Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
bernhardschloss.de berichtet:
2 neue Canvas-Modelle
Jüngst sind mir zwei neue Canvas-Modelle über den Weg gelaufen, die ich hier kurz vorstellen möchte. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Die Projektflut steuerbar machen: Projekte agil in Teilprojekte aufspalten
In einem ersten Artikel vor einigen Wochen hatte ich auf die Kosten hingewiesen, die durch die große Anzahl paralleler Projekte verursacht werden ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Lean Startup für die Tourismusbranche
In seinem kurzen Impulsvortrag ging Christian u.a. auf die Bedeutung von Innovation, Prototyping und Feedback bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte hervor. Um nicht in der Theorie zu verharren, schloss er an seinen Vortrag gleich noch einen praktischen Workshop an und ließ die TeilnehmerInnen der ausgebuchten Veranstaltung interdisziplinäre Teams bilden. ...
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business.com berichtet:
Do I need a bachelor's degree to become a project manager?
The short answer is no. You do not need a bachelor's degree to become a project manager. However, you'll find it challenging to land a job if your only ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Story Writer (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)
There are many reasons that cause this behavior, but the one we see the most is “Scrum-In-Name-Only” or SINO culture. Where people go through the ...
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engineersjournal.ie berichtet:
How digital resource management can save your company
One visit to the 'resource store' and your dreams will come true. Wake up! If resource management was that easy every project would be successful.
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business2community.com berichtet:
Stances of the Product Owner
The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the ... better understanding of the Product Owner (or Agile Product Manager if you will) role ... These stances are: The Clerk, The Story Writer, The Manager, The Project ...
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mhlnews.com berichtet:
Agile Management in the Supply Chain and on the Shop Floor
Companies that have used agile teams say they are more productive and faster to market. They reduce project risk, manage changing priorities better ...
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business-wissen.de berichtet:
Grafische Darstellungen im Projektmanagement
Visualisierung im Projektmanagement fördert die Produktivität. Mit grafischen Darstellungen behalten Sie wichtige Faktoren im Auge, ob Zeitplanung, ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
DevSecOps: „Die logische Fortführung der Automatisierung auf Security-Checks“
Product Owner muss die Anwendung der Werkzeuge und Verfahren auch wirklich wollen (was oftmals auch Budget und Zeit kostet), ansonsten wird ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Gescheitert am ERP-System
Zwar ist das theoretische Rüstzeug zum Thema Projektmanagement-Methodik heutzutage zumeist vorhanden, es mangelt jedoch an der engen ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Darum scheitern IT-Projekte
Auch nicht genügend ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten in der Anwendung von Projektmanagement-Methoden führen laut iTSM nicht selten zu erheblichen ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Event report: The impact of AI on project management
On Tuesday 29th October APM held its first ever Midlands Research Symposium - an event jointly supported by APM's Research programme and the ...
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economia.icaew.com berichtet:
KPMG to cut over half of project management team
KPMG is planning to axe more than half of its in-house project management team in an effort to “transform” its UK business and save money.
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pressebox.de berichtet:
iTSM Group: Darum scheitern IT-Projekte in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung
Auch nicht genügend ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten in der Anwendung von Projektmanagement-Methoden führen laut iTSM nicht selten zu erheblichen ...
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cio.de berichtet:
KI-Projekte bis in den Exabyte-Bereich skalieren
Latenzprobleme oder Compliance-Vorgaben können verhindern, dass IT-Chefs eigentlich erfolgreiche KI-Projekte hochskalieren. Wie sich solche ...
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aero-mag.com berichtet:
Aerospace success in project management
The aerospace sector was successful in winning awards for Transformation Project of the Year Award won by Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace for its ...
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement mit Scrum
Während des Verlaufs des Projektmanagements mit Scrum wird der Entwurf des Projekts auf das User-Story-Modell fokussiert. Das Projekt stellt die ...
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organisator.ch berichtet:
Agilität steigert die Unternehmensleistung
... der Mitarbeitenden“, erläutert Anna Adler, Director Corporate Development ... Laut der Studie werden agile Strukturen und Ansätze vorwiegend in ...
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lanline.de berichtet:
Agile Entwicklung trifft Security
DevOps dreht sich um Agilität mittels schneller, kurzer Lieferzyklen sowie um die Automation von Softwareentwicklung und Applikationen.
