Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
khaleejtimes.com berichtet:
Award on project management announced
An international award on project management, chaired by Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), was announced at the 3rd Dubai ...
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globaltimes.cn berichtet:
China outdoes India in project management
What is also baffling is that IT accounts for a big part of the Indian economy, and IT project management is prolific. However, the Indians haven't picked ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:
Project management tips: Five ways to keep your project and your team on target
For a project to succeed, "You must get on the ground and listen to your ... must then be backed up by the use of supporting management strategies.
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agile42.com berichtet:
Sponsoring Scrum Gathering South Africa 2016
agile42 sponsors Scrum Gathering South Africa 2016, happening on 3rd & 4th of November in Cape Town.
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bankingtech.com berichtet:
Is risk management broken? If so, how can it be fixed?
Overlay risk managers and analysts with open-minded IT and project management and enforce with executive sponsorship. Second, in the context of ...
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govtech.com berichtet:
Analysis: Which Big State IT Project in California Will Next Switch to Agile?
Which of California's major state IT projects will be the next to use agile ... time was Peter Kelly, then-chief of the CA-MMIS Project Management Office.
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prweb.com berichtet:
Scrum Meeting Nightmares: Platinum Edge's Fun Halloween Video Series
Platinum Edge, LLC, an industry-recognized global thought leader in agile project management, is making a splash with the launch of a short video ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Indonesien – ein Land auf dem Sprung in die Moderne
Insofern sollte man als Dienstleister oder Projektmanagement-Experte sehr behutsam vorgehen, wenn man im Land Geschäfte machen will.
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verticalmeasures.com berichtet:
How We Went Agile With Our Content Marketing Strategies
Agile: a project management and continuous improvement term that is characterized by the division of tasks into short phases of work and frequent ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
How & Why to Use the Kanban Methodology for Software Development
You've probably heard of the Kanban project management methodology, but you may not know a lot about it. What are the differences between ...
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consulting.de berichtet:
Staufen analysiert Wandlungsprozesse im Maschinenbau
Demnach hakt es oftmals insbesondere im Projektmanagement. "Unternehmen kämpfen mit unklaren Verantwortlichkeiten, zu vielen Schnittstellen ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Improving Scrum with the Kanban-Ace Framework
Scrum is a widely used Agile Framework and it has proven very useful for many companies and organizations. However as Fred Brooks famously said ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Cross-Functional Scrum Teams
One tenet of Scrum is group estimation and grooming. The more people that are up to speed on the technologies and the codebase, the more likely ...
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core77.com berichtet:
How Do Design Agencies Handle Multiple Projects at Once?
As a designer first, and project leader second, I want a project management tool to be intuitive and easy to use. I've noticed a lot of web based project ...
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all-electronics.de berichtet:
Schwachstelle ist die Projektabwicklung bei Großaufträgen
Der Werkzeugmaschinenbauer Emag kann durch ein besseres Projektmanagement seine Aufträge „erheblich schneller abwickeln“, sagt Emag ...
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bucerius-education.de berichtet:
Von gut gehegten Silos zu agilen Anwälten - Organisieren mit Kanban und Scrum
Von gut gehegten Silos zu agilen Anwälten - Organisieren mit Kanban und Scrum. 3 Fragen an Dr. Sascha Theißen, SVP Legal / General Counsel bei ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Geheimnisse eines guten Projektmanagers
Mit entsprechenden Tools wird Projektmanagement zum Kinderspiel. Vor allem das Social Task Management soll dabei die bessere Zusammenarbeit ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projekte ohne Paradoxien? Wie langweilig wäre das denn!
18. Oct 2016. Meilenstein – Der Projektmanagement-Blog ... ist nicht das Wort "Projektmanagement" bereits ein Widerspruch in sich? Schließlich kann ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Unzureichendes Terminmanagement gefährdet Projekterfolge
... des Project Performance Index legt den Fokus auf Terminmanagement und zeigt, wo Unternehmen dabei in ihrer Projektarbeit Probleme sehen.
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cio.com berichtet:
What does the P in your PMO stand for?
