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business2community.com berichtet:
Daily Scrums with Kanban
Scrum provides numerous opportunities for teams to inspect and adapt their progress, including on a daily basis. A time-box of 15 minutes is taken ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:
Why Innovative Agile Teams Need a Safe Space to "Fail"? and How to Create One
Recently I’ve been looking at why some of the companies we work with are so effective at innovating their approach, their products and services while many struggle and seem to stress over meaningful change. ...
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merlinmechler.de berichtet:
Die effektivsten Zeitmanagement Methoden 2019
Wenn es um Zeitmanagement Methoden geht gibt es immer wieder unfassbar viele Methoden, die dir dabei helfen sollen alles mögliche zu tracken, zu optimieren und somit deine Zeit zu sparen. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Alles braucht seinen Platz: Was gehört eigentlich wohin?
Einer der größten Feinde eines erfolgreichen Zeitmanagements ist die Verzettelung. Deshalb möchte ich mit dir gemeinsam mal überlegen, was eigentlich in welches Tool oder zu welchem Hilfsmittel passt. ...
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dubistgenug.de berichtet:
Empathie lernen – 13 bewährte Übungen für mehr Mitgefühl
Empathisch zu sein fällt vielen Menschen schwer. Geht es dir auch so? ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Was jeder Redner über Menschen wissen sollte
Dr. Weinschenk hat ein Buch geschrieben mit dem Titel „100 Things Every Presenter Needs To Know About People„. In dem Video gibt sie uns 5 davon als Kostprobe: ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Jedes Mal, wenn Sie durch Dateinamen versionieren, stirbt ein Kätzchen
Die Geschichte der Versionierung beginnt weit vor unserer Zeitrechnung. Yuval Noah Harari schreibt in seinem Buch Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit, dass die Erfindung der Schrift nur der erste wichtige Schritt zur Hochkultur gewesen sei. ...
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wissendenken.com berichtet:
Visuelle Kommunikation – ein Fest für’s Auge – ein Fest für den Verstand
Für eine Idee kombiniert unser Gehirn verschiedene Aktivierungsmuster von neuronalen Netzen und erzeugt so ein neues Aktivierungsmuster. (Beck, 2013) Also kann es nützlich sein, unsere Neuronen mit guter visueller Kommunikation zu “füttern”. Damit steht geistige Vielfalt für eigene Visualisierungsideen zur Verfügung. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Wie man ein Tagebuch führt
Ich habe in meinem Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis eine Menge Leute, die darauf schwören, ihr Leben in einem Tagebuch zu protokollieren. Auch eine meiner Töchter schreibt unermüdlich ihr tägliches Resümee. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
5 Dysfunctions of a Daily Scrum
The Daily Scrum is an important Inspect and Adapt event for a Scrum team, yet the purpose is often ignored and swept under the carpet by a multitude of teams. In my 9 years of experience with Scrum I have seen teams using the Daily Scrum in all the possible wrong ways; although often than not few patterns keep emerging again and again. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Addressing The Elephant
Conflicts are fascinating. Now, this may be the organisational psychologist in me talking, or the facilitator who senses them in the groups I work with. But the other part of me dreads them. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Story Point Estimates Are Best Thought of as Ranges
When estimating with story points, most teams use a predefined set of values that doesn’t include every possible number. For example, teams commonly use powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16,...) or a Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …) ...
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scrumschau.wordpress.com berichtet:
Kanban-Board – so wie es richtig sein sollte
Über die Verwendung eines Kanban-Boards im Scrum-Kontext muss sicher nicht mehr viel geschrieben werden. Obwohl Scrum die Kanban-Methode nicht vorgibt wird das Kanban-Board als Quasi-Standard für das Sprint-Backlog verwendet. ...
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hpwallner.com berichtet:
Teams als komplexe, adaptive Systeme
Im fünften Artikel meiner Serie über „Strategien für hohe Komplexität“ skizziere ich einige Ideen, wie sich Hochleistungsteams, die unter großen Herausforderungen arbeiten, organisieren und was sie auszeichnet. ...
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inspectandadapt.de berichtet:
Agilität: Führung neu denken
Für die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft in einer komplexen Welt hat zentrales kontrollieren, verwalten und managen von Aufgaben und Arbeit keine hohe Relevanz in der Führung. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Unboss statt Egomanen an der Spitze
Zeiten der Veränderung sind Zeiten der Verunsicherung. Ein Reaktionsmuster auf diese Verunsicherung ist der Ruf nach Helden und starken Führern, die Ordnung ins Chaos bringen und den Weg weisen. ...
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intelligente-organisationen.de berichtet:
Erlebt die Idee der Viabilität eine Renaissance?
