Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
itweb.co.za berichtet:
Why successful IT projects fail
Two months later you're having to explain to those who hold you accountable why the project that was such a success has failed – and failed ...
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readitquik.com berichtet:
Agile Project Management: Know Your Basics
Project Management techniques and methodologies are constantly evolving as the needs of business evolve. In the area of software development ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Agile Strategies for Managing Bug Fixes
Agile project management accommodates change as the need arises, and scope, schedule, and/or cost vary as required. This flexibility comes ...
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growthhackers.com berichtet:
12 Key Principles of Agile Project Management
Follow these 12 principles and master the art of agile project management to drive project to successful completion.
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wrike.com berichtet:
4 Tips for an Effective Project Management Plan
What is a project management plan? It's a road map that directs a team from the start date to completion. When leaders carefully plot the course ahead ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:
Why the hottest technology job this year may be scrum master
So what is a scrum master, why do companies need this skill so badly, and what does it take to develop an appropriate set of skills to get there?
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commercialintegrator.com berichtet:
Why Your Next Hire Should Have a Certified Security Project Manager Certification
“I had a high awareness of the value of a project management credential as it relates to conveying an understanding of the dependency of successful ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Scrum Myths: Scrum Conflicts With Fixed Dates
Agile software development generally changes this “fixed scope project” ... The scope management tool is the Product Backlog, and it can be ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Conquering Collaboration: 4 Tips for Ad Agency Project Management
With ad agency project management, collaboration is absolutely crucial. You need the involvement of everyone on a project in order to work together ...
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naplesnews.com berichtet:
SCORE column: Take a project management approach to goal setting
As I look ahead to the new year I want to set achievable goals for my business. I have done this before and come up short. What am I doing wrong?
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
4 Product Management Mistakes That Will Drive You Crazy
Today, I prioritize project management first, as that most directly affects deliverables -- but most startup leaders still don't understand the basic ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
You Need to Manage Digital Projects for Outcomes, Not Outputs
If we want to talk about success, we need to talk about outcomes, not just ... Most companies manage projects in terms of outputs, not outcomes.
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Soft Kills – Witze aus dem Projektleben
Ein Qualitätsmanager, eine Produktmanager und ein Projektmanager streiten sich darum, welcher ihrer Berufe der traditionsreichste ist.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Kanban: The benefits of using this agile PM framework
Kanban uses visual boards or cards to display the status of work so that teams can quickly and easily see the work that needs to be done, the work in ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Size Estimation Approaches for use with Agile Methods
Medium: agile project that uses 2 to 5 teams at same locations to develop .... proxies and Halstead vocabulary to support project management tasks.
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
Scrum Artifacts: Product Backlog
Stories for the development team emerge from the product owner's product backlog. A product backlog keeps track of all the input the product owner ...
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knowstartup.com berichtet:
This startup improves business performance through predictive analytics at project management ...
A team of Dutch scientists who are passionate about project portfolio management developed Epicflow to prevent bottlenecks and ensure that projects ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Getting project managers up and running fast
When is the most practical time to employ new project managers for the work you know will be streaming in over the next few months? It makes solid ...
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upraise.io berichtet:
What is the difference between Traditional and Agile Project Management
In recent years, Agile methodology has become popular with many software development teams owing to the increased efficiency it brings about.
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news-leader.com berichtet:
Informal authority: A key to successful project leadership
Formalized project management training, ranging from short courses to master's degrees, has increased dramatically over the last decade.
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postcrescent.com berichtet:
Email can be the problem, not the solution
A good project management system will enable you to set deadlines, create tasks and make assignments to the appropriate team members. Look for a ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:
From the Experts: All About Project Management Offices and PMO Best Practices
A complete guide to PMOs including advice from project management office leaders on best practices, common pitfalls, and measuring success.
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communitycare.co.uk berichtet:
We need to embrace and learn from social work projects that fail
One of the key aims of the programme – and of the forthcoming 'What Works Centre' – is to share the learning from successful projects so that others ...
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openpr.com berichtet:
What Makes a Good Manufacturing Project Manager: The Dos and Don'ts
Project managers are a key component of making a manufacturing facility successful. They can affect everything from production rates and the cost of ...
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cfo.com berichtet:
More Companies Met Project Objectives in 2016
One of the driving factors behind the improvement is the adoption of agile, a project management methodology that incorporates a more incremental ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Beyond Agile Operations: How To Achieve The Holy Grail Of Strategic Agility
Today, the practice of Agile management (and its analogs, such as “Lean” and ... This is the dark secret of the Agile management revolution: the major .... side with task forces, special project groups, strategy departments, tiger teams, ...
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econotimes.com berichtet:
Qtum Blockchain Project releases Economy Whitepaper
Qtum Blockchain Project releases Economy Whitepaper ... development of Qtum's governance structure, project management, and risk management.
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managers.org.uk berichtet:
Why Top Bosses Often Perform Worse Than Middle Managers
The research, which focused on project managers in the gaming industry, selected 349 projects from an online database that documents the ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:
The Right Tool for the Team: Using JIRA for Project Management
Project management software makes planning and tracking development easy. Find out all you need to know to strengthen your implementation.
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Agile Softwareentwicklung: Doppelt hält besser
Schließlich kommen zwei Köpfe gemeinsam zu schnelleren und besseren Ergebnissen als einer – durch Pair Programming können Entwickler ...
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medicalplasticsnews.com berichtet:
Joined up thinking: How to manage manufacturing and design projects
Project management is vital in successful deployment and can add significant value when effectively implemented. To meet a specified timescale ...
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hortweek.com berichtet:
Crowdfunding for green space comes of age
I found crowdfunding and a third of the projects were about green space. Clearly ... A successful campaign has to have clear start and end dates, says ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Applying the Teal Paradigm
Van Waeleghem will speak about human centric work-collaborations and applying the teal paradigm at the Agile Consortium Belgium 2017 ...
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linux.com berichtet:
Agile Is More Than Scrum
Most people use the terms Agile and Scrum interchangeably. It's often not even clear what the difference is. So, last week during our Jakarta Scrum ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
Scrum Artifacts: Stories
Artifacts are the tools of scrum that allow teams to manage their scrum process. They help team members communicate about the work they're doing, ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Project Workflow Management Software: What is it & Which Tool is Right for You?
You become part of the statistics the Project Management Institute discovered in its 2015 study: On average, over a third of projects don't meet their ...
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therealtimereport.com berichtet:
4 Key Project Management Skills That Business Owners Need
Good project and program management skills are crucial for those who own a business. This is especially true when your business is still in the early ...
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benzinga.com berichtet:
10 Most Promising Jobs Of 2017, According To LinkedIn
Technical Program Manager ($129,000): Top skills required include agile methodologies, software project management. Program Manager ($97,400): ...
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ibm.com berichtet:
Increase Your ROI in 2017 with a Project Management Software
Project management software is a great way to streamline effectively for the following reasons. Taking Human Error Out of the Equation Manual ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Wenn "Nein" sagen nicht reicht
... in ein Projekt auf? Nie im Leben. Das ist viel zu spät, die Anforderer sollen auf das nächste Release warten (Projektmanagement-Grundkurs, 1.
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