I use the word team intentionally; it is not exclusively down to the project manager or the portfolio manager or the head of PMO for that matter — it is a ...
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wheniwork.com berichtet:
18 Ways to Improve Your Project Management Skills as a Small Business Owner
When small business owners hear “project management,” it's easy to also hear “more work.” As a small business owner, time is your greatest resource ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Are you ready for remote project management?
The need for remote project management is a reality for most businesses ... After identifying all the possible barriers to remote project management, ...
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marktforschung.de berichtet:
Marktforschung in Zeiten von Virtual Reality und Scrum
Was denken Sie passiert, wenn ich kurz das Zimmer verlasse, in dem mein Tablet angeschaltet auf dem Tisch liegt, an dem mein knapp 80-jähriger ...
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gruenderszene.de berichtet:
Die digitalen Projekt-Überblicker
Linnekogel weiß daher auch, dass Unternehmen zum Teil viel Geld dafür zahlen, damit Gruppen- und Projektarbeiten rund laufen. Also gründete er ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Finger weg vom Multitasking!
Zumindest einen Lichtblick schenkt uns die Studie: In Unternehmen mit einem reifen Projektmanagement, die u.a. ausgebildete Projektleiter ...
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itnews.com.au berichtet:
Five years on, AusPost works to keep agile project agile
Five years on, and with a “main” Salesforce environment serving some 4000 standard users, business systems manager Brett Ashworth insists the ...
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live-pr.com berichtet:
Projektmanagement bekommt immer mehr Zulauf
Projektmanagement bekommt immer mehr ZulaufDie Procow UG aus Hannover war gleich mit zwei Projektleitern auf der ...
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gulfnewsjournal.com berichtet:
Bahrain International Project Management Convention takes place through month of November
Ahmed Al Naeemi, the BIBF's head of operations, IT and project management, said that next month's Bahrain International Project Management ...
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esri.com berichtet:
Learning to Be a Leader at the Project Management Level
What are some of the skills GIS professionals need to learn to be good managers? Surprisingly, a lot can be gleaned from that first foray into project ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Mindfulness Tips for Product Managers and Product Owners
This post shares practical mindfulness tips that help product managers and product owners be more productive and creative and feel happier.
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cio.com berichtet:
We can't afford quality!
Too much management is based on quantity rather than quality. ... There is no reason why one can't modify a waterfall project management approach ...
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theamericangenius.com berichtet:
Manage and assess your GitHub projects with Blazemetrics
With the service, project managers can keep up-to-date on a project's status. The tool also provides a comprehensive real-time dashboard, as well as ...
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goodcall.com berichtet:
MicroMasters: The Next Big Thing in Graduate Degrees?
The Rochester Institute of Technology offers a MicroMasters in project management. “This online Project Management sequence is a semester's worth ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Finger weg vom Multitasking!
Die Studienautoren haben über 400 Unternehmen in Deutschland mit Multiprojektumgebungen befragt, wie sich Multitasking auf die Projektarbeit ...
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skyword.com berichtet:
Collaboration's Dark Side: Avoiding Design by Committee Through Project Management
It's project management 101: if a project changes once you've already started development, something's got to give. At a minimum, you're looking at ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
The Technical ScrumMaster: A Path to "Himself-Organized" Teams
To follow market trends and the "state of Agile" in other places, one thing I like to do is to check on job postings. I usually scan through LinkedIn's job ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Are We Responding to Change Effectively?
One of the principles of Agile underscores the importance of "responding to change." Though we are theoretically willing to respond to changes, we ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
A Beginner's Guide to the User Story Template
He or she may write a user story or ask the Scrum Team to write it. In any case, the user story is where conversations between the product owner and ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Die Kunst, die richtige Projektmanagement-Software zu finden
Es gibt zahlreiche Tools für das Projektmanagement. Aber welche Software ist für das eigene Team die ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Best Practices – oder: Der unstillbare Wunsch nach Schema F
Die ganze Projektmanagement-Branche träumt von einem Erfolgsrezept, das man jedem Projekt überstülpen kann und mit dem dann nichts mehr ...
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