Wie bereits im letzten Blogpost angekündigt möchte ich über ein neues Projekt berichten, bei dem es schon wieder um das Viable System Model geht. Eigentlich dachte ich mir, dass ich dazu schon alles gesagt hätte und es nicht noch einmal herleiten kann – schließlich haben meine beiden Erstlinge davon gehandelt. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
Noticing – not feedback – enhances performance and elevates satisfaction
Feedback about traits is arrogant because we don’t know people. Tell people how they occur to you. Don’t say, “You’re a curious person.” Say, “I notice you ask questions that make people think.” ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The four guiding principles that every successful leader employs
Don’t decide to be a professional basket-ball player if you love basket-ball, but you’re a shrimp. Someone will mention Muggsy Bogues was 5-3. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
How New Versions of Products Spread Differently Than Entirely New Products
Predictions about how products spread are usually based on the assumption that a few early adopters encourage an increasing number of people to start using the product. This assumption has largely been true of new technologies. ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Building a Solid Business Case
A solid business case is one of the fundamental building blocks of project management. The goals and objectives of any given project, at a high level, are simple—we must be good stewards of our limited resources to ensure long-term competitive edge for the business. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Mom, the Robot Ran over the Dog
Artificial intelligence presents many fascinating ethical and regulatory challenges. The concept of liability has attracted a lot of discussion and philosophizing. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What are Project Constraints?
Some things constrain the choices you can make, when you plan and deliver your project. They get in your way and it will not do, to ignore them. So, what are Project Constraints? ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Echo Woolf – The art of project management
Art is defined as the expression or application of human creativity or imagination. It’s a much broader definition than simply painting or sculpture, but many project managers will still wonder why a conversation about art belongs in the project management world. ...
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bradegeland.com berichtet:
Managing Compliance in Project Management
Business projects are an excellent way of implementing new ideas while improving current processes. However, every project you carry out should meet relevant compliance guidelines. ...
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thelifeofoneman.com berichtet:
Defect Triage
So recently, one of the members of our defect triage team has left and an additional helping hand has been required to determine if a reported issue is an actual issue. Here’s where I come in, assisting in confirmation of bugs. ...
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inc.com berichtet:
10 Things to Say Instead of Good Job
We want to be positive. Well, some of us want to be positive. I want to be positive. But, sometimes, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "good job!" This is a lovely thing to say, but it's not very specific, and it's not very helpful. ...
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digitaltonto.com berichtet:
True Transformation Isn’t Top-Down Or Bottom-Up, But Side-To-Side
In a disruptive era, the only viable strategy is to adapt and that is especially true today. With change seeming to accelerate with each passing year, every organization must transform itself. ...
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letsgrowleaders.com berichtet:
Should You Have a Meeting or Send an Email?
Have you ever attended a meeting that should have been a quick email? In this episode, get the criteria you need to choose the right format to move your team forward, make sure you’re not wasting time with meetings that would be better with a quick email, ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
How our brains decide when to trust
Trust is the enabler of global business — without it, most market transactions would be impossible. It is also a hallmark of high-performing organizations. Employees in high-trust companies are more productive, are more satisfied with their jobs, put in greater discretionary effort, ...
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franksonnenbergonline.com berichtet:
16 Types of Toxic People
A lot has been said about the impact that toxic waste has on the environment. Consider the impact that toxic people have on your life. The fact is, people influence you every day. ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Dysfunctions of a Daily Scrum
Daily Scrum is an important Inspect and Adapt event for a Scrum team. Yet the purpose is often ignored and swept under the carpet by a multitude of ...
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cloudcomputing-insider.de berichtet:
Agile Managementmethoden verändern unsere Arbeitswelten
Hinter diesem Akronym verbirgt sich eine agile Leadership- und Managementmethode, die von immer mehr großen und auch mittelständischen ...
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ft.com berichtet:
Learn to love meetings by making them better
“Agile” working methods call for a “scrum” in which team members briskly report what they did yesterday, what they're going to do today and if there's ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
AI And Project Management: Artificial Or The Real Deal?
Even project management has demonstrated an increase in this technology's use. In some of the different roles I have held, I've used various types of ...
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sbnonline.com berichtet:
How agile project management can benefit any organization
Agile project management is a methodology born from the software industry as a fast and flexible method of development. Agile is characterized by a ...
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immobilien-zeitung.de berichtet:
Lieber autoritär als agil
Am Ende jedes Sprints zeigt das Team dem Product Owner und allen Stakeholdern das Ergebnis seiner Arbeit live und sammelt Feedback ...
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techzone360.com berichtet:
5 Steps to Define Your Resource Planning Strategy
This will ensure the success of your project as you utilize your manpower ... You will get to know the previous projects and the type of resources ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Five Surprising Phrases Successful People Never Use At Work
Five Surprising Phrases Successful People Never Use At Work ... get picked for high-profile projects or promotions and your overall career success.
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
How to build a project management process from scratch
Marie Hall was given the task of building a project management process and team. Here's how she went about creating her process and her team.
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