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Definition of Done vs. User Stories vs. Acceptance Criteria

One of the more frequently asked questions in my Scrum workshops is around the difference between Definition of “Done” and Acceptance Criteria, and how they relate to User Stories. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:

Setting Organizational Goals: Less Is More

There are two common mistakes made when setting goals. #1 Not setting any goals #2 Setting too many goals ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

Why “Move Fast and Break Things” Doesn’t Work Anymore

For the past few decades, agility in the technology sector has largely meant moving faster and faster down a predetermined path; innovation has largely been driven by our ability to cram more transistors onto a silicon wafer. With every new generation of chips came new possibilities and new applications. The firms that developed those applications the fastest won. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

Are Businesses Ready for Deglobalization?

As we enter a new decade, characterized by rising economic complexity and geopolitical divisions — U.S.-China tensions, populism and nationalism in Europe, and the looming risk of a global recession — forward-thinking business leaders are developing strategies to mitigate the longer-term risk of deglobalization. They are concerned about trade protectionism, and the revenue a company could lose in any tariff wars. ...
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Project Management Conferences and Events 2020

Project management conferences are a fantastic way to meet new people and improve your skills. I always come away feeling energised about where I am in my career and relieved having met people with similar problems to me. ...
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How to Run an Effective Stage Gate Review | Video

Stage Gate Reviews make a valuable contribution to project governance. So, if you can introduce a gateway process into your project, you will gain more control and greater accountability. But that does rely on you running an effective gateway review process. ...
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mindiply.com berichtet:

Timeline Charts in Project Management

Timeline charts are one of the smartest and most mind-friendly tools for displaying the progress of a project over time. In this article, we’ll see why timelines are so useful and when to use different kinds of timelines, according to your project needs. ...
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bradegeland.com berichtet:

Project Integration Management

The concept Project integration management is a key skill that is the tightly woven into the PM industry standard processes laid out by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As defined by PMI, project integration management are the processes and activities needed to integrate the various elements of project management, which are identified, defined, combined, unified, and coordinated within the Project Management Process Groups. ...
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Advanced Qualitative Prioritization: Kano Model

The Kano Model is a tool to help categorize product requirements. The model created by Professor Kano groups all requirements into five categories: ...
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codingsans.com berichtet:

Backlog vs. specification: why backlog beats specification?

Specifications are well-loved by managers, because they detail every tiny step up-front. A specification builds a nice hierarchy, and it makes you think that once you hand it over to the developers, they follow it to the letter. Magic happens, and you get a perfect product ready to go. ...
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Measuring Quality

The concept of measuring quality can be a hot-button topic for many software testers. This is because metrics can be used poorly; we've all heard stories about testers who were evaluated based on how many bugs they found or how many automated tests they wrote. ...
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blog.coryfoy.com berichtet:

Wardley Mapping Mondays – Unique Attributes

Today’s #mappingmondays video shows the next part of the series of how we can use Wardley Mapping to map out unique attributes as part of April Dunford’s Product Positioning Framework from the book Obviously Awesome. ...
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How to Lead When Your Team is Exhausted

Most of us get there from time to time. You’re stuck in a season where everything feels urgent. It’s one thing to push yourself, but what do you do when you know your team is exhausted too? ...
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productplan.com berichtet:

7 Internal Politics Situations You’ll Encounter as a Product Manager

National politics might dominate the headlines and dinner table conversations. But office internal politics impact your everyday life in a completely different manner. ...
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holub.com berichtet:

Technical Debt

Agile is all about fast feedback loops—hours or, at most, a couple days. Deliberately lengthening your feedback loop in pursuit of the chimera of perfection destroys your agility. The cost of that delay is a real cost. It usually exceeds development costs by a large factor. Deliberately delaying a release as you pursue perfect knowledge is IMO irresponsible. It’s literally so expensive that it can destroy the company. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

The Evolution of the Agile Coach

Erin McManus and Fiona Siseman discuss Agile coaching at Spotify, its evolution, struggles and pitfalls, and how coaches are set up for present and future success. ...
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Große Gruppen effektiv moderieren … mit gruppenbing

Als Großgruppenmoderation war mir schon die Methode Open Space bekannt. Dann erfuhr ich durch Zufall, der mir auf einer meiner vielen Zugheimfahrten auf dem Nebensitz Platz nahm, von einer weiteren Methode mit dem Namen gruppenbing. ...
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The Project Management Box: 5 Tips To Get Out