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cio.de berichtet:
Es muss nicht jeder Agile Coach oder Data Scientist werden
Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 sind seit Jahren in aller Munde. Können wir davon ausgehen, dass Unternehmen mittlerweile alle Kompetenzen ...
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agile.cioreview.com berichtet:
Five Reasons Your Waterfall Team Can't Go Agile
Agile is older than Windows XP, yet it still gives developers, project managers and business analysts that "too trendy to be legit" vibe. And their ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Die Unternehmenszukunft sichern
Projekte sichern die Zukunft von Unternehmen, vom Mittelstand bis zum Konzern. Der Bedarf an professionellem Projektmanagement ist damit ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Digital transformation: Ignore these 3 pieces of advice
I've had business leaders stomp on projects that promised a level of transparency that made them too uncomfortable. I've had a super successful ...
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hydrocarbonengineering.com berichtet:
Six best practices for project controls
A successful project cannot begin without detailed plans, an implementation schedule, and tracking tools. Each activity should be anticipated and ...
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gamasutra.com berichtet:
Agile Game Development, Part 1: The Conception of an Idea and the Traditional Model
I have taken the most of this opportunity to improve my knowledge of project management and what impacts management has on game production.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Req4Arcs: Was Sie (vielleicht) verpasst haben
Im Idealfall (anders gesagt: in der Traumwelt) erhält Ihr Entwicklungsteam vom Product Owner, Business Analyst oder Requirements Engineer gute ...
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analyticsindiamag.com berichtet:
DevOps Tools & Frameworks: Everything You Need To Know
Agile software development methodology focuses on the development ... creation of user stories elaboration of ideas and lifecycle management.
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projectriskcoach.com berichtet:
How to Facilitate the Nominal Group Technique
How often have you elicited items such as problems, solutions, or implementation ideas from meeting participants? This sounds simple, but often, participants disagree. The meeting can turn into quicksand. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
If you're not having fun...
Warum sollten wir etwas tun, woran wir keinen Spaß haben. Irgendetwas machen wir doch da falsch, oder? Genauso verhält es sich mit Dingen, von denen wir keinen Nutzen haben. Aber was machen wir dann? ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
Resource Leveling: How Can You Use it in Project Management?
A person inexperienced in project management may think that resource leveling is a method of making use of resources having the same height. Most experienced project managers know that it is a resource optimization technique which tries to make the best use of available resources to create a workable project schedule. ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Vicki Griffiths – Why the Women in Project Management SIG is so valuable
There’s more women than men coming into project management at entry level, and yet the large majority of senior roles are still occupied by men. Why is that? Any woman working in project management probably has a few theories! ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Backlog management
Yikes! My backlog is blocked! How can this be? We're agile... or maybe we've become de-agiled. Can that happen? ...
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craft.io berichtet:
How to Write Epic User Stories
Since the rise of the Agile Era, putting the user in the center of product definition process became the standard for most companies. User stories are one of the basic tools that help us keep the user in mind while defining the product and its features. ...
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plan.io berichtet:
5 Ways to Give (And Receive) Negative Feedback
Feedback rules everything around us. Whether it’s talking to your customers about what features they want or getting feedback from your boss on a website redesign, we all benefit when we step out of our own heads and hear what others think. ...
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amplitude.com berichtet:
Journey to Product Teams (Infographic)
At its core, Amplitude is designed for cross-functional product teams (and growth and marketing teams impacting the product experienc). We see our product as accelerating a virtuous cycle of learning, transparency, outcomes, alignment, and autonomy. ...
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conversionxl.com berichtet:
How Much Do SaaS Companies Spend on Their MVPs?
Eric Ries once described the minimum viable product (MVP) as a version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort: ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Business Efficiency? Watch the Ball, not the Player
In football, the team that wins is the one that gets the ball in the other team’s goal most times. Not the one that runs the most. What matters most is what is happening to the ball. So, we need to watch the ball, not the player. ...
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leadinganswers.com berichtet:
Agile Illustrated - Sample #2
Here is the second sample from my new Kindle book “Agile Illustrated: A Visual Learner’s Guide to Agility”. The book is a graphical introduction to the agile mindset and servant leadership behaviors for working with agile teams. If you missed the first sample on the Agile Manifesto, you can find it here. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Five Obligatory Books to Read for Product Managers
Nothing compares to the value of opening yourself to inspiration by reading what others working in your field have to say. Looking up from your work to learn and stay updated on current trends is immensely important. ...
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