-Teams etablieren

Agil Arbeiten und dabei den Ansprüchen an IT-Sicherheit zu genügen, fällt vielen Scrum-Teams schwer. Daher ist es wichtig, IT-Security als festen ...
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Data-Informed Retrospectives - Age-of-Product

Learn how you can improve as a Scrum Team continuously by leveraging data-informed Retrospectives — Age-of-Product.com. #kaizen.
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cio.com berichtet:

Visualizing the Process of Modernizing Legacy Systems

Visual collaboration solutions can integrate infrastructure or network diagrams with agile project management solutions, like Jira, to create a single ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:

Agile management: How this new way of leading teams is delivering big results

Porter and his BP colleagues have been exploring Agile working styles, which involves the application of the principles of Agile software development ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:

Zuhören, verstehen, intelligent agieren

ITD: Als Product Owner für Ihre Flaggschiffproduktlinie KIX verantworten Sie heute das Innovationsmanagement der cape IT GmbH. Was kann man ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:

Kultur & Werte

„Verantwortungsvolle Führung bringt individuelle und in der Realität erlebte Werte stärker miteinander in Einklang und wirkt sich positiv auf die intrinsische Motivation und die Arbeitszufriedenheit aus. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:

Stress sabotiert Veränderungen

In der heutigen Berufswelt haben die körperlichen Belastungen stark abgenommen, aber psychisch wird die Arbeit für alle, für das Management und die MitarbeiterInnen, immer anstrengender. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:

Hochbegabung und Hochsensibilität in Unternehmen

Frau M. aus der Geschäftsführung las neugierig die Zusammenfassung der Mitarbeitenden-Umfrage der Personalabteilung. Besonders interessierten sie die Angaben, in denen die Mitarbeitenden ihre Wünsche an einen für sie zufriedenstellenden Arbeitsplatz nannten: ...
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Agile Führung: Das Mindset der Zukunft

Er verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement, sowohl mit der Einführung neuer Anwendungen und Prozesse (ITIL) als auch in ...
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kasperowski.com berichtet:

What Does It Take to Have a Great Agile Team?

What does it take to have a great team?An interview with Richard Kasperowski on High-Performance Teams Stephen Harrison: Let me introduce Richard Kasperowski. Richard and I worked together a while back and have been friends ever since.
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Improving Code Reviews

A "code review" activity is part of many organizations' development process - and oftentimes, it sucks. It frustrates people, wastes their time and the value in improving quality is questionable at best. If you feel that's the case, here are some things you can try.
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xp123.com berichtet:

Half-Waterfall: Extra Cost, Uncertain Benefits

Would-be agile teams sometimes get stuck in half-waterfall, a combination of waterfall and agile. Half-waterfall has the costs of both agile and waterfall approaches, but may not get enough benefit to offset the extra cost.
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4 Questions from CTOs to a CPO

I was asked to give a talk to a group of CTOs recently. Going into the interview, they asked four questions:
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Why VoC Is Not Enough

Companies seeking to stay competitive in what is becoming a rapidly digital-first world need a more comprehensive view of their customers’ experiences.
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Rapid Design Thinking template: Ideate customer solutions in less than 30 minutes

Stuck with a customer challenge? No problem, let’s visualize it. Sharing my Rapid Design Thinking Template that I frequently use in individual and team coaching sessions.
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Kann man Businesswert messen?

Seit ich mit agilen Teams arbeite, begegne ich immer wieder dem Wunsch, den zu erwartenden “Business Value” eines Features zu “messen”. Den Wunsch dahinter verstehe ich.
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medium.com berichtet:

How to deal with an absolute unit of a Product Backlog?

When you don’t manage your gargantuan Product Backlog, it manages you
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medium.com berichtet:

Be Careful! SAFe May Be an Undercover Waterfall Agent!

A highly prescriptive framework raises concerns about whether it’s genuinely agile or another traditional methodology.
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medium.com berichtet:

How Scrum & Agile helped me to lose weight

At the start of lockdown, I was a big lad (16.2st or 103Kg). Something had to be done. At the time of writing this article, I’m now at 11.3st or 70.05Kg.
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medium.com berichtet:

Annual reviews are a massive agile anti-pattern

January. Time for the annual review. A moment for discussion and reflection on last year’s plan.
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How To Run Effective Meetings - The Buurtzorg Way

Making meetings effective is a challenge for many organizations—including ours. It feels our meetings often take much more time than needed. So, we are always looking for ways to make them more effective.
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How to find fulfillment when work is frustrating

Leadership is frustrating sometimes. Other times it’s fulfilling. How do leaders find fulfillment? Fulfillment isn’t a job title. I know people who have powerful job titles who aren’t fulfilled.
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romanpichler.com berichtet:

How to choose the right kpis for your product

A key challenge of working with KPIs is to select the right indicators: There are so many different metrics to choose from including daily active users, net promoter score, and profit, to name just a few. What’s more, senior managers and stakeholders can have strong views on which indicators should be used.
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scrum.org berichtet:

Improve How Your Scrum Team Uses Metrics

Every Scrum Team understands the value of metrics, but so many of them also struggle to use them effectively. This ties into our own experience with Scrum Teams as well. When we started with Scrum, about 12 years ago, metrics were one of the first things we started experimenting with.
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:

#292 – Die Magie der 1 (Back to the Roots)

Instrumente, Tools und Hilfsmittel sind wunderbar, so lange sie das sind, was sie sind: Hilfsmittel. Durch die enorme Fülle dieser Tools und Instrumente laufen wir aber Gefahr, uns zu verzetteln.
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scrum.org berichtet:

3 Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures in 5:31 Minutes

There are plenty of Scrum Masters failures. Given that Scrum is a framework with a precise and concise yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone.
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zenhabits.net berichtet:

Getting Good at Just Starting a Difficult Task

The tendency to put off difficult tasks that we don’t want to face is almost universal.
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