Many years ago I was hired to be the Project Manager of a struggling project to report statistical data to state governments. I was the third person to fill ...
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The Changing World of Project Management

Scrum is the most commonly used framework in Agile and there is not a role equivalent to the project manager. There are two roles that people ...
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Wie sich die Arbeitsmethode Scrum arbeitsrechtlich auswirkt

Was müssen Arbeitgeber aus arbeitsrechtlicher Sicht beachten, wenn ihre Teams mit der agilen Arbeitsmethode Scrum arbeiten? Im Zusammenhang ...
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Hybrid Project Management

You see the term 'Hybrid Project Management' around a lot at the moment. It typically refers to a combination of 'Waterfall' and 'Agile' but in my view ...
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Energie-Impuls #48: New Work ABC - K wie KANBAN

Der Begriff Kanban kommt ursprünglich aus dem japanischen und bedeutet übersetzt „Signalkarte“. Die Kanban-Methode wurde erstmals im ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Product Goals, not Sprint Goals

There is a myth that Sprint Goals are a way to focus Scrum teams towards a common purpose, the reality is the exact opposite, that Sprint Goals are in ...
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How to Be an Effective Virtual Project Manager

When these projects get underway, a virtual project manager is usually needed to help keep everything on track. This person may be a manager ...
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Life as a product owner in Deutsche Bank's technology team

We spoke to Eleanor O'Shea, a vice president (VP)-level product owner in the enterprise risk technology team who's helping drive this change by ...
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When Story Points Aren't Enough…

As we've seen an explosion of tools to implement CI/CD in our Scrum teams, we've also seen some of our Agile practices being challenged by this ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:

How Using Project Management Tools Keep Me Organized and Stress-Free

However, that all stopped when I was introduced to project management tools. Their features make it easy to stay on track and have significantly ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:

Roles on Agile Teams

Many organizations use the agile scrum model — from the simplest forms ... Don't forsake expert roles like system analyst, test manager, or project ...
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DONE: Understanding of the Definition of DONE

Professional Scrum Master (PSM-I) workshop has a module that talks about the Definition of DONE (DoD) and Technical Debt. I have often come ...
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Agile project management: When it doesn't fit

We have all heard about the benefits of using agile project management: the reduced bureaucracy, faster delivery, higher productivity, increased ...
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heise.de berichtet:

Die Einführung agiler Softwareentwicklung und von Scrum bei Heise, Teil 2

Jedem unserer Teams wurde ein Product Owner (PO) zugewiesen, die eng mit dem jeweiligen Team zusammenarbeiten und im Grunde mit in die ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

OPUS mit neuer Version seiner Multi-Projektmanagement-Plattform KLUSA

Das Hersteller- und Consulting-Unternehmen OPUS hat eine neue Version von KLUSA veröffentlicht. Dadurch wird die ...
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bento.de berichtet:

Was macht eigentlich ein Scrum Master?

Product Owner: organisiert die Aufgaben, stellt fachliche Anforderungen und priorisiert sie; Scrum Master / Agile Coach: managt den Prozess, sorgt für ...
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drwindows.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement: Zenkit jetzt mit eigenem Wiki

Zuletzt gab es im Oktober ein umfangreiches Update: Mit Teilaufgaben kann seither mehr Übersicht in Kanban-Boards gebracht werden.
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The Most Important Agile Trends to Follow in 2020

Looking forward to 2020, Scott Ambler, vice president and chief scientist of disciplined Agile at the Project Management Institute (PMI), a global ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement: factro kündigt Ressourcen-Auslastung für das erste Quartal 2020 an

Die Bochumer Projektmanagement-Software factro (https://www.factro.de/), eines der führenden Tools für Aufgaben- und Projektmanagement in der ...
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7 Ideas for Creative Problem Solving

By Howie Fenton – The idea for this post came from answers to interviews in a recent IPMA research report that shows how some in-plant leaders are ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:

Effective Project Management Tips For New Managers

For instance, the article “The Cost Of Bad Project Management” reports that only 2.5% of companies successfully completed 100% of their projects.
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techtag.de berichtet:

Warum Freelancer in 2020 die Digitalisierung vorantreiben

Die Digitalisierung wird auch im kommenden Jahr immer mehr Unternehmen beschäftigen. Geschäftsmodelle werden transformiert, Prozesse ...
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Why Project Managers Must Evolve

The rapid transformation of the project-management field is forcing project managers ... Calling yourself an Agile shop is likewise outdated, he added.
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